Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Agree.

    Wumble posted: »

    Clementine got 3, which is weird considering Maybelle is way more important.

  • Wow. Awesome!!

    fallandir posted: »

    The Last of Us fans, are you here? I found this two somewhat similar. Down below, I placed conversations between an old man and the littl

  • So does Clementine.

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    Pipas posted: »

    I ship it.

  • Oh okay thanks for telling me!

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    It's right before dinner, when Alvin goes downstairs to find something for Rebecca to drink (when you have the option to feel Rebecca's bell

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    So does Clementine.

  • How could you forget Carley?

    child123 posted: »

    important characters from s1 and 2 have letter e in their names Lee Clementine Kenny Carver Luke Maybelle

  • I had to make sure you guys remember such details. :>

    Kenny is terribly unforgiving? I thought that it's a detail no one will forget :P

  • If you look on Nicks neck when hes a walker in episode 4 you can see a bite, some people consider this just a re-used model but regardless, the bite is there so it is canon that he was bit, but yeah Tavia probably was the one who shot him and it deffinantly didnt help

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Taking Nick all the way to episode 4 he ends up getting shot leading to his downfall. It looks like it was Tavia who was the one who shoots

  • KennysucksKennysucks Banned
    edited July 2014

    In S2E1, if you look into Alvin/Rebeccas window, you will see them arguing and in this argument Rebecca chews Alvin out for being to nice and soft, later if you chose to knock on Alvins room when Rebecca leaves, if you tell him that you know hes a good guy he will reject it and say hes not nice, likely to satisfy Rebecca even though she wasn't there although through convincing, Alvin will soften up and help Clem, also later on in the episode once you sneak in, Rebecca can be heard saying "Well what if Carver shows up?!" which prompts Alvin to say "What if he does?! I don't care" in a tough guy voice, again most likely to satisfy Rebecca

  • If you look very closely, in every episode, someone dies

  • Wooooooah. XD

    If you look very closely, in every episode, someone dies

  • In S1E4 the choice dealing with you revealing your bite can have a huge impact on if Omid/Christa comes with you or not, i tried doing it with my old savefile (where i let Ben die in Crawford) First time i hid my bite, then they wouldnt come with me, however when i revealed it they decided to help out. I would actually think i would be the other way around.

  • Thanks!

    ilovetwd posted: »

    Wow. Awesome!!

  • edited July 2014

    Oh right. Fixed.

    AhmedAli1 posted: »

    It's S2 EP1.

  • Amid The Ruins is the only episode where only females die (if Nick isn't saved in A House Divided)

  • Well that's hardly surprising considering e is the most common letter in English by a big margin.

    It's a coincidence.

    child123 posted: »

    important characters from s1 and 2 have letter e in their names Lee Clementine Kenny Carver Luke Maybelle

  • edited July 2014

    Clem still has Lee's blood on her hat when he was bit.

  • Every red head in the game is female and has an older fashioned named.

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  • A screwdriver has been used every season. Lee in S1 when saving Glenn in EP1, Bonnie in 400D if you played it before Russel's story, and by Clementine in S2 when Jane gives it to her.

  • This is just a little theory of the hatchet of S1 EP4

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    So, we see that Ben gives the axe to Lee in EP 4, right? After Lee goes up the bell tower and axes that last zombie the axe gets stuck on the zombies head. Lee pushes the zombie down and the hatchet is never seen again..... Until Shel's story

    You see Becca or Stephanie looking at the melee weapons and one of them is the same hatchet. Maybe the group went and scavenged Crawford before?

    Now, when all the 400 days characters meet up in the camp, Becca worries about Roman still trying to find them, but Russel says that they've been there and it was empty. What if one of them brought the hatchet to their camp? And when Tavia came to pick them up one of them could of brought the hatchet into Carver's community.

    A few months pass by and Luke find the hatchet again. Gives it to Clementine so the could protect her self.

    So what I'm saying is that the hatchet that Lee found in season 1 got all the way around to Clementine in season 2. Neat, huh?

  • That's pretty awesome. The only thing is...

    It's probably just a reused model.

