Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Fun fact : if you save Alvin in episode 3 when your in his office, carver will point to bloody beat up Alvin in the blood covered chair, and say you don't want to be in that chair, it's pretty intimidating

    But if you don't save him carver will still tell you that if you misbehave you will end up in that chair. Which without Alvin just looks like a normal chair, there is nothing threatening about it, maybe it's even more comfy than the one your in right now, making carver look like a complete idiot to anyone like me that played through with Alvin dead by then.

  • MyushaMyusha Banned

    But Clem died in the train death.

    Bygler posted: »

    Whenever you get a game over there is a chance of someone else dies, like the train death everyone died but kenny. And in later episodes the

  • In the Episode 4 Luke said:

    When I look at Kenny now, he seems broken, and broken people get reckless.

    After that, when Kenny instantly get mad at Luke as it was Luke's job to be on the lookout for walkers, the dialogue was:

    Kenny: "What's goin' on is you're reckless fuckin' moron!"

    Luke: "I'M reckless? You know, you got a lotta nerve, Ken!"

    So both of them are broken now?

  • So she might die then

    Myusha posted: »

    But Clem died in the train death.

  • edited July 2014

    There's a death scene in the observation deck where you actually get to see everyone get killed.

    Bonnie, Mike, Jane, Luke and Clem. I thought it was kinda cool since it shows that Clem's is not the only one that's not invincible, for once.

    It's at the 7 minute mark:


    Bygler posted: »

    Whenever you get a game over there is a chance of someone else dies, like the train death everyone died but kenny. And in later episodes the

  • I laughed for 2 reasons:

    1) As a fellow urban, I heard this line in my heard right before Mike said it. When it he said it, I was like "that's something we would say." lol

    2) As Clem and Bonnie turned to him, I knew that they heard poop. I also knew they were not familiar with urban vernacular a.k.a ebonics. lol

  • Troy was the least talkative in ep 2 but the most talkative in ep 3

  • Once again you don't see kenny die. Kenny is god

    Pride posted: »

    There's a death scene in the observation deck where you actually get to see everyone get killed. Bonnie, Mike, Jane, Luke and Clem. I tho

  • I'd like to imagine that, without Alvin, it's a very, very comfortable chair. Clem gets the idea that, the more she misbehaves, the more comfortable the chair becomes. Thus, by the end of the night, she's in a reclining seat made out of solid cloud, hovering as if she's floating in a pool.

    Shadusnox posted: »

    Fun fact : if you save Alvin in episode 3 when your in his office, carver will point to bloody beat up Alvin in the blood covered chair, and

  • Noooo Mike, my boost buddy ;-;

    Pride posted: »

    There's a death scene in the observation deck where you actually get to see everyone get killed. Bonnie, Mike, Jane, Luke and Clem. I tho

  • Really? How?

    Mr_Csar posted: »

    Did you know that you can shoot Andy St.John in the head ?

  • The way that Luke dies at 7 minutes is the same way that Nick dies in episode 2.

    Pride posted: »

    There's a death scene in the observation deck where you actually get to see everyone get killed. Bonnie, Mike, Jane, Luke and Clem. I tho

  • Walkers REALLY like necks.

    Cody_nara posted: »

    The way that Luke dies at 7 minutes is the same way that Nick dies in episode 2.

  • Jane is doing Molly's move!

    Walkers REALLY like necks.

  • No, it's just that Luke doesn't understand Kenny. He gets broken, but he manages to come back a stronger person. Just like Mike said to Kenny, he's one tough bastard.

    fallandir posted: »

    In the Episode 4 Luke said: When I look at Kenny now, he seems broken, and broken people get reckless. After that, when Kenny instantl

  • Mike ear is ripped

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  • I tried looking for the option to stab it before it grabbed me.. I seemed to have missed it..

    AGentlman posted: »

    I found one!!! After Nicks little "death scene" (if you saved him) where you have to check the surroundings, there's a walker lying down on

  • A raccoon bit it. Now, it's on.

    Bygler posted: »

    Mike ear is ripped

  • If you left Lee in S1E5 and tell Kenny he's not the only one who's lost people in S2E4, you get the option to say "I lost my parents, and Lee". But if you did shoot Lee, Clementine doesn't mention her parents, she only says "I had to shoot Lee".

  • He's basically an urban comic Andrea.

    Bygler posted: »

    Mike ear is ripped

  • There are scenes where Kenny can die though.

    Look it up on the wiki.

    Bygler posted: »

    Once again you don't see kenny die. Kenny is god

  • She is mentioned a lot of times in 202

    A lot of people seem to forgot that we were with Christa longer than anybody else, even Lee. For some reason she is rarely mentioned in the game after Ep 1

  • Like?

    Flog61 posted: »

    There are scenes where Kenny can die though. Look it up on the wiki.

  • Is there a video of it?

    If you left Lee in S1E5 and tell Kenny he's not the only one who's lost people in S2E4, you get the option to say "I lost my parents, and Lee". But if you did shoot Lee, Clementine doesn't mention her parents, she only says "I had to shoot Lee".

