God, I hope not 2 years. If they make one, they probably won't start production until Tales is done, so then they will have S2 of this and GoT... but I guess it depends on whether or not there will be a S3 of TWD or any new games they announce.
I really want a season 2 I would be so happy if they make a season 2, they did not really finish the ending for season 1 so that means hopefully they make season 2.
Im thinking they will probably announce a season 2 when TWD season 2 is done and when they are about done with borderlands.(they got Game of thrones too but they can work on two at once.)
As I said or hinted in a couple of other threads, it'd be awesome if they added in Rose Red into a possible season 2 of TWAU. She is just too amazing to not include in this game!
They'll probably start it about a year from now. Depending on how much they have on their plate at the time, it'll probably be 4-8 months after episode 1's release that all episodes will be out, making it slightly less than two years.
God, I hope not 2 years. If they make one, they probably won't start production until Tales is done, so then they will have S2 of this and GoT... but I guess it depends on whether or not there will be a S3 of TWD or any new games they announce.
Probably a meeting about making her officially an official, or perhaps her views on how the town should be run, there are multiple things that it could be.
I am new to this community, but not to The Wolf Among Us. (And The Walking Dead) I was just wondering if there's going to be a season two coming out? I purely enjoyed the first season, especially the last episode, (who didn't?) I've searched this question, and got back mixed answers, but since this is TellTale G site, I thought I would get back a more accurate answer. No hate please, I am just really curious.
There has been no official announcement yet, but there is a lot of demand for a second season. Plus, based on the ending Season 1 had, I'm sure Telltale is planning something, even if it is not a full season. We won't get the first episode until probably after Game of Thrones S1 is over.
I think their will be. Their is a pretty big demand for it plus that ending sort of hinted at it. Also telltale and bill willingham sort of hinted at it.(willingham said something on twitter when the season finale came out and he said something along the lines of "So #wolfamongus is over only for now, one hopes". So he is atleast hinting that he wants to do a season 2 and seeing he is the creator of the fables comics
I say their is a really good chance.)
I doubt it. But i guess we'll see. TTG is going to run out of places to go with this IP very quickly if they want to use Bigby and Snow or any other character from the comics as central figures. They're just going to get boxed in by the existing cannon.
I don't think there will be one, what if after GOT finishes and borderlands, Telltale announces 2/3 more different titles? The CEO has said he wants to make a Star Wars game.
They have sex when on magic. Snow gets preggers. She has a litter of 7 kids with 1 being an invisible air thing, 1 bieng human and the other 5 being lil' wolves. They get married and thats aboot it
Thread: Expanding from another discussion, season 2?
Brainwave what if the second season plot (up to episode 3) was something like this: NOTE a lot of this stuff is not finished this like a 1st draft, I know it is a lot of writing but if someone is interested in something they would read this much and yes it is copied and pasted from the prevoius discussion.
It is 2 days after the last episode and Bigby is in his office and will either: be doing paperwork on a event (not sure what TT can do this part) let say this involves Jack and Woody just because This is if you choose to walk away at the end or have two folders one about Nerissa and one about Faith and just trying to figure what the hell is going on If you choose to follow her Stuff along the lines of this in episode 1, NOTE after the office scene Bigby will focus on the EVENT (the one TT will do) I don't know how this would end.
In episode 2 there is a fight straight away (Nobody will suffer long term effects e.g silver bullets, crippled limbs or death) goes on between Bigby and Jack because he refused to say stuff about the event it gets out of hand someone (a mundy walking by) calls the police, Brannigan (Bran for short) comes and in attempt to break up the fight she sees Bigby's eye go yellow. The fight end practically as soon a Bran appears, Bigby and Jack need to go the police and have statements done and both pay fines. Bran thinks that Bigby and ONLY Bigby not human, she will try find out more by "stalking" him and Bigby notices this, the episode ends with Snow finding out.