    This is just a little theory of the hatchet of S1 EP4 So, we see that Ben gives the axe to Lee in EP 4, right? After Lee goes up the

  • edited July 2014

    You meet someone new in every episode

  • Ah, yes, for some reason my mind was pretending there wasn't an episode three.

    "Too many awful memories"

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    You mean episode four? Episode three's is right after Clem procures the radios, Kenny talks about his memories with Duck and his boundless energy.

  • You should have seen with beard back then.

    Yes i know one...Kenny has a godlike beard now, instead of a divine Mustache! Many people seem to forget that!

  • Also Crawford is a ways away from the diner, but it is possible, but likely a re-used model, but a man can dream ... a man can dream

    This is just a little theory of the hatchet of S1 EP4 So, we see that Ben gives the axe to Lee in EP 4, right? After Lee goes up the

  • She's literally the same age as me, if she lived 'til 2014. It's so weird to think this.

    If the apocalypse happened when it did, I'd be her age... I wonder if I'd find a Lee xD

    I was born a month after her, in December.

    Clementine is eleven.... in 2005. When the apocalypse happened, she was 8 then 9.subtract 8 from 2003, you get 1995. She was also born sometime in November or guess she was born between October 30th 1995 and November 20th 1995.

  • Awww. Please don't kill these two, Telltale :[

    eRock92 posted: »

    Mike likes that vanilla.

  • edited July 2014

    If Alvin gave you a juice box in EP1, in EP4 Clem will mention the juice box if you choose the "Alvin was a good man" option to comfort Rebecca.

    The way she says it is kinda funny too. "Back when you guys locked me in the shed, Alvin helped me. He gave me bandages...AND a juice box! :] "

  • If that the case (the group went to scavenged Crawford), that would explained why the tape from Crawford was in Carver's office O.o

    This is just a little theory of the hatchet of S1 EP4 So, we see that Ben gives the axe to Lee in EP 4, right? After Lee goes up the

  • edited August 2014

    I just want to say how much I love this thread, probably the best on the board. So many cool little tidbits I never noticed, thanks everyone for contributing!

  • Right before Carlos' death, you hear one of the guards on the roof yell out "Shoot him!"

  • In Season 2, Episode 2, when you cross the bridge and get to the little house and discover the canned peaches, Alvin enters in and starts talking about Nick with you. You got the choice to say that you "Had a woman like that." And then Clementines starts talking about how Lilly lost her dad and killed another woman (Carley), and how they left Lilly.

  • Or how Lee forgave her and she stole the RV. Or how she killed Doug.

    The_Snowman posted: »

    In Season 2, Episode 2, when you cross the bridge and get to the little house and discover the canned peaches, Alvin enters in and starts ta

  • I thought Jane gave her an icepick/scratch awl...interesting.

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    A screwdriver has been used every season. Lee in S1 when saving Glenn in EP1, Bonnie in 400D if you played it before Russel's story, and by Clementine in S2 when Jane gives it to her.

  • edited August 2014

    Lilly could have steal the RV after they got the train. They left the RV alone after that

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Or how Lee forgave her and she stole the RV. Or how she killed Doug.

  • If you go with Pete, Episode 1 in a episode with no cabin group dead. If you go with Nick in episode 1, Save him in episode 2 and don't shoot Carver Episode 2 would be another episode without Cabin Group deads

  • If you look close enough, there is a walker in every episode

  • One of the guards yells : "Just shoot 'em!"
    Not : "Shoot him!"

    Bokor posted: »

    Right before Carlos' death, you hear one of the guards on the roof yell out "Shoot him!"

  • In the hub area between going to Jane's part of the story or Bonnie and Mike's after you finish up with one it will let you walk around to do stuff and things till you go to the other. A nice detail added is that if you decided to move Clem towards the part of the story you just completed ex: finished with Bonnie and Mike then head towards the museum again, Kenny will stop and tell Clem to go the proper way. Interesting thing is that if you keep going the wrong way over and over again Kenny will have multiple lines of dialogue telling Clem where to go. I realize this is a lame detail, but hey... it's something.

  • Dear Juice Box , you'll be always in our memories ;_;

    Pride posted: »

    If Alvin gave you a juice box in EP1, in EP4 Clem will mention the juice box if you choose the "Alvin was a good man" option to comfort Rebe

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