If you don't enjoy the game...........
Don't play it. Very simple concept. After every new episode the same people, for the most part, can be found here posting the same nonsense. Terrible episode. Worst game ever. Waste of my valuable time (yeah, because in the 1 to 2 hours you spent playing this game you could have been working and made 15 dollars in that timeframe). Telltale owes you nothing more than they give you. And for all the complaints I read I laugh because you constantly feel that telltale sucks, yet they keep getting your money. Ahhahahahahahahahaa.
Infrequent poster longtime troll
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If you didn't enjoy this episode, you are expecting too much.
I payed 15 English pounds sterling for this game. I have every right to criticize it's flaws.
I agree with you OP
I mean its fucking ridiculous how some people constantly keep bitching about Season 2
and the funniest part is most times the so called "flaws" they point out (like choices not mattering that much)
were already in Season 1 which is praised like it was perfect
It's easy to play the "Then don't play it" part. From a fellow defender of Ep. 4, and of the 2nd Season, I say that there's a better way to handle it. If you don't enjoy something about what you want to like, find something else to like about it!
I'll use myself as an example. I love Diablo. I love Diablo 2 more, but when Diablo 3 came out, I hated every bit of it. The story was greatly flawed, the characters were all unlikeable, and the character building was horribly linear. The auction house betrayed the very concept of loot-finding, and overall, it was a dark day for Diablo fans. Then, sometime down the road, something happened. The console versions came out, and then I saw a new thing about the game I hadn't found any appreciation for; probably because it didn't exist in the PC version. Couch Co-op. Local Multiplayer, up to 4 people. Now, every Thursday, we play Diablo 3 together. We spend more time shuffling inventory than anything else, but we share the goods with one another, and I stopped hating the game for betraying my love for the past games. I began to enjoy it as a game, and not as a piece of nostalgia. My attention to it's flaws shifted elsewhere, and now I just laugh off the bad. I don't mind it anymore.
For those that don't enjoy TWD Season 2, figure out what you don't like and look for something you do like. There aren't a lot of games where you play as a small, weak, non-Caucasian little girl in a survival horror game where the focus is not on killing monsters and saving ammo/health pickups. This is a game that challenges the norms of interactive narratives, more so than any David Cage or Naughty Dog game ever had before; and some of you are arguing against it.
Fuck IGN, by the way.
People were complaining about the short length in previous episodes, Telltale made this the longest episode yet. People were complaining for lack of hubs, we got hubs. People just want to complain over the smallest details and not enjoy the game, well you're just ruining it for yourself!
Woah, that's a lot of money. So this means every time you rent a movie you must go the internet and complain about how bad the movie was. Because that's what people do on this forum. My question to you is if the game is so flawed why do you buy it? I know if I purchased 9 episodes of content from somewhere and the last four I thought sucked ass I would quite buying it. And this was a conversation of people using real money; the mighty dolla' bill y'all.
Sorry, there is not really another way to handle. If you don't like something don't do it. Why pay for something optional that you don't have to pay for. Hell, I don't like paying taxes every year, but I have to to avoid getting in trouble by the IRS. I like playing WoW so I pay for a monthly subscription. I don't like Kim Kardasian so I don't support her iOS game and download nor pay for it. Logic, it goes a long way in life.
Maybe he enjoyed Season 1 and purchased the Season Pass for Season 2 before playing any of the episodes?
Oh no did IGN not like this episode?! >:(
Weak argument, dude. How are people going to know they don't like something if they don't finish it? TWD isn't like a normal game. We can't just buy it and play through it. We have to wait for each bit of the game. When people are waiting for months to play more, it's easy to be disappointed when the episode isn't stellar. You know, because we've waited for it?
Don't play the game. If you didn't enjoy it while playing it.
That's like saying don't eat food if you don't like how some of it tastes.
We're all entitled to an opinion. I just hate this stupid phrase because it's the dumbest cop-out ever and whining about people whining.
People already have said, over and over, season 2 sucks. So, in reality, you are agreeing with what I said. You said how will people know if they like it if they don't play. Exactly, my point. They complain about all the episodes, yet continue to play, and talk about how bad the game is.
Well if someone was on here whining about the past 4 episodes. Something tells me the last episode isn't going to magically change their mind...
I get what you're saying, but I'm not talking about that. I'm saying that "then don't play it" isn't a good argument. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and I'm sure that the people that really dislike this season are only still playing because they've already paid for it. I actually think season 2 has been pretty good so far. Not as good as season 1, but still good.
If you didn't enjoy this episode, you just have different tastes than those who did. It's really that simple. I didn't really have any problem with the episode, yet I do understand some points raised by those who didn't. Some of those points are valid, others are not, in my opinion. They're not all expecting too much. I bet some would argue that our standards are too low because we enjoyed it. It's all a matter of perspective. None of them is really correct/incorrect because it's very subjective.
Most of us bought Season Passes. Disliking an episode out of two whole seasons, 10 episodes (including 400 days) total at this point, does not mean that one should quit playing the game. I swear, some people are so ridiculous. If people aren't praising the game consistently you give them crap for it. Just let them voice their criticism. Why take it so personally?
Myusha, you don't have to eat all types of food. I don't like Porkgrinds so I don't eat the shit. But I love me some greens and I eat the shit out of them. Likewise, I don't like TWAU so I only bought the first episode and didn't buy it after that. I didn't get all but hurt and rage on the telltlae forums how they ripped me off for $5. If you don't like a game you have to keep on playing it by your logic. Really?
