Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • I decided to do a BFF Kenny play through. If you agree with him on absolutely everything, BUT save Ben, he will say after Lee is bitten "There's been plenty of times when you ain't [been there for me]." WTF KENNY??? I rewound and dropped Ben and, sure enough, Kenny says something along the lines of "You've ALWAYS been there for me, what sort of friend would I be if I didn't help you now?"

    TheMPerson posted: »

    - In "No Time Left" If you were siding with Kenny most of the time , AND saved Ben...After the alley scene. When Christa asks "How are

  • Really? I thought it was:

    Kenny shoots duck "When my son..well...he helped me do the right thing. I'll never forget that".

    Lee shoots duck "When my son...well.. he took care of him. I'll never forget that".

    Leave Duck "When my son...well...he was there for me. I'll never forget that".

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I did this as an experiment so don't hate! If you choose to not shoot Duck and leave him in the forest to turn, Kenny will not mention it at

  • edited July 2014

    She shot me in my second play through. I think there are alternate ways to get her to do it, but for me, how you treat the situation with Duck made a difference. When I chose the option "we have to take care of Duck" (or something along those lines), I had to coax her to get her to shoot me. When I was totally honest and told her we had to put Duck out of his misery, she shot me without me needing to coax her.

    Like I said before, though, I think there are several other choices at could also affect this outcome. For the record, both my playthroughs were compassionate.

    Rigtail posted: »

    This isn't anything new, but a question. It has been said that if you don't pick an option when prompted to decide between shooting Lee or l

  • This is my favorite observation so far!

    Morloki posted: »

    Fun fact. The "hubs" in Season 2 we can't interact with anyone, instead the others characters interact with each other. Example: Episode 3 "

  • KennysucksKennysucks Banned
    edited July 2014

    Ah right, ill check it out

    EDIT: Alright I checked it out and they still say it so it wasn't hank, but either way they did intend to shoot Carlos,
    although i dont know why they didnt try to shoot Bonnie or Luke who had guns

    dojo32161 posted: »

    What if Alvin killed Hank, does that mean no one shouted "Shoot him"?

  • Game? Answering machine on the table, when Lee decides to listen to the messages? Diana said that Ed has been attacked by a "crazy guy" and they will have to remain in Savannah for extra time because Ed is not feeling well enough to drive.


  • Oh my god I think I may do that.

    Oomi posted: »

    Someone needs to draw that ASAP. xD

  • Wow had no idea, that's pretty cool.

    hihitwd posted: »

    In Episode 5 Season 1, you can actually spot Kenny one last time (in the Ben scenario) before Lee climbs up. If you look to the left side of

  • edited July 2014

    Something you might not know When Katjaa tells you to go tell Kenny to stop the train, once you start talking to him and he gets up to fight, if you back off, and keep doing the "..." options, he will throw Lee out. Lee will walk back to the boxcar and there will be blood and Clem's hat will be on the ground as well as a dead Ben. Than, Duck comes out of the corner and they both fall off the train and it gives you a "You are DEAD" thing and you have to try again. I just found this out today and I thought it was kind of cool cause I never saw it before.

    Another something you might not know Lee can tell Clementine a story about his brother almost dying in EP 3 after Doug/Carley dies and they are sitting together on the couch like cuties in which some guys were giving him crap and he jumped into the back of their truck and beat the crap out of them and he got in the head with a passing branch, falling out the back of the truck, almost killing him.

  • Yes, this Duck-thing is called:

    Alt text

  • Nate's pickup is a "Chovet".

  • I'm not seeing it.. is there an image?

    hihitwd posted: »

    In Episode 5 Season 1, you can actually spot Kenny one last time (in the Ben scenario) before Lee climbs up. If you look to the left side of

  • pics or it didnt happen

    Kennysucks posted: »

    In S2E1, it was confirmed that Nick knows where the fucking river is.

  • edited July 2014

    Are you sure they weren't saying "Shoot 'em!", in reference to the walkers?

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Just before Carlos' death, if you listen closely, you can hear one of Carvers men (Hank I believe) yell "SHOOT HIM", so its likely that they intended to kill Carlos

  • I think it was shoot him, it happened a second before they shot Carlos, they knew they were down there because of Troy and all them yelling, I mean if we can hear them when we were deep in the horde, they could easily hear us from the roof

    A-113 posted: »

    Are you sure they weren't saying "Shoot 'em!", in reference to the walkers?

  • Because of him i want a Chevy that looks like his

    Nate's pickup is a "Chovet".

  • If you examine the scene again, Luke was reaching for the weapon when Troy appeared. Everyone that had a weapon were using both hands to smear themselves. They were expecting walkers, not a human.
    Kennysucks posted: »

    Luke already had an AK-47 from Carver

  • I checked and they say: "Just shoot 'em!"
    Kennysucks posted: »

    I think it was shoot him, it happened a second before they shot Carlos, they knew they were down there because of Troy and all them yelling, I mean if we can hear them when we were deep in the horde, they could easily hear us from the roof

  • Me neither. Funny thing, Kenny got bit back in that street. Guess his 'stache adds 50 extra zombie defense points.
    A-113 posted: »

    I'm not seeing it.. is there an image?

  • Anyone have a clear screenshot of this? I've tried replaying that part but I can't tell it's Luke.
    quinnics posted: »

    Also, remember when Clem, Mike and Kenny are deciding who should keep the radio and they hear something fall? When they look over, you can s

  • I assumed he'd just meant he'd help HER get out of the pen sooner. In exchange for sexual favors. Expedited prisoner/oops I mean newcomer processing.
    hihitwd posted: »

    I think that he wanted to help them, but he was afraid of what Carver would do. I think that before Jane shoots him, she mentions that he he

  • If you choose "you know..." she'll reply, "Doo-dee!" and say "Oh shoot" when she drops her bottle in season two.