Episode 3 has the politic struggle episode because Snow says this is something fabletown needs to know about, Bluebeard finds out before fabletown (somehow I don't know TT can figure that out) and then during the discussion with fabletown (the important characters e.g Woody, Holly, Lawrence [if alive], beauty, beast and any else who is important to the plot and wasn't in the crooked man's gang (e.g Jersey Devil) and it is decided that he is suspended from duty till it this is sorted out, Bluebeard is appointed as a temporal shieff (or someone else but not Beast because it would ruin the cannon), there could be a choice between two fables here Bluebeard or someone else NOTE during the whole episode Snow is disappointed with Bigby "losing control" and sometime probably the start has a talk with Bigby and will also mention previous morally bad choices (e.g if you rip of Gren's arm, killing Dum, how you interrogated the fable in episode 2 and possibly how you talk to the citizens of fabletown). At the end of the episode (this probably won't happen but keep an open mind)
...maybe not that much, though. Although the shift between forms is more frequent and radical in the comics, the reason it worked so well in both A Crooked Mile and Cry Wolf is because the more powerful forms were reserved for points in the story where shit was really getting real.
I want to see Prince Charming! Catch crane in Paris! Visit the farm see what's really happening there! Get toad back!! Snow always be thankful! Nerissa too! More fables to visit!! See rose or Cindy or other fables!!
Why not? They can make stories like visiting the farm to see what's going on and why unglamored hate there.. Seeing toad! Also catching crane! Meeting Prince Charming or other fables! Maybe bigby will saw his parents? Anything is possible!
God, I hope not 2 years. If they make one, they probably won't start production until Tales is done, so then they will have S2 of this and GoT... but I guess it depends on whether or not there will be a S3 of TWD or any new games they announce.
I really want a season 2 I would be so happy if they make a season 2, they did not really finish the ending for season 1 so that means hopefully they make season 2.
A cinderella storyline would be the simplest to do in all honesty (says the person who has read every fables comic).
It'd be great to see season two.
But hope they make it come out ASAP.
I'd give it time dude. I don't want there to be another debate on how the story goes and completely screw things over.
Im thinking they will probably announce a season 2 when TWD season 2 is done and when they are about done with borderlands.(they got Game of thrones too but they can work on two at once.)
As I said or hinted in a couple of other threads, it'd be awesome if they added in Rose Red into a possible season 2 of TWAU. She is just too amazing to not include in this game!
I know, but why did they put a line at the end of the game with Snow saying you're late?
They'll probably start it about a year from now. Depending on how much they have on their plate at the time, it'll probably be 4-8 months after episode 1's release that all episodes will be out, making it slightly less than two years.
Probably a meeting about making her officially an official, or perhaps her views on how the town should be run, there are multiple things that it could be.
Thread: Will there be a season two?
I am new to this community, but not to The Wolf Among Us. (And The Walking Dead) I was just wondering if there's going to be a season two coming out? I purely enjoyed the first season, especially the last episode, (who didn't?) I've searched this question, and got back mixed answers, but since this is TellTale G site, I thought I would get back a more accurate answer.
No hate please, I am just really curious.
There has been no official announcement yet, but there is a lot of demand for a second season. Plus, based on the ending Season 1 had, I'm sure Telltale is planning something, even if it is not a full season. We won't get the first episode until probably after Game of Thrones S1 is over.
I think their will be. Their is a pretty big demand for it plus that ending sort of hinted at it. Also telltale and bill willingham sort of hinted at it.(willingham said something on twitter when the season finale came out and he said something along the lines of "So #wolfamongus is over only for now, one hopes". So he is atleast hinting that he wants to do a season 2 and seeing he is the creator of the fables comics
I say their is a really good chance.)
I doubt it. But i guess we'll see. TTG is going to run out of places to go with this IP very quickly if they want to use Bigby and Snow or any other character from the comics as central figures. They're just going to get boxed in by the existing cannon.
I don't think there will be one, what if after GOT finishes and borderlands, Telltale announces 2/3 more different titles? The CEO has said he wants to make a Star Wars game.
They have sex when on magic. Snow gets preggers. She has a litter of 7 kids with 1 being an invisible air thing, 1 bieng human and the other 5 being lil' wolves. They get married and thats aboot it
Thread: Expanding from another discussion, season 2?
Brainwave what if the second season plot (up to episode 3) was something like this: NOTE a lot of this stuff is not finished this like a 1st draft, I know it is a lot of writing but if someone is interested in something they would read this much and yes it is copied and pasted from the prevoius discussion.
