Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • When everybody runs to the shed because Clem just went badass. Stitched her arm and smashed a walkers brain in. He's like behind Luke I believe.

    zeke10 posted: »

    i meant where nick see's you

  • That's what I initially thought, too, when he climbed up to the gift shop. I wonder how that will pan out.

    thejade posted: »

    arvo is like ben , they both seem to be hiding some supplies for someone else to find it.

  • I wondered about that. I knew she'd likely have marks from drug abuse, but it made me wonder if the drugs also made her depressed enough to harm herself. It really stuck with me, because the arm she hides is the same arm I hide from people because I don't want them to see my scars. Poor Bonnie :(

    It seems like she didn't find any friends until the Apocalypse. That's a depressing thought.

    That's so sad. At first, I thought she was implying that she self harmed, then I realized what she really meant. Poor Bonnie.

  • I don't get it. Isn't that just Glenn driving away?

    Shit happens

  • Something i noticed in Season 2 Episode 3; when you arrive at the camp and are talking to Reggie and he eventually questions where Pete and possibly Nick is. But he never questions where Nick's mom is, since she supposedly escaped with the group as well. Just something worth sharing.

  • Check out the bumper sticker on the back of the yellow truck, to the right of the license plate.

    CocaColin posted: »

    I don't get it. Isn't that just Glenn driving away?

  • edited July 2014

    Here's the vid with the kitchen conversation, go to about 3:00ish, and you'll see Nick: Click here

    I actually think it was just Nick spotting some movement out of the corner of his eye, since it happens again at 4:44. But let's just assume it's Nick spotting Clem, and he doesn't say anything bc he wants to help her. :3 We love you, Nick... ;_;

    zeke10 posted: »

    any video i can see it?

  • Dunno if anyone noticed, but Clem is adorable 24/7.

  • Losing their shelter means dealing with it?

    GF1115 posted: »

    And Lilly dealt with it...

  • I'm so, so sorry about what you've been through. My best friend Jen also hides that arm because she doesn't want anyone to see. :( I'm sorry.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I wondered about that. I knew she'd likely have marks from drug abuse, but it made me wonder if the drugs also made her depressed enough to

  • If you tell Bonnie "you've got a lot to make up for," she feels even guiltier if Clem tries to crawl through the ticket booth.

    "I guess that's one more thing I gotta make up for." :(

  • I prefer mreasts. Points to anyone who gets that reference.

    Its called moobs

  • ElliasEllias Banned

    When you're about to go to the ski lodge and cross the bridge, luke tells clementine to go with him but carlos says "she's just a little girl". If you tell carlos "you're not my dad carlos" Carlos would say "And you're lucky you're not my daughter". Clementine ending it with "thank god" I'm sorry but I died ok.

  • Kenny has a thick fucking skull

  • "Kenneth"

    Kenny has a thick fucking skull

  • Michelle represents who Clem could be in a few years' time if she takes Jane's advice: a cold, selfish bully. It's interesting that she's the first stranger that Clem sees in Season 2, and the one who killed Omid.

  • On a related note, crowbars absolutely love Carver's face.

    Kenny has a thick fucking skull

  • Did you mean to say Jane's a bully too? Technically I guess she is to Arvo, but she felt bad about it afterwards: "I can't believe I've gotten into this mess. Taking some stupid kid's a bandit."

    But essentially I agree with you; Clem could still potentially become like Michelle....

    Bokor posted: »

    Michelle represents who Clem could be in a few years' time if she takes Jane's advice: a cold, selfish bully. It's interesting that she's the first stranger that Clem sees in Season 2, and the one who killed Omid.

  • As far as I could tell, Lee and the dead walker with the driver's license are the only two characters for which we get both a first and last name.

  • Well, Michelle was a loner who justifies her actions by saying the world is harsh. Yet despite it all, she was still unwilling to murder and tried to apologize to Christa.

    sialark posted: »

    Did you mean to say Jane's a bully too? Technically I guess she is to Arvo, but she felt bad about it afterwards: "I can't believe I've gott

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Ben Paul disagrees.

    Mothoth posted: »

    As far as I could tell, Lee and the dead walker with the driver's license are the only two characters for which we get both a first and last name.

  • So do the St.Johns

    Mothoth posted: »

    As far as I could tell, Lee and the dead walker with the driver's license are the only two characters for which we get both a first and last name.

  • edited July 2014

    William Carver and Peter Joseph Randall do as well.

    Mothoth posted: »

    As far as I could tell, Lee and the dead walker with the driver's license are the only two characters for which we get both a first and last name.

  • Apparently I don't pay very close attention at all. Have some ... thumbs-ups? Likes? Upvotes? I'm sorry; I'm new. I don't know what they're called.

  • "Sometimes you gotta play a role. Even if the people you love hate you for it."

    Quoted by Pete, could describe Carver. Or Jane. Or Kenny. Or even Clementine.

  • He also doesn't ask where Luke is. Everybody overlooks that.

    Something i noticed in Season 2 Episode 3; when you arrive at the camp and are talking to Reggie and he eventually questions where Pete and

  • SHIT...Sorry about that. Something is wrong with the link. The pic means that all the ones in Alvin's and Pete's and Carlos' family are dead.

    FatTonyVG posted: »

    We got a happy child eating a bowl of food?

  • edited July 2014

    When do you get this option? Can anyone provide a youtube link?

    quinnics posted: »

    If you stayed to watch Kenny kill Carver, Luke will actually bring it up if you select the "Kenny was protecting us" dialogue. "I used to

  • In here, they're called both likes and upvotes ^^

    Mothoth posted: »

    Apparently I don't pay very close attention at all. Have some ... thumbs-ups? Likes? Upvotes? I'm sorry; I'm new. I don't know what they're called.

  • ...This happened.

    Alt text

  • What in the heavens O_O

    G-Panda posted: »

    ...This happened.

  • I thought she was gonna turn :(

    Twistee posted: »

    What in the heavens O_O

  • When looking at the poster in the observation deck, the visible text reads "Oh, when will this cruel war end?" Because the Civil War lasted four years, it might be a subtle reminder that the hell Clem is going through is not permanent.

  • I knew Bens last name was Paul before but when was it mentioned?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Ben Paul disagrees.

  • KennysucksKennysucks Banned
    edited July 2014

    When discussing what to do with Clem in the kitchen when Clem is sneaking in, Luke argues that they can't keep her locked up because theyre not animals, then Carlos proposes that if Luke wants that he can take her out and just keep an eye on her and Luke doesn't seem to be in dissagreement

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited August 2014

    When you get back to the Motor Inn with Ben and one of his friends, if you talk to him he says, "I'm Ben. Ben Paul."

    Kennysucks posted: »

    I knew Bens last name was Paul before but when was it mentioned?

  • In S2 E1, when being chased by the bandits, if you listen hard enough, you can hear Winston, (One of the Bandits) Say, "Jesus are you fucking kidding me?!"

  • Probably mentioned before but Clem and the others have been wearing the same dirty old clothes for 4 chapters now (two weeks at least? most likely more for Clem).

    Looks like personal hygiene descended in priority's ranking since season 1, in wich the characters would change their outfits from time to time.

  • I didn't know that! "Jesus are you fucking kidding me?!"

    In S2 E1, when being chased by the bandits, if you listen hard enough, you can hear Winston, (One of the Bandits) Say, "Jesus are you fucking kidding me?!"

  • edited July 2014

    Lilly is the one who gave Clem her hair 'thingies'.

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