    I got a good one. In 101 if you say "manure" in the barn, Clementine says "oh shoot" in 201 after she drops her water bottle. If you say "sh

  • I always wondered how Mark got back up the stairs. I mean, surely there was no time (or reason) for the brothers to carry him back upstairs, and if they had, wouldn't they have locked him in the bathroom or bedroom instead of just letting him crawl around?

    Poor Mark... I really, really liked him. Then again I'm probably biased because he looks exactly like my husband.

    DID YOU KNOW? If you look at the picture with Brenda and her husband Terry, before you go upstairs, the conversation with Brenda changes wh

  • Ok. may have been posted here before, but if you do nothing where you must choose to kill Larry or help revive him, Kenny will yell "YOU'RE USELESS LEE!" and push him into a pile of saltlicks, and then quickly murders Larry.
  • If I ever start a band, it's going to be called Winston and the Water Bandit. Thank you, sir or madam.
    Bluebirdo posted: »

    Winston and the water bandit have that conversation right before shooting Clem. So yeah it's non-canon, but she's alive to hear it.

  • As soon as Omid yelled at me on the train, "Don't you know she's--" I knew she was pregnant.
    jamex1223 posted: »

    yea lee has it figured out, I cant believe I couldn't see it at first. it wasn't until I saw her pregnant with in s2 .-.

  • If you listen to Kenny and Reggie in the background talking about Reggie's arm, Kenny will say he had a friend who cut off his arm, but didn't make it. :'(

    Reggie will say something about still being alive because his arm was cut off immediately after the bite -- which is why I chose to cut off Sarita's hand.
    Conduit42 posted: »

    When Kenny's distracting Reggie in In Harm's Way, Clem is given time to search around. When she does this, we can go examine the gate that Bonnie locks them in. Clem will say this: "Reminds me of the jewelry store."

  • swag
    fallandir posted: »

    Game? Answering machine on the table, when Lee decides to listen to the messages? Diana said that Ed has been attacked by a "crazy guy" and they will have to remain in Savannah for extra time because Ed is not feeling well enough to drive.

  • That's exactly why I cut her arm off. Now, I'm not so sure if that was a good idea...
    nursethalia posted: »

    If you listen to Kenny and Reggie in the background talking about Reggie's arm, Kenny will say he had a friend who cut off his arm, but didn

  • Sorry, I don't have an image. You must look near Lee's left arm, and you'll see something passing by real quick. It's hard to spot, only saw it on my 3rd playthrough.
    A-113 posted: »

    I'm not seeing it.. is there an image?

  • In Episode 4 of Season 1, I'm not sure if you need to be silent during most of Season 1 or simply be silent in this particular dialogue, but if you say nothing in a conversation when trying to get inside the mansion, Kenny will yell at Lee: "Lee, stop standing around like a goddamn mute!".
  • When Clem gives Lee the hammer to kill Sandra, you can see that she's dead at the third blow, but you're given the choice to hit her a fourth time. If you only hit her three times, nothing special happens, and the cutscene where Clem asks "Did you kill it", rolls. Just a tiny detail.
  • I thought Troy was gonna mention those favors when he says "You're gonna take a bath before we --", and then Jane shot him.
    nursethalia posted: »

    I assumed he'd just meant he'd help HER get out of the pen sooner. In exchange for sexual favors. Expedited prisoner/oops I mean newcomer processing.

  • edited July 2014
    I'll replay this again then.
    hihitwd posted: »

    Sorry, I don't have an image. You must look near Lee's left arm, and you'll see something passing by real quick. It's hard to spot, only saw it on my 3rd playthrough.

  • edited July 2014
    Damn, this man is fast, but I think I saw him.

    Edit: I wanted post a yt link, but it didn't work, dunno why. Something's wrong with this page. Sorry folks
    Edit2: Oh, I got it. Links and images are temporarily disabled because of leaks
    hihitwd posted: »

    In Episode 5 Season 1, you can actually spot Kenny one last time (in the Ben scenario) before Lee climbs up. If you look to the left side of

  • Then if you bring Clem to Crawford, will she save Molly?
    xWally posted: »

    I don't know if this is true or not but I heard that if you just stay silent in episode 3 while teaching clem how to shoot a gun she won't k

  • edited July 2014
    That remind me of Clem telling Troy that she was reading comic books in the room Luke was hidding...That's a good excuse which Troy may believe.(If she says nothing then Troy will say "you are as stupid as Sarah",but he himself is also too stupid to search the room at once...)
    I replied to the wrong place... how to delete it?
    USMC1786 posted: »

    That explains why she was able to put a bug on Duck's pillow

  • That remind me of Clem telling Troy that she was reading comic books in the room Luke was hidding...That's a good excuse which Troy may believe.(If she says nothing then Troy will say "you are as stupid as Sarah",but he himself is also too stupid to search the room at once...)

    Clementine is the kind of girl who reads comic books, and has an intrest in insects and an animal lover. (As stated by Melissa.)

  • In S2E3, when Kenny was unconscious and they were discussing whether to go without him, if you wait long enough before pick a choice, Carlos would murmur some words showing that he agreed to leave Kenny behind. Rebecca, who was comforting Sarita at that time, would then asked angrily what his meaning with that words. Carlos would say that he mean nothing and had just spoken out what he was thinking.

    PS I don't think this means that Carlos is a bad just shows how bad Kenny's situation was at that time. And Rebecca seemed to feel empathy about Sarita because of what happened to Alvin.
  • edited July 2014
    The episode titles for Season 2 could be a summary of it's story and overall theme:

    All that remains will be a house divided and Clementine will find herself in harm's way a lot. And while amid the ruins, she'll discover that there will be no going back once she reaches Wellington.
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