What is the most ironic part in TWD S2?



  • Kenny not understanding or forgiving you about Sarita apparently forgot about a man named Larry.

  • Luke in amid the ruins.

    "Look, I just wanna survive... and that means choosing the right sides." proceeds to fuck jane

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  • Christa's plan was to go at Welligton(Sorry if I spelled it wrong)This is Kenny's plan aswell. ;) We might meet christa again..who knows!(Nick breckon does..XD)

    Myusha posted: »

    That Rebecca and Alvin parallel Christa and Omid. Episode 1 and Episode 2. Clementine is asked what she should name their baby. And

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    I "get" it. I just don't agree with "it".

  • Nick and Lee's brothers death were handled similarly.

    We didnt see them die. We saw them as walkers. They were both axed as walkers. Maybe that was Telltales was of implying that Nick was like a brother to Clem? It kind of makes his death more bearable. i wish we had the option to talk to him though.

  • "I wouldn't want to bring a baby into this world."
    (Humps Luke for 5 minutes)

  • Troy, never talked in ep2, won't shut the fuck up in ep3.

  • Lee was never seen as a zombie.

    Nick and Lee's brothers death were handled similarly. We didnt see them die. We saw them as walkers. They were both axed as walkers. Mayb

  • Lee's brother,not Lee!

    bloop posted: »

    Lee was never seen as a zombie.

  • Oh, sorry. Read it wrong.

    Cody_nara posted: »

    Lee's brother,not Lee!

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

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    ThinkKritz posted: »

    Luke in amid the ruins. "Look, I just wanna survive... and that means choosing the right sides." proceeds to fuck jane

  • Do you know what "ironic" means?

    aldimon posted: »

    * "Still. Not. Bitten." * The Thing with the Dog * Clementine talking with Carver at the beginning of episode 2 * Kenny killing Carver * Trailer Park with Sarah (damn, that was emotional)

  • No, I don't think you get it, you still think alot of people are upset that Nick and Sarah died when actually people are upset about how thier deaths and characters were handled.

    I "get" it. I just don't agree with "it".

  • Troy was a dick in episode 3

    Gets his dick shot off in episode 3

  • Sarah doesn't want to climb out the junkyard.
    Screams for help when she gets her wish.

    bloop posted: »

    Troy was a dick in episode 3 Gets his dick shot off in episode 3

  • The sad thing is, that we never knew Lee's brother unlike Nick, but the death of Lee's brother had a bigger impact on my feelings than Nick's.. i just liked him :/

    Nick and Lee's brothers death were handled similarly. We didnt see them die. We saw them as walkers. They were both axed as walkers. Mayb

  • Actually, we never see that before a season two episode now.

    Makes a whole lot of sense.

    Spooch posted: »

    The part in the beginning where it says the story is tailored by our choices :P.

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