At the end of episode 5

Anyone else notice that nothing changed, when Snow White was in charge. Bluebeard walked right in, while everyone else was waiting, was anyone else extremely mad about that?, Why is she such a stickler for the rules here, when it comes to shipping Toad and his son to the farm, even after the player gives him a wad of cash to get the magic spell. It makes me wonder, what changed from Episode 1 to episode 5, is she being manipulated somehow, or is she just as bad as Crane. I thought she wanted to help the fables.
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I immediately thought about what Crane said - that she won't be able to run this town without making sacrifices. She can't change anything, atleast not just yet.
I don't know, but it looks like she isn't doing anything positive. I thought she wanted to help people, and even after the kid gave her that bug. I felt terrible sending him to the farm.
She does, but like Crane said, she has to make sacrifices. It's revealed early in the comics that the only reason Fabletown is still running is Bluebeard's donations, so they have to appease him.
I have a feeling there is more to this, like maybe its not really the real Snow White, its a glamoured phony, she already had one floating around so its not inconceivable that someone found it, and used it to their advantage. cough Bluebeard cough Maybe plot for season 2 ^_^ .
I still also feel like the Faith thing isn't completely solved for my obsessive mind. There is just too many unanswered questions, like why did Narissa say the exact same thing to Big before leaving.
I think we never met Faith, and that Nerissa actually glamoured as her early on the make Bigby develop a little bit of sympathy for her before putting Faith's head on the Woodlands' doorstep.
I like your theory, i didn't think about that. I don't know , i'm still not convinced Faith is dead. Maybe its a Lee Everett denial thing, going on who knows.
Yeah but Crane was turning those Fables away whereas Snow allows them to ask for help. The huge line outside the office is there because Snow does all the paperwork and meetings. As for Toad, he was making excuses all the time and wouldn't even bother to hide from public.Personally, I sent both Colin and Toad to the Farm, if the sheriff won't enforce the rules then who else will?