Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • You're welcome :]

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Ah shit apologies for being wrong, I only got like a 2 second glance and I havent had solid internet for a week or so, and i wasnt willing to waste a bunch of data to get just a screenshot but thanks for the compliment

  • It looks more like her thumb is broken. Is this from a deleted scene in Episode 4?

    I just found this pic on Twitter. Could this mean Jane is double-jointed?

  • I think it's in the episode, when Jane asks you to help her find Sarah and Luke and Nick(determinant)

    It looks more like her thumb is broken. Is this from a deleted scene in Episode 4?

  • Ask Luke.

    I just found this pic on Twitter. Could this mean Jane is double-jointed?

  • Alt text


    Mixtos posted: »

    Ask Luke.

  • Yeah, I was just playing with you. :D I'd definitely love to run into Christa again. That arc is not finished, and if she's not back by the next episode... Then she's probably not coming back, even if there does end up being a season 3.

    Jessi_love posted: »

    Well i know your being sarcastic and i was just hopeing that we can all just thiiink that maybe mwe can run into molly or maybe even krista

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    It would technically be possible for a game character to end up in the comics, that would be cool, but I'd rather have her in the game.

    Yeah, I was just playing with you. I'd definitely love to run into Christa again. That arc is not finished, and if she's not back by the next episode... Then she's probably not coming back, even if there does end up being a season 3.

  • This is when Bonnie says she's going to scope out the museum. Jane says she'll check out the other building (using her thumb to indicate the direction it's in).

    It looks more like her thumb is broken. Is this from a deleted scene in Episode 4?

  • I'm 18 years old and that's how I interpreted that joke originally 0_0 guess my mind isn't as dirty as I thought was

  • Poor girl...

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Its pretty sad cause after Sarahs done screaming right after Carlos' death, if you listen carefully she says something very quietly like "pleeeaaae no" shes like begging for him not to die

  • With Pete asking Clem to look after Nick, Alvin asking her to look after Rebecca, Carlos asking her to look after Sarah, and Clem having done everthing fucking thing she could, we got this:

    Alt text

    The red frame means the character is dead.

  • They seem to forget that he saved Clem in ep3 too...(and I hope they stop talking about "Carver won't hurt Clem"...are they blind to see how Carver slapped Clem at the beginning ot ep3?)

    Bygler posted: »

    Everyone forgot the fact that kenny saved lee in ep 1

  • If you stayed to watch Kenny kill Carver, Luke will actually bring it up if you select the "Kenny was protecting us" dialogue.

    "I used to think that all the horror hadn't gotten to you yet. But you watched your friend murder Carver. Not just kill but... Clem, you didn't even blink"

  • More like "Carver will discipline Clem through some nonlethal method such as slapping, rendering Kenny's 'heroics' pointless."

    24601 posted: »

    They seem to forget that he saved Clem in ep3 too...(and I hope they stop talking about "Carver won't hurt Clem"...are they blind to see how Carver slapped Clem at the beginning ot ep3?)

  • I saw this in a gif set and was wondering how you got this! Thanks!

    quinnics posted: »

    If you stayed to watch Kenny kill Carver, Luke will actually bring it up if you select the "Kenny was protecting us" dialogue. "I used to

  • Oh wow. I picked up "It disturbed me" option, because it really did, and I didn't know what will Luke say if you pick another line. And a notification that Luke will remember it popped up. I wonder if Luke will bring it up in the game later...

    quinnics posted: »

    If you stayed to watch Kenny kill Carver, Luke will actually bring it up if you select the "Kenny was protecting us" dialogue. "I used to

  • Woah Woah WHAT

    Kennysucks posted: »


  • He never got bit..

    fallandir posted: »

    I'll replay this again then.

  • Huh....Never thought that...

    Carley123 posted: »

    This may kind of be sucky but in A New Day when Hershel is fixing Lee's leg the conversation will go something like "The Swelling should

  • My favorite part of this episode was how easily the references to season 1 were scattered throughout.

    Clementine: We need your help to figure out a plan-

    Kenny: Grow the fuck up and look around you, Clementine! Take a look at how our LAST plan worked out. There ain't some BOAT or some TRAIN or or some other bullshit outta this one!

  • Everyone seems to forget that as long as he’s armed, Larry will always attempt to save you in Starved For Help. Even though standing by and letting Lee get eaten by Travis/Parker would have been the perfect opportunity to get Lee killed quickly, easily, and without drawing any suspicion to himself. Instead, he doesn’t hesitate to rush in and help. He even succeeds in saving Lee’s life if Doug was saved.

