Why Kenny will possibly regain his FIGHTING SPIRIT by the end of the episode (sunset theory)

Okay guys, I see a lot of people are worried about Kenny and him slipping into hopelessness or suicidal tendencies as evidenced by the trailer. I was worried too, at first. Buttt, after looking a little closer and trying to piece together the timeline of the trailer and thus the episode, I think that Kenny will at least regain the strength to fight on.

The main thing I've been looking at to help gauge the timeline for this theory is the sunset taking place throughout many scenes. (I'm guessing it's a sunset and not a sunrise because the sun-sky-tinted scenes seem to get darker and the sky seems to have the sun setting more and more as more shiz goes down.)

I could go on and on going through each individual screenshot from the trailer, but I'll try to make this short. I've put the screenshots in this post in the order I think they'll chronologically occur in the episode. First, Kenny seems to be quite sad around here:

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for obvious reasons. Note the sky seems to be the starting of a sunset. I'm guessing soon after is when he has his sad talk with Clem:
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The lighting above seems about right for this time of day, after the scene with Sarita. It seems to me that logically, he would have this conversation soon after the scene holding Sarita above.

Then a little later, all hell breaks loose and the walkers show up, and Rebecca goes into labor. From the achievements (which should be chronological, right?), Rebecca seems to have her baby towards the end of the episode.
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I won't put them all here, but most of these scenes with the pink-purple sunset sky seem to take place at around the same time--basically the fight with the walkers while Rebecca's in labor.

And THEN we have this beautiful scene:

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which is served, as has been pointed out, with a heaping plate of bad-assery! My guess is the above shot takes place after the group runs out of bullets (the sky seems a little darker than the still with Rebecca in it), and Mike and Kenny just jump into the fray to keep beating the walkers back from Rebecca.

BUT my main point is this: if the above still takes place after the screenshot with Sarita and after the "it felt peaceful" scene, Kenny seems to have gotten his fighting spirit back! (Maybe we as Clem can reignite his spirit!) Perhaps it's to protect the baby or just Clementine, but I think he'll at least be transferring some of that grief into anger as he beats some walkers to a pulp. Take that as a positive or negative thing, however you will. I'm guessing Kenny will show us just how he got out of Savannah in this last scene. Hopefully losing Sarita won't make him even more impetuous, but I think it will. D: And hopefully the "it felt peaceful" scene was before the badass-Kenny-and-Mike scene; otherwise this whole theory is a fluke. :( Still, I'm rooting to see Kenny still fighting rather than giving in!

(And fyi, I don't want anyone to die if I can help it, be it by suicide or walker!)

(Also sorry if I messed up; this is my first thread I've started!)

tl;dr: This is the order of events I've determined, according to the sun in the sky: Sarita dies in the first part of the episode when there seems to be the afternoon transitioning to the beginning of a sunset. Then, Kenny becomes depressed and makes his "it felt peaceful" speech. Next when the sun sets more with the pink-purple sky, Rebecca gives birth. But, Kenny joins Mike in his bad-ass scene to kill the walkers to defend Rebecca and co. (during the end of the sunset). So, even after Kenny talks to Clem so depressingly, he fights to defend them!

What do ya'll think?


  • edited July 2014

    He may regain his fighting spirit yeah, but he may still choose to die in order to save the group.

    Like, I get strong 'suicide mission' vibes off him and Mike walking into that horde of walkers. Like they're doing to buy time and don't expect to get out.

  • Mike and Kenny marching into the herd gave me a "last stand" feeling - it's their last resort and they might not make it out. But I do believe that as Clementine, we could possibly help Kenny get his spirit back! One of my predictions for this episode is another Kenny speech like the one in episode 5: "You stick around and you help the folks you care about."

  • you know what really stuck out to me was seeing those first two screenshots...the cabin group have caused this

  • Yeah, the fact that they were walking to them and not running certainly gave me that impression as well :/

    Flog61 posted: »

    He may regain his fighting spirit yeah, but he may still choose to die in order to save the group. Like, I get strong 'suicide mission' v

  • He will make it, Ken is strong, i think the baby will give him a reason to live, even if is not his baby that should give him a reason to keep on moving, also Clem wouldn't leave him alone.

  • I don't think that Kenny will regain his desire to live. Like Flog said, it looks like Kenny and Mike aren't planning to come back from what essentially seems to be a suicide mission from what we've seen. Kenny may not be the kind of guy who'd straight up kill himself, but it seems to me that he's become a bit of a Death Seeker. He wants to die but he won't do it himself. He's actually had shades of this ever since his family died in Season 1 so it's not at all out of place depending on how you view his character. He's probably marching into the herd because it's going to kill him as much as because it will buy time for everyone else to help Rebecca with the baby and possibly get to safety.

  • Well, it did seem like Kenny had a weapon in his hand so he's probably planning to go out swinging at least.

    Rock114 posted: »

    I don't think that Kenny will regain his desire to live. Like Flog said, it looks like Kenny and Mike aren't planning to come back from what

  • Well, he wouldn't really be Kenny if he didn't go down swinging. Even if he does want to die, he'll make sure he's not the only one.

