Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • I was thinking it was Kings Dominion, I remember going when it was owned by Paramount. We only went though due to our Platinum season passes to Carowinds allowing us to get into Kings Dominion with them.
    Do they still have the Eiffel Tower and the Volcano? I would like to go again.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Jane mentions that she and her sister went to a theme park in Virginia. As a fellow Virginian, I can almost undoubtedly confirm that the th

  • This one may have been posted, but I just noticed it after another playthrough of 400 days.

    If you play Russell's story before Shel's, you'll see the old couple being used as watchdogs outside of the diner during Shel's story. If you play as Shel before Russell, then instead of the old man being used as a watchdog, it'll be a generic walker. The old woman however will be in the corner regardless. (the one eating the puppy)

  • Alt text

    Shit happens

  • You can talk to Luke about Mike if you go with Mike and Bonnie first. Clem says that Mike thinks they don't like him and Luke says that Mike needs to earn acceptance.

  • Could you please link the discussion?

    Dyeingbrad posted: »

    I brought that up in a discussion. I stated that Clem said "This isn't edible." I felt it could hint to Bonnie's demise.

    • When Vince, Justin and Danny look outside the prison bus window and see walkers attacking a group of people, Shel and Becca can be seen as the only two to get away.

    Alt text

    • In S2EP2, Kenny explains his escape as being "lucky". I just found it interesting what Jane had to say about luck in this recent episode...

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Possible foreshadowing?

  • Woah! I never noticed Shel and Becca before. Are you sure it's them?

    quinnics posted: »

    * When Vince, Justin and Danny look outside the prison bus window and see walkers attacking a group of people, Shel and Becca can be seen as

  • edited July 2014

    I believe that it was mentioned in a Twitch livestream when Laura Perusco played the episode and added her own personal commentary to it. They're also wearing the same clothes (Shel in blue, Becca in yellow).

    Lolzkittiez posted: »

    Woah! I never noticed Shel and Becca before. Are you sure it's them?

  • My first instinct was Busch Gardens since it's 50 minutes away from me, but it could definitely be KD. Good catch

    eRock92 posted: »

    Jane mentions that she and her sister went to a theme park in Virginia. As a fellow Virginian, I can almost undoubtedly confirm that the th

  • The Last of Us fans, are you here? I found this two somewhat similar.

    Down below, I placed conversations between an old man and the little girl, taking place in the abandon room, while life of angry and discouraged person remains important for a lot of other people.

    Proceed with caution, could be kinda spoiler-y.

    Note: Yes, I stole this video from Juice_Box and I'm ready to face all of the consequences.

    Kenny & Clementine



    • Could you please come out?

    • What the hell is the point?


    • I'm still taking a beating, every day. Duck, Kaatja, Sarita, no peace, no rest.

    • There are people out there who are scared, who don't know what to do. You can be helping them, but instead you just sitting in the dark tent... feeling sorry for yourself!

    • The hell you know, Clementine.

    • I had to shoot Lee! So don't be an asshole and pretend you're only one who lost people!

    Joel & Ellie



    • Get up, we're leaving.

    • And if I say "no"?


    • I'm sorry about your daugther, Joel, but I've lost people too.

    • You have no idea what loss is.

    • Everyone that I've cared for, has either died, or left me. Everyone... fucking, except for you! So don't tell me I'll be safer with someone else, because the truth is, I would be just more scared.

  • It just feels nice to be noticed. :)

    Crips posted: »

    when Jane is picking the lock UrbanJane Yeah, I pretty much replied to your comment only to make that joke. Hope you don't mind.

  • At the beginning of episode 3, season 1, when kenny is arguing with lilly, he says" And when fifteen bandits hop over that wall, we just gonna deal with that"?

    Later in the episode, fifteen bandits to hop over the wall

  • I just found something new (for me, at least) while replaying episode 1 again!

    When Clem is sneaking around the house trying to find supplies for her arm, you have the option to listen in on the groups meeting. If you listen long enough and let the screen get red, different things could happen (usually it's just boring and Rebecca saying she's going to leave to get her sweater).

    But! One of these is that Nick will actually spot you (and obviously be really shocked), Carlos catches his expression and gives him a "everything okay?" look. Nick glances away with a guilty face—and doesn't say anything! He let's Clementine go free.

    Bless you, Nick. Bless you. Now I'm even more sad about your fate.

    Alt text

  • Hopefully Kenny loses his godlike stache and not his godlike life.

    quinnics posted: »

    * When Vince, Justin and Danny look outside the prison bus window and see walkers attacking a group of people, Shel and Becca can be seen as

  • That's what I noticed, but nobody believed me. Poor Nick. I think I'm drowning in my tears.

    I just found something new (for me, at least) while replaying episode 1 again! When Clem is sneaking around the house trying to find supp

  • u know clem can say i had to shoot lee what can she say if u didnt shoot him?

