Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • ...And Sam the dog is never seen or heard from, or talked about, again...
  • Same for Season One:

    It's a New Day as Lee and company find themselves Starved for Help and end up on a Long Road Ahead to find themselves looking Around Every Corner before there's No Time Left.

    The episode titles for Season 2 could be a summary of it's story and overall theme: All that remains will be a house divided and Clemen

  • edited July 2014
    I was replaying Season 1 today and noticed that the melancholic theme that plays when Duck is dying is the same as when Kenny was supposedly dead after he got beat up by Carver.

    Pretty sad...Poor Ken :c

    We can't attach vids at the moment, but here's the link of it:

    It also plays on a few other scenes where they're talking about Duck being bitten...
  • S2E2 - If you don't give water to the dying man or Pete, you can give it to Rebecca.

    S2E1 - If you don't try to hide when stealing supplies in the house, Sarah will ask Rebecca for something.

    Also - Playing the 400 Days story in order makes more sense and whatever happens in the previous story can affect the next story, the order is:

    Vince, Wyatt, Russell, Bonnie, Shel
  • Krista is still misssing and we do not know what happened to the baby
    Molly is gone
  • You can mention Sam in episode two. When Carver talks about his camp you can ask him if he has a dog,. When he says no Clem gets all sad. She was trying to see if Sam was actually a stray or not.
    Hbh128 posted: »

    ...And Sam the dog is never seen or heard from, or talked about, again...

  • What's that? I can't get to youtube...with The Great Firewall
    TheMPerson posted: »

    There's an easter egg in "No Time Left". After you exit the attic and enter the dead couples room... Click on Kenny 5 times...and you will get this:

  • I had no clue you could give the water to Rebecca :O
    prink34320 posted: »

    S2E2 - If you don't give water to the dying man or Pete, you can give it to Rebecca. S2E1 - If you don't try to hide when stealing supp

  • It is, but it's so gratifying when you get it. I don't know how many times I returned to the main menu and replayed that sequence so I could defeat Molly in the QTE. Lol.

    USMC1786 posted: »

    That quick-time event is so fucking hard

  • You have to side with him nearly all the time, dropping Ben is NOT certain to make him not have the bro speech, but you do have to side with Kenny on non-major choices as well and always have his back, you also have to tell him about your past. You may have missed some things. I know of plenty of people saving Ben and still getting the bro speech.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I decided to do a BFF Kenny play through. If you agree with him on absolutely everything, BUT save Ben, he will say after Lee is bitten "The

  • You can chop it down even further.

    All that remains is a house divided in harm's way. Amid the ruins, there is no going back.

    The episode titles for Season 2 could be a summary of it's story and overall theme: All that remains will be a house divided and Clemen

  • When can you give water to Rebecca? I didn't gave it to Victor and I went with Nick, but in Episode 2 I didn't see the choice.

    prink34320 posted: »

    S2E2 - If you don't give water to the dying man or Pete, you can give it to Rebecca. S2E1 - If you don't try to hide when stealing supp

  • ....Most men would like watching girls in their skirts. That is not a pedophile. That's just a pervert, which like I said, most men are. You have all the weird shit about him to choose from and choose something pretty normal. xD

    Novis posted: »

    There are unused audio files in Starved for Help that suggest Danny was a pedophile. He says something like he likes watching the girls visi

  • edited July 2014

    The image for Episode's 4 achievement "A Heavy Burden" is similar to Clementine's pose when she knelt down to kill Sam (Episode 1).

    EDIT 1: ^It is not an encouraging sign for Episode 4.

    EDIT 2: To all mods, I did not view the leaked video for Episode 4, in case there are any questions related to my post. Thank you.

  • edited July 2014

    All credit to yo-da-man

    Gary Whittier who wrote season 1 episode 4 is one of the writers of one of the new Star Wars spin offs.

    Therefore this

    Alt text

    This just a funny little Easter egg

  • REALLY?! I had no idea!

    Jessi_love posted: »

    Krista is still misssing and we do not know what happened to the baby Molly is gone

  • At the end after Rebecca reanimates and gets shot (with Rebecca's name meaning "to tie firmly"), the whole group fell apart.

    Just thought it was a really nice play of symbolism there ;)

  • The music that plays if you abandon Sarah is a sombre remix of the music during the scene you first met her :(

  • Not sure if this counts as something you'd miss, but in 204 you can tell Kenny to stop being and asshole.

    While talking with Kenny in the tent, if you pic the dialog option "I had to shot lee" Clementine will say " I had to shoot lee! So don't be an asshole and pretend you're the only one who lost people!"

  • edited July 2014

    It is implied that Luke and Jane had sex before the walkers attacked the group.

    Cutting Sarita's hand off and saving Sarah both didn't help them in the end. Being a determinant character sucks.

    The raccoon scene was one of the most funniest things of Season 2.

  • What did he say in response?

  • Alt text

    If you look closely you can see a bite mark on Nick's neck, implying a reused character model or that he was trapped and bitten.

  • edited July 2014

    As he gets up he says "I don't need to hear this shit. I cant even look at you right now" and walks out of the tent.

