Not cutting _____'s arm off makes the Ep4 less emotional

I was in the minority who chose to kill the Walker instead of chopping Sarita's arm off. It was pretty obvious that she was being set up to die in Ep4, so I was expecting Kenny to be really torn up in AtR. But when I got to the memorial site Kenny seemed really pissed with Clem, which I found really puzzling since I didn't think I did anything wrong (honestly; using an axe covered in gore to cut off an arm in a sea of walkers? if the infection didn't kill her the blood loss or blood-attracted walkers would)

So I looked AtR on the wiki, and apparently if you chop her arm she screams at you, drawing Kenny who also yells at you. That makes his coldness in this episode more understandable, I guess. I wish they'd made it more emotional for the players who made the don't-cut-her-arm decision.


  • Well there was still the emotion of hating Kenny and wanting him dead, if that counts.

  • Why the Kenny hate?

  • Because he's a douchebag.

    Natsumi posted: »

    Why the Kenny hate?

  • Agreed. It's a shame most people cut it off.

  • I was one of the few that killed the walker too, and I don't agree with you completely. It is a bit emotional since you get to see Kenny spend some time with Sarita before she dies, and you feel a bit more for Sarita dying since you actually get to say something to her in the herd, and it looks like she wants to say something to you when Kenny is yelling at you for no reason. Then later, you find out he actually did put her out of her misery, when he couldn't even do that in season 1 with Duck, or if you did cut off her arm, so that's a development for his character.

    But yeah, I agree it makes no sense that he'd yell at you for killing the walker, although it does give you more of a reason to be mad at him since he's basically yelling at you for no reason. I'd think he's probably just mad because you didn't attempt to do anything to save her, or he's just taking his anger out on you, but it made no sense... Although I think if you choose the right dialogue options with him, he can actually be pretty chill about it if you killed the walker.

  • I chopped her arm off. Kenny was really mad. He said i can't be alone again. Then i understood why he was so harsh, He has been through a lot.

  • So has Clementine

    RobSolo posted: »

    I chopped her arm off. Kenny was really mad. He said i can't be alone again. Then i understood why he was so harsh, He has been through a lot.

  • But Clem seems more mentally strong.

    Emyl19 posted: »

    So has Clementine

  • I agree 100%.

    Because he's a douchebag.

  • edited July 2014

    Yea, but she's still a kid, and Kenny's an adult. We should almost think Clem was the adult and Kenny was the kid..

    RobSolo posted: »

    But Clem seems more mentally strong.

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