Um, I am thank you very much. I'm actually quite offended by his ignorance. The fact that he stated an opinion and had nothing to support it… more is what got me the most. I thought Poked was better than this but by the looks of things this isn't the case. Still you might say "People have different opinions". Yes, yes they do, but sometimes opinions are 100% wrong and cause unnecessary harm to people who can't choose who they are. It takes a lot to make me flip but ignorance is one thing, especially homophobic ignorance. I've punched a few people in the face because of situations like these. Thankfully the internet safeguards me from hurting people.
When the wild ATR reads up on what she missed in the Lounge while at work, and finds comments condoning homophobia:
YES! GROUND TROOPS ARE INFILTRATING GAZA! This horror story is going to end, at long last
We are going to fuck them up.
This might be… more the end of this fucking struggle, at least for a while, I'm so fucking happy.
My friend's older brother is going in there though... I'm really worried...
I'm sorry, Shiina. I didn't know it would upset you so much. v_v
I'm the one who started this whole thing, and I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to make anyone mad at me ;-;
Rachelle, I started it, I said it as well as Ohyoupokedme, but Kai has been my friend for a long time, and it's good that he got to see this, because Homophobia is worse than a disease, and people need to be aware it's far from dying.
I'm sorry, Shiina. I didn't know it would upset you so much. v_v
I'm the one who started this whole thing, and I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to make anyone mad at me ;-;
Oops, what I feared of most happened.
Keep your head up Kai, you're great.
Lol, thanks.
Well I'm not homosexual, but I'm bisexual. Anyway my reaction was pretty much "I don't care". At least no one said anything like "I hate gays".
Seemed like you are, Mis. "It's raining tacos" ;0
They still mean something even though they're dead. It's just one of those inspirational moments that predict something bad...
Here you go, ATR. Just watch this. B^]
No, I started it and took 100% responsibility, I'm proud of it, anyone who wants to point fingers can point them at me.
Magic. I'm magical. Wizards don't need to sleep.
OMFG SERIOUSLY??! That's awesome!! ^-^ I thought I was the only one!
Lmao, those two cats should team up together! B]
I never saw your real picture
What's mean?
His name is Midnight.
Not very original, I know, lol.
Dislike trolls?
(゚、 。 7
l、 ~ヽ
じしf_, )ノ
That's mean. But i hope the troops get things under control!
Lol, she just wants to catify everyone!
XD would buy seriously I would must definitely buy :O
I would marry this guy.
That song kills me. Every damn time.
I know what you look like, but I don't have a picture of you ;-;
gimme pls
Huskies!! I love huskies! Ima grab one of those and RUN
Dat love

XD I never saw yours I show my true colours
Yeah well don't be sayin' stupid homophobic shit and it should be all good
No, I mentioned that Noncy said I was "homophobic". I started it. It's my fault. And I'm sorry about it.
Rachelle, I started it, I said it as well as Ohyoupokedme, but Kai has been my friend for a long time, and it's good that he got to see this, because Homophobia is worse than a disease, and people need to be aware it's far from dying.
freaking yes i've been needing this in my life.
I won't, I promise! I would never say anything like that, ever!
OOHHHH!! He's going to put a ring pop on it!
Yeah... you've lost it...
Great. I don't like getting mad at people
I'm not gonna start something on who started something xD
You may have caused him to comment, but I escalated it, and I do not regret it, not even a little.
Feels oddly nice.
Phew, good. I don't like it when people are mad at me, lol. ^//^
Holy shit, Mark! Let's make a game with cats as batman characters!
She never said anything homophobic Kai, it's ok.
Can't find your comment but I'll upload it again and pm I'll be 5 minutes
Lol, stupid forums -______- making my comments vanish into thin air