Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited July 2014

    In Season 2 Episode 1 when talking to Luke at the dinner table after you stitched yourself up, Luke will mention the scar, if you choose

    • "It's ugly."

    • "Better than losing it."

    Clementine will mention about Lee losing his arm once whether you chose to cut off Lee's arm OR not

  • Yes, Telltale staff confirmed this.

    Tomao posted: »

    This fact sort of surprised me considering I though they where both just close friends. Walter and Matthew where in a romantic relationsh

  • I brought that up in a discussion. I stated that Clem said "This isn't edible." I felt it could hint to Bonnie's demise.

    Did you notice that in Season 2 Episode 1 (in the boxes at the campsite) there was a doll that looked exactly the same as Bonnie? I'm not su

  • Many say that being friends with Sarah was pointless but it actually wasnt, heres some things you only got if you were friends with Sarah

    • If you become friends with Sarah in All That Remains you can go into her room a second time ask her where to sew her arm, if you aren't friends she doesn't talk to you.

    • Theres lots different dialogue with Sarah at the start of episode 2 if you became friends or not

    • You can teach Sarah how to defend herself only if you became friends

    • If you became friends with Sarah and Carver slaps you across the face Sarah will say "No! stop!, don't hit my friend!" if you didnt become friends with her it will change to "No! Stop"

    • Other dialogue is different with Sarah if you became friends or not another example is when you can say to Sarah "we're friends" at the start of the episode.

    • if you saved Sarah at the start of 'Amid The Ruins' and Sarah asks why you saved her you can say "Because we are friends" if you became friends in All That Remains Sarah will say '"I could never be that good of a friend" if you werent friends with her she will say "No... we're not friends."

  • Half of these are aesthetic, TBH, but the one about teaching Sarah how to shoot is pretty (un)important anyways :/

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Many say that being friends with Sarah was pointless but it actually wasnt, heres some things you only got if you were friends with Sarah

  • That is fun to watch actually xD

    Pride posted: »

    There's a death scene in the observation deck where you actually get to see everyone get killed. Bonnie, Mike, Jane, Luke and Clem. I tho

  • In All That Remains, Sarah says something along the lines "The peroxide is around here.", but the subtitles say "The peroxide is upstairs.", though Sarah never says upstairs and the cabin is a two-story building. This means that originally Clem would find Sarah downstairs, and she would go upstairs to get the peroxide, but Telltale probably thought it'd be best to simply put Sarah upstairs, but they forgot to remove the 'upstairs' word on the subtitles.

  • these are cool

  • I dont think this has been mentioned yet, But in the teaser for season2 episode2 the man knocking on the cabin door was Troy, But was instead Carver when the episode was released. This could mean that Troy was originally gonna be Carver.

  • It reminds me of what Jerry said in Vincent's Episode:

    "Fuck me? Fuck you, motherfucker!"

    remorse667 posted: »

    Oh, also, if you save Nick - When you're trying to escape the shed, he kills a walker and says "fuck you, motherfucker". Oh Nick XD

  • Such small details we miss create such huge impacts once we discover them...

    Espurr posted: »

    I didn't chop Sarita's arm, and saved Sarah too, so I got the crows flying away as well. I just watched a few playthroughs, and I think the

  • edited July 2014

    I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but in 400 days in Wyatt's story when Eddie wants you to find some weed for him if you don't do nothing in 30 seconds Eddie says that Wyatt has manboobs :D

  • I noticed on a playthrough too that depending on how you've treated Sarah up until Amid the Ruins, when Clementine says 'Sarah, it's me' when trying to talk to her, Sarah will either looks up and weakly say 'hi' or she'll start sobbing and not answer, leading to Jane to speak up and say 'some people you just can't help, okay?'

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Many say that being friends with Sarah was pointless but it actually wasnt, heres some things you only got if you were friends with Sarah

  • Yep, Troy was originally Carver, hence his appearance in the Episode 2 slide.

    Wumble posted: »

    I dont think this has been mentioned yet, But in the teaser for season2 episode2 the man knocking on the cabin door was Troy, But was instead Carver when the episode was released. This could mean that Troy was originally gonna be Carver.

  • Its called moobs

    Jouzkari posted: »

    I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but in 400 days in Wyatt's story when Eddie wants you to find some weed for him if you don't do nothing in 30 seconds Eddie says that Wyatt has manboobs

  • Unless they didn't want us to see the villains fade until we played the episode

    Yep, Troy was originally Carver, hence his appearance in the Episode 2 slide.