It is 2 days after the last episode and Bigby is in his office and will either: be doing paperwork on a event (not sure what TT can do this part) let say this involves Jack and Woody just because This is if you choose to walk away at the end or have two folders one about Nerissa and one about Faith and just trying to figure what the hell is going on If you choose to follow her Stuff along the lines of this in episode 1, NOTE after the office scene Bigby will focus on the EVENT (the one TT will do) I don't know how this would end.
In episode 2 there is a fight straight away (Nobody will suffer long term effects e.g silver bullets, crippled limbs or death) goes on between Bigby and Jack because he refused to say stuff about the event it gets out of hand someone (a mundy walking by) calls the police, Brannigan (Bran for short) comes and in attempt to break up the fight she sees Bigby's eye go yellow. The fight end practically as soon a Bran appears, Bigby and Jack need to go the police and have statements done and both pay fines. Bran thinks that Bigby and ONLY Bigby not human, she will try find out more by "stalking" him and Bigby notices this, the episode ends with Snow finding out.
Episode 3 has the politic struggle episode because Snow says this is something fabletown needs to know about, Bluebeard finds out before fabletown (somehow I don't know TT can figure that out) and then during the discussion with fabletown (the important characters e.g Woody, Holly, Lawrence [if alive], beauty, beast and any else who is important to the plot and wasn't in the crooked man's gang (e.g Jersey Devil) and it is decided that he is suspended from duty till it this is sorted out, Bluebeard is appointed as a temporal shieff (or someone else but not Beast because it would ruin the cannon), there could be a choice between two fables here Bluebeard or someone else NOTE during the whole episode Snow is disappointed with Bigby "losing control" and sometime probably the start has a talk with Bigby and will also mention previous morally bad choices (e.g if you rip of Gren's arm, killing Dum, how you interrogated the fable in episode 2 and possibly how you talk to the citizens of fabletown). At the end of the episode (this probably won't happen but keep an open mind)
Thread: what you want to happen in the TWAU season 2
so what do you want to from season 2 comment down below.
and also what you think can be improved from the twau season 1.
I want them to bring in more Fables from the comics, like Cindy. I still want them to keep Bigby as the playable character though.
I want Nerissa.
I want to see the characters we didnt see in this one. Im especially curious to see how they portray Pinocchio.
Thread: Will Wolf Among Us get a second season?
With the recent announcement of 'The Walking Dead' having a third season. Will this mean there is hope for a second season for 'The Wolf Among Us'?
Like many Fable-goers said before me, have Faith. There will be a 2nd season.
Ahem, we all want Nerissa.
More Jersey Devil. Keep Bigby as the playable character.
Fingers crossed we get news of a season two.
I want to see the characters mentioned for one. I also want to see one of Jack's schemes.
Seeing as though the game takes place before the events of the Fables comic series I bet they'll make more until events lead up to issue one.
I hope so. Telltale shouldn't just abandon this series since it has a lot of potential.
i always saw wolf amoung us as a one off when it was announced but we can hope.
I made a discussion a day ago on what I want: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/77787/expanding-from-another-discussion-season-2. Sorry if this counts as advertising.
MOAR wolf plz.
...maybe not that much, though. Although the shift between forms is more frequent and radical in the comics, the reason it worked so well in both A Crooked Mile and Cry Wolf is because the more powerful forms were reserved for points in the story where shit was really getting real.
I want Bloody Mary to come back.
I want to see Prince Charming! Catch crane in Paris! Visit the farm see what's really happening there! Get toad back!! Snow always be thankful! Nerissa too! More fables to visit!! See rose or Cindy or other fables!!
Why not? They can make stories like visiting the farm to see what's going on and why unglamored hate there.. Seeing toad! Also catching crane! Meeting Prince Charming or other fables! Maybe bigby will saw his parents? Anything is possible!
More Bigby Wolf. And let the Jersey Devil be the main villain.
It should be getting it's 2nd season before the walking dead's 3rd. I'm not happy at all that it hasn't been announced yet.
And we will get her, otherwise riot.
We must leave Faith at Telltale's doorstep