  • edited July 2014

    When talking to Sarah later on at Parkers Run, if you saved her in the trailer, she will ask you if Jane and Luke were going to leave her, then she will ask why you didn't leave her, you can say something like "Because, we're friends, based on how you treat Sarah, she says something along the lines of "No, no we're not".

    2 Sad

    Please someone find a video.

  • edited July 2014

    When you're walking over to the tent to get Kenny out of there after saving Luke, there's a flock of ravens there, by the left.

    I've seen them fly away in some playthroughs when you approach the tent, yet in some others they just stay put.

    I wonder what the significance of this is? Anyone have an idea?

    Ravens seem to be a recurring symbolism on all the episodes, I recall one flying away from a tree in EP1, and another one when Clem reaches the top of the lift in EP2, didn't pay much attention to EP3, but in EP4 that flock of ravens that sometimes flies away, and sometimes doesn't got my attention.

    What's the symbolism of ravens, anyway?

  • What? I don't like pooping in other people's toilets. Only comfortable shitting on my own toilet.


  • Well, crows sometimes symbolize death, or are messengers of death, like maybe someone has died recently or will die soon. What were the differences between the playthroughs where the crows flew or stayed put? Did they save/leave Sarah at the trailer park? Chopped off Sarita's arm?

    Pride posted: »

    When you're walking over to the tent to get Kenny out of there after saving Luke, there's a flock of ravens there, by the left. I've seen

  • edited July 2014

    I'll try to pay attention to those things.They always seem to be watching over Clementine, in every episode... If you guys have any ideas about the meaning, tell us!

    In my playthrough I didn't chop Sarita's arm, and saved Sarah. They flew away.

    Liayso posted: »

    Well, crows sometimes symbolize death, or are messengers of death, like maybe someone has died recently or will die soon. What were the diff

  • I didn't chop Sarita's arm, and saved Sarah too, so I got the crows flying away as well. I just watched a few playthroughs, and I think the only way you can get them flying away is if you didn't cut Sarita's arm, since saving or not saving Sarah doesn't affect it at all. I think Liayso's right on the mark in saying they're actually crows and not ravens, and they usually symbolize death.

    I think it might actually be a tie in with season 1, since if you didn't chop Sarita's arm, she's in the tent with Kenny, and you find out he had to put her down after she turned. And in season 1 right before Katjaa's suicide and Duck's death, you see a crow fly by... so in a way it's basically showing Kenny's going through the same thing again: his wife/girlfriend dying, and then he has to put someone down.

    Pride posted: »

    I'll try to pay attention to those things.They always seem to be watching over Clementine, in every episode... If you guys have any ideas about the meaning, tell us! In my playthrough I didn't chop Sarita's arm, and saved Sarah. They flew away.

  • If you don't distract the walker in episode 4 Jane will get mad at you and say I told you to distract it!

  • my little brother explained it as pumpy pumpy dog dog which i found hilarious and also rather odd XD

    AGentlman posted: »

    The Hanky Panky

  • edited July 2014

    Well, in Celtic Mythology, a crow represents a godness Morrigan, who appears in the crow's form. She's the godness of strife and sovereignty and she sometimes flies over struggling warrior. Warriors believed that whenever crows are seen, the godness is guiding or watching them.

    Pride posted: »

    I'll try to pay attention to those things.They always seem to be watching over Clementine, in every episode... If you guys have any ideas about the meaning, tell us! In my playthrough I didn't chop Sarita's arm, and saved Sarah. They flew away.

  • Here's a gif of both instances for those curious :

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    Alt text

    Espurr posted: »

    I didn't chop Sarita's arm, and saved Sarah too, so I got the crows flying away as well. I just watched a few playthroughs, and I think the

  • Maybe it has to do with if you shot Lee or not

    Pride posted: »

    Here's a gif of both instances for those curious :

  • I just did and the walkers opened the door and ate lee, no one else so that don't count

    Flog61 posted: »

    There are scenes where Kenny can die though. Look it up on the wiki.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Nah, it has to do with Sarita's arm, if you didn't chop her arm then the crows fly, if you did, they stay still.

    xWally posted: »

    Maybe it has to do with if you shot Lee or not

  • The crows have been present before almost every death in the game. The ones I can remember off the top of my head were Katjaa and Duck's death, Omid's (at the very beginning when Clem's looking up at the sky I think), shortly before you meet Sam, and there are even some when Clementine climbed up the ladder at the ski lodge. A few scenes later, Carver came and Walter died.

    Pride posted: »

    I'll try to pay attention to those things.They always seem to be watching over Clementine, in every episode... If you guys have any ideas about the meaning, tell us! In my playthrough I didn't chop Sarita's arm, and saved Sarah. They flew away.

  • There's also Shawn, Jolene and Reggie.

    quinnics posted: »

    The crows have been present before almost every death in the game. The ones I can remember off the top of my head were Katjaa and Duck's dea

  • Ohhh

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Nah, it has to do with Sarita's arm, if you didn't chop her arm then the crows fly, if you did, they stay still.

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