Who do you think is alive at the start of ep 5?

So we have the following what is the chance they are alive?

  • Clem (100%)

  • Kenny (70%, seems like a waste after all this time, but could kill him)

  • Luke (70% again seems like a waste after all this time)

  • Bonnie (55%, true they could be wiped out, but I still feel that while they may get injured they will be alright)

  • Mike ( Same as Bonnie )

  • Baby (100%, well maybe 99% but still the entire point is that its safe)

  • Arvo (50%, even though I'm not a fan I think he has potential)

  • Angry russians X3 ( maybe but honestly 30%, they maybe just be injured)



  • Just clem..and the BABY.. ><

  • edited July 2014

    Clem Kenny Luke (maybe mike cuz he kool)

    Probably Arvo cuz he annoying as sht

    Well Baby has to live. Otherwise the game is just fkd up and you have nothing to go on for at the next game

    Unless you can play as Lee and he is alive again

  • I think maybe just Clem will be alive. But the baby is right out of the way with Rebeccas body shielding it.

  • edited July 2014

    I hate the fact that probably Bonnie or Mike gets shot D: My babes.
    Kenny and Luke may take some hits but I don't think that they die, at least there. Arvo might get hurt and the other Russians die and Clem's group will take Arvo with them?? Ohh that would be super awesome. Or not. I don't know what to think about him.

  • I believe that since everyone heard the shot our own team got to shoot first at Arvo's group...so i think that many of our group will survive while most of the other group will die....also for some weird reason i have that theory that episode 5 starts with Clem injured and with her having a dream sequence where she talks with Lee....

  • I think Mike and Bonnie had bad chances to be honest. It seems that mike is just there to die...
    And I also think that Kenny got shot

  • Well Mike is going against a guy with a shotgun at very close range, so unless he gets the first shot, I'd say it's not going to look good for him. Bonnie and Kenny are going against the AK47 tattooed guy and the woman. Bonnie says that she guarantees that she's a better shot than them and that she could drop them both. So if they both go against the tattooed guy, then at least one of them I would assume would be injured, probably Bonnie. Luke has his AK47 pointed at Arvo, which he looks defenseless. Then there's Clementine with her pistol. I'd say it would probably be that Mike will die considering he's going against a shotgun, and Bonnie might have some serious injuries. I suspect that everyone will be, but not as bad as Mike or Bonnie would be.

  • I think Luke might get shot but the other probably use that fence on their right as cover. well I hope so anyway. (apology for my bad English)

  • Clementine obviously, the baby, Kenny, Luke, Arvo, Bonnie/Mike(I think one will die). Perhaps Kenny and Luke both get into trouble and you have to help one and leave the other right off the bat. But I think most of the group will probably survive, probably with heavy wounds, at least for a while. The group had the Russians pretty outnumbered so that's not too farfetched, and it seems like they're setting up Arvo to stick around for a while.

  • Lee.

    Wait which episode five are we talking about?

    1. Clementine.
    2. The baby.
    3. Kenny & Luke (Ice Cream VS Pizza).
    4. Mike will die... Bonnie will most likely get injured and die later.

    Damn, I like Mike & Bonnie.

  • I think that even if Arvo survives, if Kenny survives as well, he's pretty much dead.

    I don't think he'd have mercy on him, especially after putting the baby's life at risk

  • With any hope, it'll be Clementine and Arvo. Then I can get medieval on his ass.

  • wow




    With any hope, it'll be Clementine and Arvo. Then I can get medieval on his ass.

  • Mike and Bonnie have really bad chances but I'd rather them survive over Kenny and Luke.

  • I'm saying I hope we'll get to finish him off amongst all the death, or at least have a choice.

    wow really arvo? really?

  • I think Jane came back to help. Clem, the baby, mike and luke. Kenny needs to die. sooooooooooooooooooooooo sick of him.

  • Even though Mike is one of my favorite characters, it looks like he's gonna die in the shootout. -_-

  • Or Telltale could do a swerve and have the baby get shot. which will toughen Clem up more. but either jane came back or bonnie lives. a female besides clem has to live. at least at the beginning of Chap 5. i think kenny got shot because he shot rebecca and there was a guy right behind rebecca. no way is kenny that quick.

  • Maybe it'll be about time that I beat the sh*t out of this guy.

    With any hope, it'll be Clementine and Arvo. Then I can get medieval on his ass.