How could a Season Pass purchaser know ahead of purchasing it that they wouldn't like episode 4? Or any of the episodes for that matter? If you don't like critical reviews and threads, don't read them. Avoid them. These people have the right to voice their dissatisfaction without fanboys taking personal offense. Logic? Are you really saying that people who didn't enjoy the episode are illogical? That doesn't make any sense. It would be pretty boring if we all felt the exact same way about the episode. I liked the episode, but I also like to read different opinions. Learn how to appreciate other people's differences of opinion on the game. Or just stop reading critical threads altogether.
Yeah, because this forum isn't full of posts about how bad the game is and is full of support for the game. And people who want to complain about the game get to,share their opinion but someone who doesn't agree with all the complaints should not speak? And I don't take it personally, rather I find it comical how mad people will actually get because they paid $5 or less dollars for an episode and get even madder if you don't fall in line with their petty complaints.
It's not necessarily the same people complaining though. Someone might have complained about the lack of hubs for the past couple episodes and now they're not complaining anymore. Whereas, some people might have loved previous episodes, but were dissatisfied with this one. These aren't necessarily the same people constantly voicing complaints. Some might be, but not all. Should no one ever be critical of an episode just because someone else might have complained in the past? If it's the same people complaining over and over again, name them. I'm seeing new names complaining. It's different people every time for the most part. Some people might be complaining for the first time ever. You don't know if they're never satisfied or not unless you know it's the same people.
How do you know these are the same people complaining over and over? Do you keep track of their names? These could be people complaining for the first time.
Because I can read the English language pretty well. You can click on a posters name and see what they have posted in the past.
Agreed. One could just as easily say "don't read the negative threads if they upset you so much". I don't get why people take this stuff personally. Not everyone is going to love every episode. Get over it and move on to a positive feedback thread.
I think it might be more of the fact that it seems to be same. People saying oh this episode was so bad I wasted my money I'm not playing the next episode, only to play it, come back here (or anywhere) and state the same thing
It is different people complaining, though of course there are some of the same. In my case I've complained about this episode some, but I've never complained about the others. I enjoyed episode 1 well enough and loved 2. I didn't like 3, and now I hated 4 so I've decided to discuss it a bit. I guess I should petition for a refund on my season pass and leave the forums though since 2 out of the current 10 episodes weren't enjoyable for me.
Your in my thread telling me what to do and in a sense doing exactly what I am doing. So, take your own advice maybe? And yeah, just because you bought the season pass doesn't mean you have to play it. I have bought tons of shit I don't like and don't use.
RickEverett is a smart freaking person. Thank you for putting this simple, yet educating post for others to understand. This is exactly my point.
You jump in my thread, tell me to not read critical posts, that other's can post what they want ( but I should not) and tell me to move onto another thread? Yet, I take it personally and you do not? You insult me and call me a fanboy? Yeah, I need to get over it.
I bought the season pass dummy. 15 pounds per episode would be stupid. Think please.
That is my point Eddie. They are lots of people that do exactly what you are mocking. Go through and read some of the complaint posts and you will see exactly this. I have not necessarily liked every episode from start to finish. Hell, I might have enough complained a bit. But I don't threaten to petition for a refund or say the telltlae writers suck, or I was ripped off, or voice other flat out derogatory statements. Voice your constructive complaints all you want. What I am saying is if you don't like the game there is a simple solution. Don't play it.
Agreed. One could just as easily say "don't read the positive threads if they upset you so much". I don't get why people take this stuff personally. Not everyone is going to hate every episode. Get over it and move on to a negative feedback thread.
(See what I mean)
Nah, I just don't care about your country enough to really worry how much 15 English sterling pounds really is. Irrelevant country is irrelevant.
Jumping into the fray here, but the difference is that negative threads center around people's issues with the episodes and TellTale. Positive ones, on the other hand, are all too frequently centered around talking down to people that don't like the episode rather than talking about what they liked about it.
Case in point: your thread.
Case in point: your post too. Me telling others not to play a game they claim to dislike is worse than people calling telltale employees bad writers, etc?
Criticizing a piece of interactive fiction a company puts out into the world and that we all paid money for is not a personal attack. Posting threads about how people that say things you don't want to hear need to shut up, is.
Please quote me where I told anyone to shut up? All I said was if you don't like the game don't play it. I'm all for constructive criticism,p. It could actually make the game more enjoyable. But the nonsense like, " this game sucks and telltale writers are bad" really doesn't help anything. Hence, if the game sucks why play it?
Please quote me where I told anyone to shut up? All I said was if you don't like the game don't play it. I'm all for constructive criticism,p. It could actually make the game more enjoyable. But the nonsense like, " this game sucks and telltale writers are bad" really doesn't help anything. Hence, if the game sucks why play it?
no people just like to bitch. hey I know first handed that's its more than ok to bitch, but not really to the levels they are doing. this kind of quality is being underrated, I don't think youll find a game that is this good for being a drag and point and click game. when I first heard it was goin to be like that I was kinda pissed because I wanted a zombie game that was fun to play and I was excited to know it was based on the walking dead, so I was like ehhh fuck that. then I just played it and it was awesome. how many other games would still have the quality to keep us on the edge of our seats, maybe not some but whatever, still through season two with the big changes they had??? and like I said yes I bitch and moan a lot, but not at shit like a game that's great, I actually have shit to get disappointed like the world actually being a fucked up shit place, this game has been nothing but short of great still and TT you can have my money if you decide to make season three. provided that clem is alive of course.
and yes I do see the problems people say but some are fucking ridiculous, like fucking eddie not being in the episode, the fuck over it that character was pretty much shit. christa I understand, but season aint over
Double post
Yes, Jamex exactly what I am saying. The game really isn't that bad. It has it's flaws like anything but the amount of hate posted on this forum is comical. But it is a proven fact that people that complain are more vocal than people that are satisfied with a product. So, I guess we will naturally see all the complaining and bitching.