Sarah and Nick
Does anyone not appreciate how Sarah and Nick were treated as throwaway characters in this episode?
I feel like the cast was too big to begin with, and TT just didn't know what to do with the characters. If Sarah was going to die, at least put a gun in her hand and give us that payoff...a somewhat redeeming death for yes, a weak character. For Nick, let him redeem himself for all his screwups. He was the cool version of Ben, yet Ben got the chance to redeem himself by deciding to go after Clem in season one, and Nick barely gets any screentime in Episode 3 and dies offscreen without any screentime in Episode 4?
This is just poor writing.
That being said, while I'm waiting for the 360 version of the episode, I did really enjoy it. It just felt off in too many places. I wish these two characters could have had some of the epic death scenes we saw in season one. Even Ben's first death scene is better than anything Sarah or Nick got, which is pretty sad in retrospect. Sarah and Nick were thrown out like trash.
I know right? Nick didn't have ANY lines in this episode and if Sarah was saved in the trailer, she's basically a mute with a few lines here and there with no value at all until her inevitable death. What was the whole point of, "Carlos/Sarah will remember that" and "Pete/Nick will remember this" if they were just going to be expendable income anyway? Man I sincerely dislike the writer for this episode. There were good moments, that's for sure, but with these two characters, Jesus Christ it was poor. Why did they even use different writers for these episodes in the first place?
I think it's giving the illusion of a character safety net, they did it with Carley way back in season one so it's not something (imo) we should criticize telltale for. It keeps us on our toes. I do however agree that the characters (with Nick having this whole redemption arc hinted at and Sarah being supported that you won't give up on them) did not deserve their throwaway deaths that had no meaning but tasteless shock value. I haven't felt this sick to my stomach over a video game decision since Mass Effect 3.
I was so pissed. Telltale was like: "Hmm, Sarah and Nick are starting to get quite the bigger fanbase... Let's kill Nick without him having any lines and shut get him shot in the shoulder until he bleeds out, and let's give players the option to kill Sarah a second time but they actually can't save her this time."
I wanted to see Nick without his cap, BUT NOT LIKE THAT.