Will Kenny and Luke become Determinant? EDIT

So I've seen a few new theories around the board since episode 4 came out. One of which is how the fire fight is going to end up in the beginning of episode 5.

If you shoot Rebecca, Luke turns around and is distracted. If you call for help Kenny shoots Rebecca and is distracted.

So depending on who was distracted, means said person will get shot during the shoot out.

Meaning that Luke could die or Kenny could die from the distraction of Rebecca's turning.

And if both are Determinant, then both will die at some point in episode 5. I know this is TellTale were talking about so everyone and anyone could and will die. But does anyone else think that both characters will become Determinant because of how we choose to deal with the zombified Rebecca?


Just watched the scene again, Luke gets distracted no matter what happens. So I personally think Luke is definitely gonna die...


  • Well Luke still does get "distracted" if Kenny kills her as well.

  • edited July 2014

    Im almost positive thats what the pizza/ice cream thing is choosing between Kenny and Luke.

  • If you call for help they're both distracted.

  • Well we should pray to make sure they survive .....Hail Kenny, full of boats, the 'stache is with thee.

    Blessed art thou amongst urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Duck.

    Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds now and in the hour of our bite, amen.

  • OOPS thanks for letting me know. Yep Luke is more than likely gonna die.

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    Well Luke still does get "distracted" if Kenny kills her as well.

  • I thought that too, but now I think it will be a choice between Christa or Kenny, Wellington or Traveling, or Humanity vs Surviving. But Kenny vs Luke is my favorite Pizza or ice cream choice.

    Im almost positive thats what the pizza/ice cream thing is choosing between Kenny and Luke.

  • So Kenny and Luke get distracted if you shoot Rebecca? Because when I watched Clem shoot Rebecca I thought they only showed Luke turning.

    TheJack posted: »

    If you call for help they're both distracted.

  • XD love it.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well we should pray to make sure they survive .....Hail Kenny, full of boats, the 'stache is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst urbans a

  • edited July 2014

    Do the Luke's have a prayer and what are the Luke followers called? I can tell from the dislikes there are some Luke fans on this page...

    XD love it.

  • I love Luke and Kenny, and your comment doesn't bother me.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Do the Luke's have a prayer and what are the Luke followers called? I can tell from the dislikes there are some Luke fans on this page...

  • I like Luke but I Love Kenny , And I didn't mean you when I said Luke fans disliking, don't worry fellow stachist HE HAS RISEN

    I love Luke and Kenny, and your comment doesn't bother me.

  • No, when Kenny shoots Rebecca, they're both distracted.

    So Kenny and Luke get distracted if you shoot Rebecca? Because when I watched Clem shoot Rebecca I thought they only showed Luke turning.

  • I doubt it. A more insignificant character is probably going to be dead at the beginning of Episode 5, like Mike or Bonnie. Telltale killing off Luke or Kenny in that shootout would be another snap to the face.

    It would be the equivalent of Kenny stubbing his toe and dying, as funny as that sounds.

  • If they become determinant they would die anyway so it would'nt matter. Telltale always kill off determinant characters.

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