  • I'll laugh if it turns out the Russians missed and shot each other

  • I think ep 5 will just end up with Clem and the baby and next season you play as the baby

  • What would be extremely lame if we don't get to see the gun fight or participate and Telltale just does a time-skip after the battle... ugh that would suck. Anyway for Clem's group my vote would be Clem, Luke, Kenny, and the baby only due to that some have to die on both sides.

  • I think Clem, baby, Kenny, Luke, arvo maybe Bonnie and then I think there will be some choice were arvos fate is in your hands cause Kenny will want to kill him and Luke will be like killings bad maybe there will be a choice to go with Kenny or Luke then Jane will come back after hearing the gunshots and even more crazy stuff goes down and Kenny will want to kill her for screwing everybody

  • Since Chapter 6 of EP5 is called, "We Slowly Drove", that must mean that Clementine will be with others, right?

  • I'd say Clem, Kenny and Luke are 100% safe since Clem's the main character and Kenny and Luke are setting up the Kenny vs Luke choice other than that I'd ay everyone else has a chance of getting killed.

  • heh... play as the baby.

    So, baby, what do you think we should do?

    1. Waaa
    2. (throw up)
    3. (take a dump in your diaper)
    4. (silence)
    Kennysucks posted: »

    I think ep 5 will just end up with Clem and the baby and next season you play as the baby

  • Mike better not die yet, he still needs to show me how to eat the shit out of a raccoon.

  • Luke is getting shot,his gun is lowered ,whether it's a fatal shot though is another thing,Kenny and Clem have the best positions in this,in the center.

    i reckon :Kenny,Clem,Arvo,baby and Luke survive

  • I doubt that anyone beside the baby will be completely uninjured. Maybe Bonnie, idk.

    Clementine may get out clean or be caught in the crossfire and get grazed/shot in a limb.

    Mike will probably die. :(

    Kenny will probably be injured. Whether or not it's a mortal wound may depend on player choice.

    I'm not sure about Luke.

    Arvo will probably make it, they would really be wasting a character otherwise.

    The goons are in trouble

  • Arvo 80% he was unarmed.

  • didn't anyone else see the RV from scene in the trailer park in my save lilly stole it so is lilly in the area near the town maybe well see lilly in episode 5

  • edited July 2014

    For me I think its going to be like this:

    •Clem (100% wont kill off main character in a gunfight at least not at the beginning of the episode)

    •Kenny (100% same as Clem)

    •Luke (20% will be wounded and will probable die from the wounds later)

    •Bonnie (80% will be wounded but will survive)

    •Mike (0% going to get caught in crossfire or by the AK47 either way he dies )

    •Baby (100%, the baby isn't in any form of danger of being shot)

    •Arvo (80% More than likely he will be a character that travels with the group)

    •Angry russians X3 ( 0% without a doubt they will all die in the gunfight)

  • Re-used model.

    clemchess posted: »

    didn't anyone else see the RV from scene in the trailer park in my save lilly stole it so is lilly in the area near the town maybe well see lilly in episode 5

  • edited July 2014

    I think that Bonnie and all the Russians will die. Mike and Luke will be hardly injured, one of them will possibly die (Mike?).

  • or telltale wants to think that but could be forshadowing

    Re-used model.

  • edited July 2014

    Clem will live for obvious reasons, and the baby as well since they're probably setting up something or the other for it, maybe a choice of whether or not to keep it. Kenny and Luke may be injured, but they'll both be alive because TellTale still has to bring their feud to some kind of boiling point. Mike I think isn't making it out of the fight and Bonnie I could see surviving a while longer but then dying some point later in the episode.

    Oh, and Arvo will probably make it and we'll get an option of whether or not to finish him.

  • I think Bonnie or Mike will die, possibly with a choice of who survives. Tbh even tho i know that's going to happen it's gonna annoy me so much because Bonnie and Mike are my favorite characters in the group as of now, they are normal, and don't whine :S

  • I have the feeling only Clem and the baby will survive.. Clem may have to "put down" a couple characters, take the baby, name him Lee and go out alone like Jane taught her.

    The other possible option is Clem may have to decide what to do about the baby. Take him with her or leave him behind.

    It is also "possible" that Jane somehow returns and could know some people willing to take the baby. No way Clem could handle a new born all alone in a ZA.

    But then what? EP5 could have Clem traveling alone to Wellington meaning the episode would either be just Clem by herself or do a time skip where Clem reaches Wellington and ends there maybe even meeting up with Lilly and or Christa. Might be a good way to end the season.

  • I love that line.

    Vote4Lee posted: »

    Mike better not die yet, he still needs to show me how to eat the shit out of a raccoon.

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