    Larry may have been an asshole and he may have threatened Lee, but he never really wanted him dead and I honestly think his heart was in the right place.

  • Well, he did try to kill him in A New Day. I think he originally wanted to kill him, but eventually decided that that wasn't a good idea.

    Everyone seems to forget that as long as he’s armed, Larry will always attempt to save you in Starved For Help. Even though standing by and

  • If you mention Lee when talking to Sarah in the trailer Park, she'll put on her glasses before the Leave Or Save Sarah choice comes up. If you use other dialogue and save her, she will put her glasses after the group escapes through the skylight.

  • I definitely agree. I was waiting for the option for Clem to jump down there and help, but it never came. Also, like you said, there really wasn't any reason for Sarah to have even been on the balcony at the time.

    This is also the only option that convinces Sarah to take the glasses back from Clem without having to save her first. It’s really heartwarm

  • "How did I end up in a place where I'm actually SAD that I'm not eating racoon." -Mike, Season 2's funniest character.

    prink34320 posted: »

    "I'd eat the shit out of that raccoon" ~Mike

  • edited July 2014

    Oh yeah... I'll correct myself; Larry might have originally wanted Lee dead (a rational fear since this was a man who murdered before killing was necessary for survival), but eventually had a change of heart.

    Spooch posted: »

    Well, he did try to kill him in A New Day. I think he originally wanted to kill him, but eventually decided that that wasn't a good idea.

  • I felt so much heartache in that scene, it was just like Lee's brother in Ep. 1

    nursethalia posted: »

    And immediately after... "Oh shoot, I scalped him! Why don't I have better aim???"

  • That's Clementine.

    Shumisha posted: »

    Actualy, i think he says "Luke!" right beforre being shooted.

  • Yeah, I agree with that. I don't think Larry was a bad man, he just had a temper. Oh, and charm.

    Oh yeah... I'll correct myself; Larry might have originally wanted Lee dead (a rational fear since this was a man who murdered before killing was necessary for survival), but eventually had a change of heart.

  • A lot of people seem to forgot that we were with Christa longer than anybody else, even Lee. For some reason she is rarely mentioned in the game after Ep 1

  • The sound effect when you are rubbing walker guts on you (or Sarah I'm not sure which one), is recycled in The Wolf Among Us Episode 4 when Jersey Devil stabs Bigby in the arm.

  • Thank you so much! This is really NEW to me!

    fallandir posted: »

    Sure. There's picture I managed to catch - you guys can see Kenny's hat - but I don't exactly know it's a moment that @hihitwd talked about: And there is yt video: Voices are funny btw :>

  • edited July 2014

    No problem man! But @hihitwd found this first, I just added some stuff :)

    K-K-Kenny posted: »

    Thank you so much! This is really NEW to me!


    Kennysucks posted: »

    When searching walkers with Jane, you can find two drivers lisenses, one being Lelands

  • This is a long shot, but there is a small possibility that Jaime is alive. Even though Jane suggests throughout episode 4 that she had given up as a survivor, Jane herself says that she never looked back at Jaime after she left her, and doesn't know if she was turned. Sure, it is a very small chance that she is alive and well, but no-one should be considered dead unless they are seen dead, e.g. Kenny. It would be crazy if she was seen in the last episode

  • Theyre always recycled. When there are guts and squishy shit they always put that same sound effect. It might be even recycled from season 1 ep 5

    The sound effect when you are rubbing walker guts on you (or Sarah I'm not sure which one), is recycled in The Wolf Among Us Episode 4 when Jersey Devil stabs Bigby in the arm.

  • Because although Christa looked out for Clem for all that time, there was no great emotional attachment between the two after Omid's death and what happened to her baby. Christa could barely look at Clem in the beginning of 201. But you're right; she still took care of Clem the longest.

    A lot of people seem to forgot that we were with Christa longer than anybody else, even Lee. For some reason she is rarely mentioned in the game after Ep 1

  • Wow! What did Clem say in response? Anyone have a link?

    quinnics posted: »

    If you stayed to watch Kenny kill Carver, Luke will actually bring it up if you select the "Kenny was protecting us" dialogue. "I used to

  • Keep Christa away from the comics. I doubt Kirkman has to sensor them. There is more rape in that comic than anything else I've ever seen.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It would technically be possible for a game character to end up in the comics, that would be cool, but I'd rather have her in the game.

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