    J-Master posted: »

    Well, it did seem like Kenny had a weapon in his hand so he's probably planning to go out swinging at least.

  • I never thought that Kenny would turn suicidal. It doesn't make sense. Im sure he will be depressed much like in Episode 4 Season 1 but he would never "give up." I think Kenny will make it through this episode.

  • edited July 2014

    He technically did give up when he found out there weren't any boats left.

    I never thought that Kenny would turn suicidal. It doesn't make sense. Im sure he will be depressed much like in Episode 4 Season 1 but he would never "give up." I think Kenny will make it through this episode.

  • edited July 2014

    For all ye nay-sayers: I agree with all you've said about Kenny becoming a Death Seeker. Yeah, he's become really sad and he has good reason to for losing his whole family and then his girlfriend. Honestly, it could seem like a suicide mission like @Rock114, @Flog61, and @ForClementine have said.
    But you all have forgotten a few details.

    1) Why is Mike there? I doubt he's suicidal as well. It wouldn't make any sense for his character to be suicidal all of a sudden when he's never been shown to be that way before. In fact he argues against exactly what all of you are suggesting he's doing in the trailer in episode 3:

    Kenny: "We bring...the walkers to roll over this place."

    Mike: "And then what?"

    Kenny: "I don't know!...We improvise!"

    Mike: "Then that's not a plan. You don't plan to improvise."

    Mike wouldn't stroll into a bunch of walkers without a plan of coming out of it. I think in this scene, there were only a few left Kenny and he were finishing off.
    Not to mention I doubt he would go all suicidal just to protect Rebecca and most of these people he's just met a day ago. (In fact my first instinct when I see a pregnant lady more than 9 months into the ZA is "What are you thinking?!? Irresponsible!!!" or, "Oh no, rape?" :( No telling how Mike feels about Rebecca before getting to know her.) Why would he just die for people he just met?

    2) The number of walkers in the trailer didn't seem so large. It certainly wasn't a big herd like the one at the end of ep 3. (If Rebecca hadn't been screaming, maybe they could've used the walker-guts elusive tactic again.) Granted, the gunfire could've definitely attracted more walkers. But I feel the number was small enough for Bonnie, Luke, Clem, Mike, Jane, Kenny, and any determinant (Nick, Sarah) or new characters to handle with guns. Maybe I'm just being optimistic. But...

    3) If there were so many walkers, how did Mike and Kenny make it to the parking lot in the last screenshot? They must've pushed back the walkers that came up the stairs here:

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    They could've jumped to the parking lot over the railing yes, but from this shot:

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    it looks like a steep fall. Yeah they could be suicidal, but the fall would've caused more damage to them before they could help get rid of the rest of the walkers.

    That's all I've got. Personally, I got a feeling of triumph from that last Kenny-Mike scene.

    After this, Kenny won't have healed by a long shot, and he probably will be very reckless. Marching headlong into a herd does sound like something Kenny might do at this point, and from a storytelling standpoint, that would be one hell of an end for him. I'm just trying to point out that I don't think that's what's going on here.

    Oh and lastly, I'm banking on Kenny surviving at least until ep 5 for the "pizza vs. ice cream" decision. :D

  • edited July 2014

    Ahh, but what if there weren't that many walkers left to fight, and Kenny and Mike are just taking their sweet time? ;) The trailer never indicated there was an entire herd of walkers they were fighting off.
    The two walkers you see in the foreground here:

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    are the same two you see here in the middle here:

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    Only 7 total to fight off by my count.

    That1Guy posted: »

    Yeah, the fact that they were walking to them and not running certainly gave me that impression as well

  • Of course! Clementine will give him the best motivational speech so that he regains his memorable fighting spirit that that man thrives on!!! HUZZAH!

  • Lol yes! HUZZAH!! And amen!

    ll_Myko_ll posted: »

    Of course! Clementine will give him the best motivational speech so that he regains his memorable fighting spirit that that man thrives on!!! HUZZAH!

  • clem will lend kenny the spirit of lee he will be fine

    Mike and Kenny marching into the herd gave me a "last stand" feeling - it's their last resort and they might not make it out. But I do belie

  • Well, it seems like things aren't looking that bad for ol' Kenny. At least i hope so...It's all we can do. =(

  • it looks like lukes wepon

    J-Master posted: »

    Well, it did seem like Kenny had a weapon in his hand so he's probably planning to go out swinging at least.

  • I definitely think Kenny'll feel that way. He had his whole group (Walter, Matthew, Sarita) until he met them. The only original members of the cabin group are Luke, Rebecca (prob gonna die), Nick (det) and Sarah (det). i.e. Kenny will have another reason to be mad at Luke. :/

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    you know what really stuck out to me was seeing those first two screenshots...the cabin group have caused this

  • edited July 2014

    Yeah. I just realized I'm basically saying with this thread, "It doesn't look like he'll sacrifice himself for the others now, but that's still up in the air for the future." :/

    Well, it seems like things aren't looking that bad for ol' Kenny. At least i hope so...It's all we can do. =(

  • I personally believe Kenny will survive until episode 5 as well! Knock on wood, though, I guess. :D And I hope it's a triumphant thing - I feel like only a select few will make it out of Parker's Run alive.

    sialark posted: »

    For all ye nay-sayers: I agree with all you've said about Kenny becoming a Death Seeker. Yeah, he's become really sad and he has good reason

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    What time do you think that this scene takes place?

