Where would you rank TWDG in your top stories set in the zombie apocalypse?
Because I was just thinking about this, and I think the season 1 game is my personal favorite from any medium. Can't think of anything else with characters I got attached to as much as Lee and Clem. And how the interactivity of the medium was used was just brilliant.
Top 2 and 3 are Shaun of the Dead and Crossed, respectively.
I'm not much of a horror fan in the first place, so a horror comedy would rank high. Shaun wins almost by default. I guess there's Zombieland, but umm... no. Shaun pokes fun at zombie tropes without being seemingly smug about it. Are there other comedy movie/game/shows/books that are about are about a zombie apocalypse? There's Marvel Zombies by Kirkman and I guess a few prose novels (that I haven't read)?
Crossed, the first volume specifically, is a comic written by Garth Ennis and it's just straight up disgusting and disturbing shit (it gets even worse as the series goes on). Instead of mindless shambling undead, their zombies are still thinking, ultra sadistic, rapist, cannibals (think Reavers from Firefly). But even if things are so much worse for the survivors here, there are still heartwarming and even funny moments sprinkled here and there.
The Walking Dead Game is simply...
Honestly zombie fiction is a mess and it's usually done very sloppily so yeah, Telltale's The Walking Dead is in a high spot because it actually cared about narrative and characterization.
I'm not really a fan of zombie games or media in general, so yeah.
TWD s1
TWD show
Shaun of the dead
I'm not really a big fan of the zombie genre but I adored these stories
#1 easily IMO
EDIT: fak i didn't want the bold letters ;___;
Been a while since I really got into a webcomic. Bookmarked.
I really like it, so good to see somebody took a click on the link.
1, duh. I haven't seen any form of media 1/8 as good as either season honestly.
Goddammit, it's all bold!
The Last Of Us?
I haven't played it myself. Heard mostly good things about it. Isn't not-Ellen Page kinda distracting, though?
Numero uno. My favorite zombie setting, and my favorite video game ever. ^-^
Ellen is in beyond two souls you should play it one of the best games i ever played you will love it
Top ten zombie fiction Number One is Walking Dead's rank! (IMO)
I honestly haven't seen any other zombie fiction besides the epic Mandroid app Zombies Run! I'd like to see some more, that comic link Pharmacy Rage looks good. I love writing fiction and I think I might some Walking Dead inspired fanfiction on the game and maybe the show. I just think for a zombie setting or walker, TWD has got everything perfect. They are really the monopoly when it comes to zombies.
Not at all distracting.
Crossed, the comic I mentioned, has a webcomic spin-off,
NSFW http://www.crossedcomic.com/webcomic/volume-1-chapter-1/
Again, bit different because the "zombies" aren't standard Romero-style ones. Crossed infectees become raving psychopaths.
Bookmarked, looks very interesting. Thanks!
Telltale has done an amazing job with season 1 and season 2 has being good as well so The Walking Dead Telltale Game is the best story telling zombie story EVAR!!
The awesome trailer that promised greatness that the game wasn't even close on delivering. (By most accounts. I didn't play it myself.)
Still, the trailer is a pretty damn good short film in it's own right, and distills in less than 3 minutes most of what makes the zombie apocalypse a compelling subgenre genre of horror
If it weren't for the repetitive plot holes it might've been the other way around; but I just can't put TWDG at the top when suspension of disbelief gets broken pretty often.
TLOU and Dead Island fans are attacking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Best rank, #1 Rank.
Doesn't get better then The Walking Dead.
Number One.
What were the plot holes?
Plot holes are nothing compared to characters surviving 50ft drops, 20ft drops onto a metal spike then pulled off (Which according to my dad who is an ER doctor is the worst thing you could do and will most likely kill you instantly), getting smacked in the face with a metal pipe-which is survivable but it didn't even leave a mark, unrealistically slaughtering 1000s of people with ease, and an ending that almost made me want my $60 back.
The Walking Dead: #2
The Last Of Us: #1
Welp, at least I know the people who are disliking every comment praising TWD.
I'm not saying that TLOU didn't have plotholes; but I definitely am saying that it has much less plot holes than TWDG does. People have survived drops much much larger than 20 feet (why did you say 50ft? He fell off the second floor) so it's not completely impossible that Joel managed to survive that. On top of that, it also depends on where you land that metal rod through your body. If vital organs are avoided then it won't kill you; at least not right away.
As for the slaughtering of thousands of people with ease, that is what you do in a shooter game. I take it you are not a big fan of the shooter genre then? Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Assassin's Creed (kind of), Call of Duty, Bioshock, etc. When I look for plot holes I look for them in the story and not in the gameplay itself. Since TWDG is more story than game there are a lot more mistakes that could be done.
A 14 year old girl slaughtering 100's... hmm?
She gets hit in the head with a crow bar, gets up, no scratches? hmm
LOL just what? They hardly eat on there also... so???
What is your problem, guy?
