What was the original plot?
I heard that there was another plot with Detective Brannigan that they scrapped because everyone guessed it. What was that plot?
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I heard that there was another plot with Detective Brannigan that they scrapped because everyone guessed it. What was that plot?
It's widely assumed that Brannigan was going to discover Fabletown, but I think the writer of the comics didn't like that.
Along with her other cop buddies supposedly. And Bluebeard planning to take over Snow White's position.
The "Wolf Among Us (version 1)" original plot was written by Mike Stemmle, but his work was scrapped (maybe there was too much comedy in it?): you could still see his proud " Wolf Among Us (version 1)" tag in Mike's Linkedin account.
Mike Stemmle sadly left (or was fired by) Telltale some months ago, maybe frustrated by the lack of his favourite genre (non-violent-comedy) in the future Telltale projects.
After Mike Stemmle (and his modifications to adapt the game to TWD Choice&Consequence formula) the writing of the Version 2 was led by Pierre Shorette, but his darker version included the cops discovering the Fables. Shortly before the episode 1 was released Bill Willingham said that was too much far from the Fables canon and TT decided to rewrite the plot (also because the forum discovered important pieces of the storyline) and to move Shorette from TWAU to the TWD franchise.
And now you're playing the Version 3 of the game.
Interesting. I didn't know another plot was scrapped...gotta take a look into that. It's a shame about Shorette, though. You can already see in episode two that they pretty much took a whole new different approach regarding the game. I can only imagine how things would've turned out if all the episodes were around the same quality as "Faith".
This doesn't mean I'm not happy with what we received, but one has to wonder:). Well, one can also hope they are planning to improve that certain storyline and use it in another season, as a sub-plot at least.
It's a shame about Mike Stemmle too, IMHO. Former Lucasarts member (Indiana Jones and Fate of Atlantis, Monkey 4, Sam & Max Hit the Road), his work on Sam and Max Season 3 and Tales of Monkey Island was wonderful.
It's a real shame he had to go (even worse if he got fired! :-( ).
You're right, just looked him up. I thought his name sounded familiar and now that I know he worked on the third season of Sam and Max and Tales of Monkey Island(two games which I want to play very soon and also heard good things about, especially the devil's playhouse) I also know why.
Now that I'm looking at this, I remember that there's a Cinderella character model in the files, so she was involved somehow, in fact, I think she passes Bigby in the opening credits. I think the files in the Tweedles office could have been an homage to some things from the original script.
Interesting find. I do recall Telltale stating they were revising the game to incorporate choice, but I didn't think it required that much revision to the plot.
Did Bill Willingham actually make an official comment on that storyline about the mundie police, or is that just a prediction?
EDIT: Going off his Linkedin profile, Mike Stemmle did actually have some involvement in Tales from the Borderlands.
You really should check out The Devil's Playhouse. It's a great combination of comedy and drama, and one of Telltale's finer puzzle adventure games.
The original plot for this game was only changed shortly before the release of Ep.2. Snow White's death was still to occur, and upon that, the Mundy police would take a sudden interest in Bigby. While following him around in his investigation, they get knowledge of the Fables and their world.
That storyline was taken out due to the fact it went against canon in many parts, mainly the fact Snow remains dead. However, I thought the idea of Mundies investigating Fabletown was a very cool idea (even if they do it in the comics). I hope they still incorporate into a Season 2.
I'm pretty sure Snow White would not have remained dead for the entire game, given Telltale wanted to make the game fit into canon and always tries to make their games faithful to the source material.
Probably, I have no idea though. Still thought everything else about the original idea was very cool.
Yeah. When I first saw the rumor that they removed the storyline about the mundane police getting involved, I was initially a little bummed about it. However, Episode 4 and 5 convinced me the new direction was worth it in the end.
Oh yeah, for sure the whole Crooked Man thing was amazing. I still would have loved to see the whole Mundane thing, and am keeping my fingers crossed its the plot for Season 2. I'm sure it can be modified to go with canon.
The Boy Who Cried Wolf (taxi driver) was also rumored to have more involvement in the story as well, and I also saw an unused character model floating around for an older female character. Also, rumor has it Mr Toad actually was supposed to have a glamoured form that resembled Jersey Devil's glamour.
EDIT: Secondly, keep in mind that none of the achievements for any Episode after Episode 1 fit the story (unless the achievement name was already vague).
Oh, that goes without saying. I'm halfway through the second season, and I enjoyed every minute of it(Sam and Max as kids will surely remain fresh in my mind for some time).
I'm not doing that great in regards to the references throughout the game at times(aside from the obvious ones like the numbers seen on "Lost", "Metal Gear Solid" and "Duke Nukem", all seen in episode two). Still, that's not really a bad thing. Considering I discovered two new movies thanks to that, "Ice Station Zebra" and "Mo' Better Blues".
