Clementine and Fear of Guns Aiming at her?
After the events of 'All That Remains' in which Michelle was pointing a gun at Clementine before shooting someone she loved (Omid). Do you think Clementine may have an intense fear of guns being aimed at her? Now a lot of people clearly don't like to be in this position. But do you feel Clementine being more fearful of this situation than most?
For example in 'A House Divided' if Sarah chooses to show you the gun, she will point it at you for a short while (despite there being no ammo). Clementine normally freaks out and tells Sarah "don't do that". It may give her flashbacks of the whole Michelle situation. B
I bring this up, because now she's in a situation where this could possibly happen again, and depending on your choices, it may be her fault again. So what do you guys think Clementine will react to all this shooting, and will she be forced to murder?
EDIT: Okay so here is what I was trying to say. Since the world is harsh now, I'm sure humans confront each other quite a lot (look at Episode 4). However Kenny, Bonnie, Mike, Luke, all seem to remain (whilst clearly frightened) somewhat calm when having a gun pointed at them. Even when the group had Carver aiming a gun at them at the end of 'In Harms Way' the group still seemed mostly calm.
However since Clementine has had a gun pointed at her (The Michelle Incident) and it ended with the death of a loved one (Omid) she could have developed a larger fear of being in this situation, more-so than the average person. To which she reacts quite out of behaviour and extremely fearful.
Think of it as a situation such as Sarah's. No one likes the apocalypse, yet Sarah has such a focused and increased anxiety of it, when confronted she acts completely out of behaviour, which is a danger to herself and the group. Clementine seems to have this, just clearly not as intense, as seen in 'A House Divided' when she almost yells at Sarah for pointing a gun (which has no ammo as indicated by Sarah) at her. So because of this, Clementine may panic fearing she may lost another loved one (The baby, Bonnie, Mike, Luke and especially Kenny) because of the 'Russian Situation'. So do you think this fear will crop up again, do you think the 'Michelle situation' may make Clementine panic (maybe even resulting in flashbacks) and how do you think this will effect Clementine?
That's all I'm trying to say. Yes I know, everyone dislikes having a gun pointed at them. But I'm trying to say whether you think the 'Michelle Situation' left Clementine so fearful of a similar situation happening again, that it may change her behaviour. That is all.
I know the fear, it's called "Common Sense"
No. I wouldn't say she has an "intense fear" of guns being pointed at her. I'm pretty sure no one likes having guns pointed at them.
Pretty sure anyone would sh*t their pants with a gun pointed at them.
She clearly values her life. Anyone would freak out especially if you knew from a day before that the girl holding the gun was someone who wasn't really aware of the world around her.
I think anyone in the right mind would be scared if a gun was pointed at them. They wouldn't just be like, "HA." (gets shot).
Im not even gonna ask how you found that lol
what the duck?
I can see where you are coming from, and it's very interesting to think about, especially if you made Her shoot you at the end of S1
I saw that BEFORE so lol im so experienced
I think Clem's fear of guns is the same amount as just about anyone's fear of guns. If she was going to turn into a PTSD suffering person I think she would have done it long before the Omid incident. There were opportunities where being kidnapped and shooting the stranger (if Lee doesn't kill him) could turn her gun shy, but it only made her more brave. Then you have the issue of whether or not Clem will shoot Lee. I think if there was ever a time to acquire a fear of guns it would've been during one of those two moments and not during the Omid incident. Clem's value for Lee is much much higher than her value for Omid; and while his death may have saddened her, I don't think it really affected her all that much in the grand scheme of things.
I sure as hell would freak out if a gun was pointed at me. All they need to do is pull the trigger and BAM. That's is, your life is over. I dont think she has intense fear of it, I think anyone would react that way when a gun is pointed them.