Where is the story even going?
Don't get me wrong, Season 2's great, maybe not on the same level as Season 1 but it's still good- however one thing that gets me it's just there isn't a direct incentive or idea as to where on earth the plot's going, we only have one episode left and I feel like we're still in need of three more to get to know characters and represent the journey to Wellington. In Season 1 the story was clear, we were trying to look after Clementine and that was her mission- I love the walking dead and the game telltale makes, I just wish the story could've been more obvious instead of all over the place.
Sorry if I'm coming across as stupid, I just think it could be a bit more direct. If I was a writer I would've had the remainder of Carvers group (primarily the 400 days) characters tracking your group for revenge and the last scene could've been them instead of the Russians, as that would've made much more sense in the story and would make us as players feel more concerned as we'd have played and gotten to know these characters some what. But let me know your opinions, am I right? Or have I just taken it all a little out of proportion?
Get to Wellington. then Season 3 in Wellington
I knew that but it just seems awfully bland, where's the interesting villain or the concept of being on the run again.