  • Actually the gun is based off of if you told Sarah the truth about where Carlos was and what was going on, i treated Sarah badly and refused to be friends but then said "you should know whats going on" then shortly after she shows me the gun

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Many say that being friends with Sarah was pointless but it actually wasnt, heres some things you only got if you were friends with Sarah

  • Episode 4, Amid The Ruins, has 2609 clips of audio inside. It's not really important, but always nice to know. :D

  • "2609"



    Oh god...

    Crips posted: »

    Episode 4, Amid The Ruins, has 2609 clips of audio inside. It's not really important, but always nice to know.

  • You nasty....

    "2609" "609" "69" Oh god...

  • Luke and Jane anyone? No? Okay...

    "2609" "609" "69" Oh god...

  • #LukeBangBangJane

    Crips posted: »

    Luke and Jane anyone? No? Okay...

  • Or they didn't place Carvers model in EP1 because people will find his model in the files

    Yep, Troy was originally Carver, hence his appearance in the Episode 2 slide.

  • In the comics, Bigby drinks tons of whiskey. In the game he asks for Scotch, though, which I thought was kind of weird.

    I think Telltale poked fun at this because in EP5 of the game The Wolf Among Us, Bigby can ask The Crooked Man for a drink and he replies something like, "I'm sorry, all we have is whiskey".

  • Drunkenly fist-fighting walkers.... Damn, I'm going to miss that kid.

    remorse667 posted: »

    Oh, also, if you save Nick - When you're trying to escape the shed, he kills a walker and says "fuck you, motherfucker". Oh Nick XD

  • Before Arvo shows up, when Jane is picking the lock she mentions that Rebecca will never survive the trip heading to the town/church that Clementine spotted. She then continues on to say that Clem should keep that in mind, but during that sentence Clem spots Arvo and the conversation is dropped to deal with him. What's funny is later Jane leaves right before the conversation to head to that town/church happens. She could've prevented a lot of deaths from happening if she didn't leave... oh well.


    I only have one of the versions, but yeah.

    I'll probably upload the alternate choice.

    xWally posted: »

    Is there a video of it?

  • Freaky.

    Pride posted: »

    Here's a gif of both instances for those curious :

  • I thought Banang was the Banang of TWD ;-;

    Parsen's is the Banang of TWD.

  • Aww ;-;

    If Bonnie sticks her hand through the ticket window, Mike asks to see her arm and Bonnie immediately refuses and says there's no bite, she just has old scars. She's talking about her track marks from her former drug use.

  • when Jane is picking the lock


    Yeah, I pretty much replied to your comment only to make that joke. Hope you don't mind.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Before Arvo shows up, when Jane is picking the lock she mentions that Rebecca will never survive the trip heading to the town/church that Cl

  • My personal term is "Rocking the wagon" or that was after my sister made me watch Vikings (which has a lot of old timey sex in it)

    What about "BOWCHICKABOWWOW"? Or "Vegas Weekend"? Or "That time in Barstow"?

  • If you decide not to stay, you can clearly hear what's going on in the other room... but I think Luke meant Clem didn't even hesitate to decide to watch? Who knows, because she does actually blink during the scene, if that's what you're referring to.

    But, Luke wasn't there when Kenny was beating Carver... Was he secretly watching?

  • There's also an audio file where she tells her dad to 'get up' which does make sense, seeing as how in her logic, her dad is still alive if you save her in the episode.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Its pretty sad cause after Sarahs done screaming right after Carlos' death, if you listen carefully she says something very quietly like "pleeeaaae no" shes like begging for him not to die

  • In episode 4 of amid the ruins -

    The badass Mike and Kenny scene where in the trailer it seems like they're
    on a suicide mission...

    It's determinant. Kenny can go alone.

    I was actually surprised.

  • I honestly just thought that maybe telltale is bad at animating hands...

    I just found this pic on Twitter. Could this mean Jane is double-jointed?

  • Episode one: Clem looks at a painting of a duck and saying "Sigh Duck"

    Episode two: Kenny calls Clem Duck.

    Episode three: Kenny says "Duck, Katjaa, Sarita, no rest, no peace."

    A few pages before, someone said that Lee and Duck get mentioned in every single episode, even after their death. Lee was mentioned indeed but nobody remembered poor Duck.

  • Duck ate Mark's legs like there was no tomorrow in S1 EP2

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Can you blame him? The meal was reMARKable.

    Duck ate Mark's legs like there was no tomorrow in S1 EP2

  • edited July 2014

    Jane mentions that she and her sister went to a theme park in Virginia. As a fellow Virginian, I can almost undoubtedly confirm that the theme park was...

    Alt text

    ...King's Dominion. It is the #1 theme park for a while until you go way north or south. There is one other possibility, but that theme park, while nice, isn't as popular. Sorry Busch Gardens...

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