    I thought I might add that you have to say a certain dialog to get that dialog.

    When Kenny is saying -"Why didn't carver just finish me off? Obviously I ain't helping anyone by being here"

    You have to say -" Carver didn't kill you. Whether you like it or not"

    Then Kenny says -"Oh you're right- I guess I should be celebrating huh?

    Then you have to say -"You're just feeling sorry for yourself"

    Then Kenny sais -"Sorry for myself"?

    After he says that is when you get the chance to say "I had to shoot lee".

    Dyeingbrad posted: »

    What did he say in response?

  • That makes me feel absolutely horrible for Clem.

    As he gets up he says "I don't need to hear this shit. I cant even look at you right now" and walks out of the tent. I thought I might

  • Yeah. But Clementine was right though. Kenny lost someone and was being like a douche to everyone else and treated everyone like no one knows what he is going through. When really clementine does, but when she lost someone she didn't act the way Kenny is nor did she blame it on others like Kenny was. She had to shoot lee/leave him behind and watched him die. She saw her walker parents. And countless amount of deaths that IMO I think its harder for her to take deaths considering her young age and young mind.

    But that was in the beginning. (like Larry's death) where it was a la lot more new to her. But now.... sadly I don't think it will frighten her as much considering all she gone through and al she has seen. she's tougher now, physically and mentally

    So what I'm trying to say is that Kenny is a grown man with a tougher mind. But clem is a little girl with a more fragile mind. And Kenny is being the way he is when clem isn't.

    Dyeingbrad posted: »

    That makes me feel absolutely horrible for Clem.

  • edited July 2014

    Amid the Ruins:

    1. Bonnie thinks Carlos taught Luke some medical knowledge.

    2. She also kinda sees Luke as a leader.

    3. If you choose to do nothing when Rebbecca reanimates, Bonnie will shout causing Kenny to shoot Rebbecca.

    4. If you kill Sarita right after she was bitten (in the herd), you'll end up with Kenny mad as hell (My heart hurt a little when he called Clem "stupid fucking kid")

    5. Clem wanted to have a sister. She used to make her babysitter play a game that they were secrets sisters.

    6. Bonnnie is the only one still having a backpack.

  • Nick didn't have a single line of dialogue in Amid the Ruins.

    Sarah dies no matter what your actions are.

    Although cutting off Sarita's arm seems like a good thing at the time, it's really not.

    In short: Being a determinate character sucks.

  • Hey, now that links and images are allowed again, do you think you can post them now?

    fallandir posted: »

    Damn, this man is fast, but I think I saw him. Edit: I wanted post a yt link, but it didn't work, dunno why. Something's wrong with this page. Sorry folks Edit2: Oh, I got it. Links and images are temporarily disabled because of leaks

  • I'm assuming after everyone crosses the bridge, after Nick shoots Matthew.

    hihitwd posted: »

    When can you give water to Rebecca? I didn't gave it to Victor and I went with Nick, but in Episode 2 I didn't see the choice.

  • Sure.

    There's picture I managed to catch - you guys can see Kenny's hat - but I don't exactly know it's a moment that @hihitwd talked about:

    Alt text

    And there is yt video:

    Voices are funny btw :>

    Liayso posted: »

    Hey, now that links and images are allowed again, do you think you can post them now?

  • I can tell you. The baby died.

    Jessi_love posted: »

    Krista is still misssing and we do not know what happened to the baby Molly is gone

  • The last thing you ever hear from Nick is a grunt.

    Poor Nick.

  • Let's try to be positive - at least we saw his beautiful mullet.

    quinnics posted: »

    The last thing you ever hear from Nick is a grunt. Poor Nick.

  • Lee reference #5- When searching the Civil War site, Clem finds a model of a the CW site. She then says: "Lee would've loved this!".

  • edited July 2014

    A few pages before, someone said that Lee and Duck get mentioned in every single episode, even after their death. Lee was mentioned indeed but nobody remembered poor Duck.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Which was sadly the best part of his death, it's terrible when you're thinking to yourself, sweet haircut, while your chopping your favorite character's head.

    Let's try to be positive - at least we saw his beautiful mullet.

  • Well actually, I don't know if that counts but Rebecca asks Kenny something along the lines of
    'How was it like at your son's birth?'

    A few pages before, someone said that Lee and Duck get mentioned in every single episode, even after their death. Lee was mentioned indeed but nobody remembered poor Duck.

  • Well at least Rebecca's baby lightens Kenny up :) and it's understandable for anyone, no matter how tough they may be or how old they may be to feel extremely depressed about a loss. Clementine might not have cried in Amid The Ruins but I sure did ;-;

    Yeah. But Clementine was right though. Kenny lost someone and was being like a douche to everyone else and treated everyone like no one kno

  • "I'd eat the shit out of that raccoon" ~Mike

  • That is just Kenny, he is really focused on his familly and clem lost Lee yes it is bad but for Kenny it was the 3rd time he lost someone he really loves with his whole heart, so i kinda understand his behaviour

    Yeah. But Clementine was right though. Kenny lost someone and was being like a douche to everyone else and treated everyone like no one kno

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