The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Man. The counselors at this day camp are such hypocritical assholes who don't care about the work me and my friends have to do.

  • You've imagined me dying?? ;-;

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Plus, that would be a shitty way to die. I imagined you falling off a ride or something but not this.

  • XD good to know I hope your alright

    papai46 posted: »

    Today i had to get an injection and my butt is hurting a lot.

  • Disney is the happiest place on earth? The thousands we spend there disagree.

    What do you think about the Heat this season?

    It'd be like Weekend At Bernie's except it's at the happiest place on earth.

  • I hope it goes well, when are you going?


  • I shouldn't have said that....

    You still love me, right? I imagined you falling off then I grew some wings and rescued you. Better?!

    You've imagined me dying?? ;-;

  • No offense, but y'all are most likely screwed with Lebron leaving. Bosh needs to go back to playing as good as he did in Toronto, and Wade has to hope he doesn't blow out his knees again.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Disney is the happiest place on earth? The thousands we spend there disagree. What do you think about the Heat this season?

  • "fellow Canadian"...How about no ?

    I'm just glad that Orlando Bloom punched Justin Bieber. JB was just looking for trouble, how immature and childish of him. He's the perfect example of an inflated ego and a complete douchebag. I can't believe that people are still fans of him...

    Orlando Bloom just earned my respect, that's for sure, then again, the guy's actually a good actor and a good person. Unlike the latter...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury looks like your fellow Canadian almost got a jab from Orlando Bloom:

  • Life is simple, just enjoy it.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    What's the meaning of life?

  • This show was my childhood.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Last spam for a while from me Drake and Josh legendary show

  • Itz funneh bcz u says butt.

    papai46 posted: »

    Today i had to get an injection and my butt is hurting a lot.

  • We're certainly not the clear favorites anymore. However, if Bosh and Wade play like All-Stars and Deng can contribute I still give them a chance to come out of the EAST.

    Only San Antonio and Chicago scare me.

    No offense, but y'all are most likely screwed with Lebron leaving. Bosh needs to go back to playing as good as he did in Toronto, and Wade has to hope he doesn't blow out his knees again.

  • (?) Devyn will remember what you did.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Disney flashback feels :'D

  • Why do people have TWD characters with flowers on their heads? Lol.

  • Because reasons.

    William Bill Carver is kawaii.

    Why do people have TWD characters with flowers on their heads? Lol.

    edited August 2014

    Too bad that some other guy blocked the punch for him, and the little shit escaped.. I heard everyone in the room applauded and shit, he's awesome.

    "fellow Canadian"...How about no ? I'm just glad that Orlando Bloom punched Justin Bieber. JB was just looking for trouble, how immature

  • XD what did I do bro

    (?) Devyn will remember what you did.

  • Lol, is it a one day thing? I would join you guys, but I'm not home and on mobile.

    Sup, man. Are you going to be staying for a while?

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Because reasons. William Bill Carver is kawaii.

  • Of course I do! Is that even a question?

    Much better. c:

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I shouldn't have said that.... You still love me, right? I imagined you falling off then I grew some wings and rescued you. Better?!

  • But you said you have noodle arms! Shouldn't be so hard to eat :p

    Oh haha, very funny. My arm isn't broken so there's no need.

  • I thought you had forgotten about me, I dunno. A lot of people have joined this thread since I was last active.

    Of course I do! Is that even a question? Much better. c:

  • The appointment's at 5, so about 3 hours.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I hope it goes well, when are you going?

  • I plan on leaving Bill there for a while.

    Sup, bro? I'll be active this weekend. Weekdays just really late due to work but you guys never sleep anyway.

    Lol, is it a one day thing? I would join you guys, but I'm not home and on mobile. Sup, man. Are you going to be staying for a while?

  • You could definitely say that again. Lots more people are here, it seems.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I thought you had forgotten about me, I dunno. A lot of people have joined this thread since I was last active.

  • No way bro, I've always wondered where you were.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I thought you had forgotten about me, I dunno. A lot of people have joined this thread since I was last active.

  • Yeah, even you. I remember seeing you around but never here.

    You like it so far?

    ComingSoon posted: »

    You could definitely say that again. Lots more people are here, it seems.

  • Really? That's sweet, brah. I just get lost sometimes.

    No way bro, I've always wondered where you were.

  • Yes, it's really great here. You get accepted into this friendship immediately. It's great.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah, even you. I remember seeing you around but never here. You like it so far?

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited August 2014

    I'm glad. I bet this thread provided you with an additional boost when you didn't see a certain someone in Episode 4.

    Everything okay?

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yes, it's really great here. You get accepted into this friendship immediately. It's great.

  • What am I supposed to eat?? lmao, there's no meat! Just bone and skin, and a bit of muscle!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    But you said you have noodle arms! Shouldn't be so hard to eat

  • It's not funny! I'll have to take a shot every week!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Itz funneh bcz u says butt.

  • Yeah, I was disappointed and sad Eddie didn't appear. But I'm almost over it now :D I'm just hoping he's in the finale.

    But yeah, I'm just biding my time. Doing great.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm glad. I bet this thread provided you with an additional boost when you didn't see a certain someone in Episode 4. Everything okay?

  • If Eddie doesn't appear, I'm gonna flip! ;-;

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yeah, I was disappointed and sad Eddie didn't appear. But I'm almost over it now I'm just hoping he's in the finale. But yeah, I'm just biding my time. Doing great.

  • I wish Carver stayed alive at least until episode 4. He died too early IMO.

    Awesome, hopefully you can catch up in the story. I think I'll start the next chapter next week. Going to be busy these next few days.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I plan on leaving Bill there for a while. Sup, bro? I'll be active this weekend. Weekdays just really late due to work but you guys never sleep anyway.

  • You and me both. ;-;

    Twistee posted: »

    If Eddie doesn't appear, I'm gonna flip! ;-;

  • I lost all hope honestly. I thought Episode 4 was the perfect time for him. How does he fit in Episode 5?

    I think Nate is more likely to be in Wellington or something.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yeah, I was disappointed and sad Eddie didn't appear. But I'm almost over it now I'm just hoping he's in the finale. But yeah, I'm just biding my time. Doing great.

  • Every week until when?

    papai46 posted: »

    It's not funny! I'll have to take a shot every week!

  • Every week? Man...hope you learn to cope with it, dude. That must suck.

    papai46 posted: »

    It's not funny! I'll have to take a shot every week!

  • I think it would've been perfect if he died in Episode 4 and Episode 5 was focused on the group's struggles and getting to Wellington. But oh well.

    I've been reading, but it's more than I imagined. I'm getting there. I'll try to check in every night or so.

    I wish Carver stayed alive at least until episode 4. He died too early IMO. Awesome, hopefully you can catch up in the story. I think I'll start the next chapter next week. Going to be busy these next few days.

  • Because that's the way it is, Pro.

    Why do people have TWD characters with flowers on their heads? Lol.

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