My Prediction of Episode Five

What follows is my own far too in-depth to be accurate version of what I would predict for episode five: No Going Back. Done mainly for fun and to bring up the biggest predictions I have in a fully treated way. Would love to see what people think of this.

Blood And Iron

The episode picks up just after the shots have been fired, with Mike among the dead and perhaps Kenny, Luke, or Bonnie (most likely) with bullet-wounds. Jane reveals herself guns ablazing (having seen Arvo's group as she was leaving and hidden from them, and knowing they were coming after Clementine and the others because of what she did she couldn't just leave it alone, she had to make sure against her better judgement). When Jane does this, she creates the opportunity of escape as she and the remnants of the group (with the baby in hand) retreat off into the woods.

Miles To Go

The group indeed takes a short breather, but one that is far from relaxation: The conflict between Kenny and Luke reaches a high-point, with Jane also caught in the middle of things because she left. Meanwhile, they are still on the run but argument breaks out over whether they should listen to Jane who wants them to keep up the pace no matter what (leaving the wounded behind) or risk themselves for them.

Right Of Frost

Eventually, they do find themselves forced to stop due to the condition of both Bonnie and the baby, with Clementine being put into a situation where she can express desire to ditch everyone with Jane (who says that it's the only way she will make it) or remain steadfast by the group. Luke and Kenny finally go at it, and it seems that they are just about to kill eachother when...

Center Cannot Hold
Arvo's group comes crashing down upon them, thus forcing them on the run again and losing either Kenny or Luke depending on choices. There is a mad rush towards the river, and they are given no choice but to attempt to cross it in whatever way they can to get to the town on the other side. This is of course, incredibly dangerous. Bonnie is unable to keep up with her wounds and dies in the crossing or decides to stay behind to buy the others time to cross.

All The Dark Night

What remains of the group (Clem, Jane, Kenny/Luke, Baby) make it to the other side, reaching that settlement seen before. It is empty, but there are walkers and the group struggles to find their footing once more with so many lost and wounded in such a short time, the sun is going down and so they take a moment to rest, having crossed the river successfully. They discover a car, which can be fixed and made to work. But Arvo's group continues their pursuit, now hellbent on avenging any of theirs that were slain. This time, the group isn't taken by surprise and hides. They can then take a variety of different options with how to deal with them. Eventually, whether through an ambush or another standoff gone wrong, the group battles once more with the Russians (with Clementine possibly having the choice of killing Arvo who doesn't seem entirely on board with harming their group but might be justified to be killed given all that he's caused). The battle ultimately ends with the defeat of Arvo's group but at the cost of Kenny/Luke. Clementine has a moment to say her goodbyes before putting them down so they don't reanimate, and then takes the baby and goes with Jane to the car.

We Slowly Drove

Clementine and Jane drive North, towards the supposed location of Wellington. A tense conversation about why Jane is doing all this for Clementine and why she came back details the part of her that knew she couldn't let someone like Clementine die after all that she's seen and done. She sees herself as making the same choice she did for her sister, and she finally couldn't let it happen again. The conversation also ultimately reveals that Jane was shot in the stomach during the last firefight: "Given enough time, everyone's luck runs out." Still they drive on, even as Jane is dying. They talk about what it means to survive, and whether or not Jane made the right choices. Eventually, they reach a barricade, just outside of what they believe to be Wellington.

Kindly Stop For Me

But Jane is dying. She remains alive long enough to see Clementine to take the baby and find a way through the barricade, and depending on Clementine's attitude, she may yet believe that Jane can be saved, after all, Wellington is right there. When Clem gets back to the car to tell her that she found a way, Jane says that she has given up. She doesn't want to go any further. And so it is that Clementine must once again say goodbye to someone, perhaps giving her final judgement on Jane's character and who she was. Then, Clementine goes on through the barricade alone with the baby, arriving into Wellington.

All The Dead Lie Down

But Wellington has already fallen. There is nothing but snow and death, the remains of what was once a safe haven and is now a graveyard. Clementine is cold, and alone. She attempts to find shelter, but just as soon as she does, she hears a strange sound. Looking down to her arms, the baby has reanimated after dying from the cold. The final choice of the season echoes Season One, choosing to leave the baby to its fate or end it. In the season's closing scene, Clementine walks slowly to a playground. Now completely alone as she breaks down... And just as we think the credits are about to roll, she sees a figure in the distance, walking towards her. She assumes it is a walker, and seems to be giving up... But there is a voice, "Clementine?" And we know then, that it is Christa.


  • Nice job, Carnac.

  • I love it! I think Jane would come back for that reason alone and go out the same. I don't think Kenny AND Luke will die, I think it would be one or the other. Other than that I think it would go like that I could see it!

  • Jane, Mike, and Bonnie tho... :(

  • I think Christa will make an appearance in the episode, and I think a dispute with Luke will happen with Kenny. But i believe Kenny will kill Luke leaving you to still like him or not, or Kenny realizing what hes done and kills himself....OR.. right before Kenny offs himself Christa places a hand on Kenny....

    Jane, Mike, and Bonnie tho...

  • Great job man! Wouldn't mind seeing this actually happen.

  • edited July 2014

    Now I really think the only way for Kenny to die is to sacrifice himself to save Clem....

  • Not entirely sure on most of it, though it is thought out. I will agree that Clem is going to end up the sole caretaker for the baby. As soon as she held the baby and Rebecca said Clem was family, that became clear. The idea of a girl who is too young to have a child of her own being stuck with a child that is not her own is too good to ignore.

  • Yep...Maybe Telltale well take a turn :V

    Greed1914 posted: »

    Not entirely sure on most of it, though it is thought out. I will agree that Clem is going to end up the sole caretaker for the baby. As s

  • edited July 2014

    Double post Woops

    Greed1914 posted: »

    Not entirely sure on most of it, though it is thought out. I will agree that Clem is going to end up the sole caretaker for the baby. As s

  • Though i don't actually want this theory to happen (i dont want mike to die T_T), it is an amazing theory still, nice work

  • I sincerely HOPE that is the case. Not some stupid convoluted shit that Telltale takes out of their asses.

    AGentlman posted: »

    Now I really think the only way for Kenny to die is to sacrifice himself to save Clem....

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