Is Rebecca going to die giving birth

Do you think Rebecca going to die


  • In all likelihood, yes.

  • edited July 2014

    I think the zombies are going to break through the gate and Rebecca won't be able to move. She potentially will be left behind or eaten alive by walkers or shot in the head to avoid being eaten alive.

  • I can see them pulling a Lori on us.

    Sadly I can also see having a "Save Rebecca or Baby" scenerio.

  • Yeppers.

  • It would make it to similar to Lori but I still think she's gona die.

  • Very likely.

  • maybe.... remember you don't really need the epidural to give birth. people have given birth for millions of years, and lori got killed cuz she needed a c section because she had some problems. and idk maybe they do choose to go to c section, which is guarantee to kill her, or she can give normal birth and be okay. or maybe she dies cuz of the pain or whatever, cuz some have died even though they used the painkiller, or maybe shes too weak and a walker gets her. so to conclude, we don't know we have to wait and find out

  • I assume so.

  • edited July 2014

    Alt text

    But probably.

  • edited July 2014

    Maybe, wouldn't surprise me if Telltale kill her off.

  • Yep.

  • C-section isn't guaranteed to kill her. There was a woman in South America a few years ago who performed a c-section on herself and lived. If I recall, she lived in a remote area so didn't have immediate access to a hospital. What saved her was the fact that she knew how to butcher animals. Question is if anyone in the group knows how to do that. You'd think by now they would have figured it out. People survived having holes drilled into their heads without pain killers. There was a guy who lived having a hole torn into his stomach and effectively let people view his stomach whenever they wanted. A doctor spent years studying him. Truth is stranger than fiction. People survive the strangest things.

    What's more likely to kill Rebecca is if she either tears internally during the birth or the placenta separates from the uterine wall early causing her to bleed out. Such a case would very likely kill the baby as well, though. My sister nearly died from that and barely survived it along with her son. Given stress, she's also likely to have eclampsia which can kill her if she goes into a seizure. Somehow, I don't think Telltale's really going to be that accurate. They're likely just going to "Hollywood" the birth and throw realism out the window.

    Chances are Rebecca just gives up and dies from a broken heart and/or stress. Nothing really realistic. Either that or she gets bitten. She gets bitten, it'll either be just prior to the baby's birth causing a dilemma on whether the baby will die from Rebecca's bite or just after the birth.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    maybe.... remember you don't really need the epidural to give birth. people have given birth for millions of years, and lori got killed cuz

  • OFC! It's episode 4 for Christ's sake time to start killing off non major characters for epi 5

  • edited July 2014

    I most likely think she will. :(

    Not sure about the baby though (may survive for a bit or not at all)

  • yeah you probably right lol shit im no damn expert on child birth, im just pointing out what is like basic, minimum, knowledge on that. and again its a game, I doubt they go all scientific on this. and again real rare cases, even if their are common ( and how common is that on other palces idk) cmon that shit is still going to be kinda unbelievable to put in this game. again just wait and see what the hell happens.

    C-section isn't guaranteed to kill her. There was a woman in South America a few years ago who performed a c-section on herself and lived.

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