  • Nah, it's not that at all, Troy never stroke me as looking like a villain (And Troy Carver sounds stupid) so the answer is much simpler. They hadn't finished yet OR they did but didn't want to reveal who he was so they used Troy as a placeholder to manipulate our expectations.

    Wumble posted: »

    I dont think this has been mentioned yet, But in the teaser for season2 episode2 the man knocking on the cabin door was Troy, But was instead Carver when the episode was released. This could mean that Troy was originally gonna be Carver.

  • The old man wouldn't be replaced with a generic walker, The walker is the old police officer from Vince's story

    Roger21 posted: »

    This one may have been posted, but I just noticed it after another playthrough of 400 days. If you play Russell's story before Shel's, yo

  • Yup. Most of the adult rides from the Paramount days are still there. Some were re-themed. The kids area is probably the only area completely changed; moving away from the Nickelodeon theme to the Planet Snoopy theme.

    Dyeingbrad posted: »

    I was thinking it was Kings Dominion, I remember going when it was owned by Paramount. We only went though due to our Platinum season passes

  • edited July 2014

    That seems to be true... They are always there before a main character dies.If they are indeed some sort of symbolism of death in season two....

    Then that could mean... We don't see any crows at all before Christa's disappearance at the woods in EP1... Could this mean she's alive?

    Wishful thinking here...haha

    quinnics posted: »

    The crows have been present before almost every death in the game. The ones I can remember off the top of my head were Katjaa and Duck's dea

  • Plus, if you think about it, they wouldn't keep making Clementine reference her if she was dead. They already did that with Clem's parents. They wouldn't be that repetitive.

    Pride posted: »

    That seems to be true... They are always there before a main character dies.If they are indeed some sort of symbolism of death in season two

  • Something along the lines of ''I've lost my parents and Lee.''

    Chase4902 posted: »

    u know clem can say i had to shoot lee what can she say if u didnt shoot him?

  • We got a happy child eating a bowl of food?

    24601 posted: »

    With Pete asking Clem to look after Nick, Alvin asking her to look after Rebecca, Carlos asking her to look after Sarah, and Clem having done everthing fucking thing she could, we got this: The red frame means the character is dead.

  • ElliasEllias Banned

    no it isn't.

    It is of the Arizona Diamondbacks logo.

  • Thanks!

    Dyeingbrad posted: » There you go.

  • Alt text sure does look like it is

    Ellias posted: »

    no it isn't.

  • But Nick after Clem gets caught in the shed is like. "Where'd you get that stuff?" In an angry tone.

    That's what I noticed, but nobody believed me. Poor Nick. I think I'm drowning in my tears.

  • Spoiler.nope

    In S2 EP2, this is what happens if you choose to be silent when Sarah asks Clementine to teach her how to use a gun. Could it be foreshadowing something?

  • It's a reused animation meaning telltale was too lazy to make a new one

    Bygler posted: »

    Jane is doing Molly's move!

  • But Kenny cannot survive without his godlike stache. He would "cease to function."

    Dyeingbrad posted: »

    Hopefully Kenny loses his godlike stache and not his godlike life.

  • any video i can see it?

    I just found something new (for me, at least) while replaying episode 1 again! When Clem is sneaking around the house trying to find supp

  • He's says it no matter what so it's on everyone's playthrough. It's also a short line too.

    zeke10 posted: »

    any video i can see it?

  • i meant where nick see's you

    He's says it no matter what so it's on everyone's playthrough. It's also a short line too.

  • And Lilly dealt with it...

    At the beginning of episode 3, season 1, when kenny is arguing with lilly, he says" And when fifteen bandits hop over that wall, we just gonna deal with that"? Later in the episode, fifteen bandits to hop over the wall

  • xDD it's even even funnier when you read this with arvo's voice !

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Can you blame him? The meal was reMARKable.

  • ElliasEllias Banned

    it isnt, but thats a good guess. the D on her hat is some common text so it means nothing

    sure does look like it is

  • Holy shit!

    Shit happens

  • edited July 2014

    I don't think anyone posted this one yet. When you're searching the walkers with Jane after you've just found their drivers' licenses:

    Jane: Find anything?

    Clem: Uh...Stuff.

    Jane: "Stuff"? Just..."stuff"? (is annoyed). Well. (grins) You already sound like a teenager.

    Clem: :)

    The way Jane said it was so funny! Little Clemmy's growing up. :')

    Go to 2:19: Here.

    Also, when you're trying to help push the desk in the trailer park, if you don't start pushing it, Luke just stands there like an idiot. Not that he's stronger than an 11 year-old-girl or anything. XD At 3:50, the same vid Pride posted before. But I thought it deserved attention:

    Click here

    "You look like an idiot." :p

  • The whole Snoopy theme stuff ruined Carowinds for me. Last time I went was in 2002/2003 so most of the rides had a Hannah Barberra theme.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Yup. Most of the adult rides from the Paramount days are still there. Some were re-themed. The kids area is probably the only area completely changed; moving away from the Nickelodeon theme to the Planet Snoopy theme.

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