Kenny's argument about _______ ____?
I dont understand why Kenny was so frustrated. Atleast in my playthough. I tried to save her. Wasnt cuttinh her hand the best bet to save her? Did anybody try axing the walker instead of her hand? And what happened?
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I axed her arm off, she falls down and she gets eaten. Then you have to hit the axe in her head because otherwise she will turn, and kenny doenst want to leave. You kill her and kenny gets furious
I think he did that because he felt as if there could have been a way to keep her alive, when someone you love dies you are in denial, so I don't blame him.
She was probably his only family left.
you can just convincehim to leave
Oh she doesnt die right there? Wow i never knew that
From what I can tell, Kenny yells at/blames Clementine whether you chop her arm off or not. If you chop it off, he claims you killed her, if you don't, he claims you killed her by doing nothing. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
...And, no, Sarita either dies by being finished off by Clem or by getting left behind due to her bites. There isn't any way to bring her to the tent.
Wrong. She died in the tent on my play through.
Really? Huh. How'd you go about doing that?
don't chop her arm.
i really wanted the option to just start yelling at him. i did the only sensible thing, i chopped of her arm. if she would just have shut the fuck up she would still be alive. she was close to turning into a zombie so i chopped her skull in half, a bit insensetive with kenny right there but i still saved his life. i really just wanted to either yell at him or slap him.