Okay, I'll stop now:). The last thing I want is to derail this thread.
One more thing - I think you'll really like the jump in production qualities between Season 2 and 3. Season 2 was one of Telltale's earlier titles, whereas Telltale afterwards took a break from Sam and Max and worked on three other Seasons before starting work on The Devil's Playhouse. The third Season has much better quality in its presentation that is closer to Telltale's newer titles than it is to Season 1/2.
They probably wouldn't do a "mundanes find out about Fables" plot even for Season 2 if they want to keep it canon. They say in the comics that the last time someone came close to finding out about Fabletown was the 1920's. I mean, it may be interesting, but that was probably one of the reasons why they changed it.
I kind of liked that the story ended up being all about the Fables themselves anyway. It kept the focus on them and their stories the whole time. It didn't bother me that mundies didn't come into it.
I can't say I've ever been bothered by the game's presentation. On the contrary, I've always seen it as one of it's strengths, but is another thing to look forward nonetheless:).
Thanks for the feedback. It's been appreciated.
You are right about the discovery of Fabletown in regards to the timeline, but it could be possible, yet tricky, for a mundie/mundies to discover only Bigby, or Bigby revealing himself to them. It has been done in the comics, and I see no reason why it can't happen in the game.
While I do seem to have problems thinking how can Bigby end up in that position.....at least it's something to consider.
Hmmm, I can see where you're going with that. It may not go against canon if they discovered only one character, but didn't know about the whole community.
Yes that would be probably the ideal thing. They become suspicious of Bigby, and to keep them away from the rest of Fabletown, he makes sure the only follow him.
I keep hearing they already sort of did that in the comics.
Like people said I think the original plot was going to be about brannigan discovering fabletown. That would have been pretty cool but Im glad we got this story.
Yeppers, all I'll say is that a certain Mundy thought they were vampires. At least, that's the one situation I currently know about.
Ok this is a stupid theory but since season 2 is pretty much confirmed what if the old pictures for A Crooked Mile and In Sheep's Clothing are in season 2 (probably not but keep an open mind)

There was another slide for 'In Sheep's Clothing'? I thought the slide for 'A Crooked Mile' was the only one that got changed?
Besides, I would love to see Brannigan in that cute jogging attire if they ever bring her back.
The original plot would have been better, Telltale got restricted by the comics instead of diverting the original material to create an original adventure. This ill-handling didn't happen with the walking dead because the characters were fully a telltale creation.
In the book they go through considerable lengths to make sure that one reporter didn't reveal what he knew and he didn't even have it totally right. He thought they were vampires. So, having Mundies find out, especially police, would cause too many problems. I'm surprised they didn't consider that before they wrote they episode.
Maybe it would have been better as a different story canon, maybe it wouldn't have. We'll never know.
I'm just saying that the original concept was more interesting to me.
Nitpick: both Glenn and Lilly come from the comics, so not "fully" a Telltale creation. Of course, Lilly retroactively became her own character (hoorah for retcons), but that didn't happen until after Episode 3 IIRC.
Of course, all the main characters (but Lilly, who leaves half-way through... man, we lost half the cast there) are wholly original, so Lee and Clementine could go do whatevs.
Yes. That's what The Wolf Among Us got wrong. They couldn't develop a proper Snow/Bigby relationship because Bigby starts hitting on her 20 years later, And many other flaws of that kind. Don't get me wrong, The current storyline is good, But it's not great. The Wolf Among Us would have been one of the best videogames ever if Telltale created a spin-off instead of a prequel.
They would still have to stick to canon and there is a lot of canon. What could they do with a spin-off, invent new characters?
I think that the Walking Dead is easier to center around brand new characters because of the zombie apocalypse story. There is something bigger going on outside of Rick and Carl and others. But Fables is about the characters. You can create a few new characters (which they did very well with characters like Faith, Nerissa, Georgie, etc.) but when it comes down to it there are prominent figures that it's hard to tell a story without depending on the timeline. Like Bigby and Snow.
In order to write a spin-off, you still have to use characters that exist in the universe. Spin-offs typically don't revolve around brand new characters.
I know it's just my opinion, but I would have been disappointed if a Fables story had been too focused on mundies. I think that outside of the very obvious stumbling block at the beginning of Episode 2, the story that we have is great.
I agree 100% Violet. It might have been interesting but their world is so insular yet so vast, I wouldnt really want anyone else from the outside intruding.
Well, It all comes down to the person's opinion. The people who played TWAU and loved the comics, Loved the story. The People who the comics doesn't interest them, Such as me, weren't very favourable of this new plot. About creating a Spin-Off, I agree that Fables has some essential characters, But, We could see them in a different way than the comics is basically handling them. But again, It's just my opinion.
Yeah me too, I was severely upset when I found out they changed the thumbnail.
Exactly, it really grinded my gears when they did that. Ugh.
Headless Horseman was the evil bad guy