These are people saying they LIKE The Walking Dead. The Walking Dead is one of their favorites in the genre. They just happen to prefer another work more.
They don't say it sucks. They are not hating on TWD.
Can you give examples from TWDG? I'm genuinely curious. I can't think of any off the top of my head so I must have missed them or forgot.
I'm going to list this off the top of my head so I don't think it will be a complete list but I'll do my best. I need to replay season 2 since it's been quite a while, so I'll probably edit and add more to it later. It's pretty much in chronological order. Can anyone think of anything I might've missed?
I actually was working on my reply for you. It just took me forever to type it all up. I replied to your original post asking for all the plot holes. I'm pretty sure my list is incomplete as of right now.
14 year old girl slaughtering hundreds is in the gameplay. The genre is a shooter game. This is just something that you have to deal with.
Like I said before, I'm not saying TLOU doesn't have plot holes. If she has no scratches then it was just Naughty Dog being lazy with adjusting the character rig.
A plot hole that really irked me with TLOU actually happens to be with the fuel use. Gasoline has an expiration date; and considering that it's been 20 or so years since the outbreak those cars and generators shouldn't be working perfectly if they should even be working at all.
Do you want to see eating on screen? Just because they don't show it doesn't mean they don't actually eat. They also don't show anyone going to take a dump in TLOU or TWDG but you know that it actually happens. Do you need to see the characters actually going to take a shit for it to not be a plot hole?
What my point was, that TWDG had far more plot holes in the story line than TLOU ever did which is why I consider it to be better. If you want to see all the plot holes that I've listed you can just check out my reply to @xChryst.
Yeah, sure, every person that doesn't consider TWD the #1 gets disliked.
(#)1 for zombie game for me is the Resident Evil series, which along with Metal Gear Solid was my introduction to gaming.
(#)1 post apocalyptic would be the Fallout series, everything is SO well made, learning about the lore is like studying another world's history.
TWDG S1 is not far behind, since there aren't much stories this deep and good nowadays, Season 2 I consider to be much worse, I find it to be very predictable, having 0 impact, and having an 11 year old doing the things she does in this game I find it to be not realistic or socially possible at all. Also, the game is not decision driven, it's a lie, and when this is combined with the previous things it creates a feeling of dissapointment.
No offense intended, and I appreciate the effort to post all that, but I stopped reading after the first few example., I'll hazard a guess that the rest of them are more or less in the same vein. These aren't really plot holes. Stuff that merely raises questions or sub optimal decisions made by characters aren't necessarily plot holes. Plot holes are reality bending inconsistencies or paradoxes that defy explanation.
I was referring to when Joel fell down the elevator shaft. No, I am, I just don't pay as much attention to story in them, when I want a shooter I look for good gameplay. I've never played Tomb Raider or Uncharted, I hate COD, but I have AC2 and Infinite, both good games. And I never said I didn't like TLOU, I bought a PS3 just to play it, I'm just focusing on the negatives like you did with TWD . The rod was through his stomach I think and even if it wasn't it was patched with duct tape and a T-shirt. And just a tip, you'll enjoy games a lot more if you don't look for every little flaw, and if you do notice one, just ignore it.
1 - The Walking Dead Game
2- The Last Of Us
Sorry TLOU fans but I'm a TWDG fan
No offense, but I just have to prove some of these wrong.
1. He was too busy screaming in pain due to the tractor on his leg
2. It was very early into the apocalypse, he wasn't an experienced survivor from the start
3. Pick them off with? Even if he was armed, getting everyone out of harms way should always be your first priority
4-5. I don't know the code for the alarm in my house, or the garage door
6. "If you kill me, the meat gets tainted"-Danny St. John
7. It's called an excuse, just sayin'
8. Trying to justify their actions by lying
9. I'm pretty sure you can change the temperature in those things, and the St. Johns wanted 'em alive
10. Why was Ellie immune to the pipe?
11. They carried him back up so he wouldn't crawl away
12. They wanted to separate them from the rest of the group
13. He set it thinking they might escape and he stumbled into it in pain
14. She was probably too afraid to move
15. It was off
16. Some people are very impatient
17. Because he's Ben, and he probably thought they were picking up the meds if he did see them
18-19. The alarm warned them about people coming from the road, the bandits came from the woods
20. She fell next to him
21. If I'm not mistaken he was trying to get it started
22. It wasn't that far, she would have made it without the adrenaline rush
23. They were already in a bad mood, it wasn't the right time
24. She was ex-military, I'm sure part of her training was how to escape make-shift bindings
25. Kenny doesn't think things through sometimes, people screw up
I'm getting really bored of typing this so I'll just do the last 5
48. Maybe we'll find out eventually, it's an unanswered question, just like Christa's fate
49. I got nothin'
50. He didn't, the truck got there in maybe an hour or two, it took Luke a full day of nonstop walking
51. It's probably their territory, they saw them coming and got into position
52. It was a cheap-ass wood door in an abandoned motor park, and adrenaline works miracles, one woman lifted a car off her husband