  • ^

    This. I always thought that if Kenny will break, then the baby will give him hope. It would be incredibly cute if Kenny will become a babysitter for it or something like this. This baby mught remind him of Dukc and his best moments of previous life.

    darky07 posted: »

    He will make it, Ken is strong, i think the baby will give him a reason to live, even if is not his baby that should give him a reason to keep on moving, also Clem wouldn't leave him alone.

  • Yeah knock on wood!

    As I've said elsewhere in this thread, I don't think there will be that many walkers the group has to fight, so I feel that there won't be that many casualties of this particular battle. For this episode, I honestly think it'd be a waste to kill the new characters (Jane, Mike, Bonnie) since they just started and they don't seem like red shirts to me. Jane might just up and leave though. Sarah I honestly don't think they'll kill, as she has the potential to have an awesome story arc (go from the sniffling girl to someone more capable, yet someone who still has the most of her humanity left, especially when compared to Clem, maybe even pulling Clem back? Yes, please.) Luke we also can't kill cause we need him to help serve pizza or ice cream in ep 5! But Sarita and Rebecca are probably down sadly, imo. So I think only two dying.

    Also to explain the triumphant feeling--I feel like the music lent it that quality. It was brilliant, as the music throughout the trailer was obviously depressing, but there were also hints of positivity breaking through that translated to me as "keep fighting back, even in the worst of times." And the ending--if you play the trailer from 1:29 until 1:43, the note that plays exactly as the screen goes to black is a major (happy) note ending a minor (sad) melody. Not the ending I was expecting from the trailer for possibly the saddest TWDG episode yet, ending with Clem saying she's not okay. (I wish I knew more about music theory to express this better; I know there's terminology to describe this, but anyway.) Even though the trailer was super sad, hopefully this music is hinting towards more hope in the future! :)

    I personally believe Kenny will survive until episode 5 as well! Knock on wood, though, I guess. And I hope it's a triumphant thing - I feel like only a select few will make it out of Parker's Run alive.

  • My guess? The very end of the episode. Seems like something they'd end it on; a decision on what to say to Luke.
    xWally posted: »

    What time do you think that this scene takes place?

  • edited July 2014
    It looks like it takes place after Rebecca goes into labor, and after the walkers are fought off. :(

    Edit: Sorry about the lack of screenshots, but I couldn't put in any due to the new effin' anti-spoiler settings, boo. Otherwise this would be easier. Moving on though.

    When looking at the gradiented-sky, I assumed the blue tones of the sky indicated more of a *night* sky. Before the sunset took place, remember the sky was nearly all cloudy. In fact if you look through the whole trailer, there's not a single bit of *clear* blue sky during the daytime; the sky's always completely cloudy and gray/white, e.g. 0:40 into the trailer with Bonnie. I think these scenes took place during the daylight, mere hours before the sunset.

    But just looking at the color of the sky coming through those little oval grates doesn't help us draw very clear conclusions about time of day, as it could be any time during the sunset. Considering Clem's and Luke's body language, it looks like they're resting. I'm guessing they just finished killing off the walkers after Rebecca gives birth and they're all exhausted. Emotionally there must have been deaths too, so they could be in the midst of processing those. As others have pointed out, I'm not sure the dialogue is exactly from this scene or if it was edited, though it would fit in my prediction of the scenario if it was from it.

    I don't think the scene took place before the walker fight, because we saw in one scene (1:06 of the trailer) that Rebecca, Clem, and co. are running from walkers while it looks like Rebecca's going into labor. The way the "camera" moves suggests the group is running for the observation deck we can see in the foreground, and that's where they make their stand. Unless there was a scene where Clem goes back to the other side of the site between the screenshot you posted and the 1:06 scene, I doubt this took place before the walker fight.

    Also, and I can't properly show this without posting HD images I edited to bring the brightness up and contrast down, (darn image restrictions), but I'm pretty sure Clem and Luke are sitting/standing right in front of where Rebecca just gave birth. You can tell by the posters on the wall, the ceiling tiles, and the green screen with oval metal grating that it's the same wall the new character with glasses was walking towards. In the shot with Clem and the cannon (the observation deck) where Clem is observing the new character, you see a viewfinder behind her, as well as the balcony railing with three distinct bars running horizontally. So the observation deck is behind standing Luke and sitting Clem. You see this *same* viewfinder and balcony railing behind Rebecca and Bonnie in the shot of Rebecca giving birth. So the aftermath of the birth is probably right behind Luke and Clem as they discuss how she's not okay. 0.o

    But I could be completely utterly wrong though too if there was a timeskip or something. :P
    xWally posted: »

    What time do you think that this scene takes place?

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