What's with the forum and differing opinions?



  • It's just a game. Don't get so worked up about it. If the worst thing that happens in your life is your post on a video game forum gets down-voted a lot, then you've got a pretty good life.

    I say keep both up/down buttons... in fact, expand it and add '# of dislikes' to the profile page to keep track of those as well. You know you've hit a good point when you get down-voted ;)

  • edited July 2014

    I agree that the downvoting is annoying, but it is what it is I guess. People tend to downvote just because they don't like the opinion, no matter if it is actually correct/ reasonable or not.

    For example, if you say anything even semi pro Kenny on the forums these days, prepare to get down voted. Doesn't even matter if you have good points or not.

  • I've read a few comments on this discussion relating to the up and downvote buttons, and I'd like to give my thoughts on the subject. I do not think the downvote button should be removed. Yes, you could argue that its removal would also remove 'downvoters' or 'downvote trolls', and I'm not saying that isn't a problem, because it is a problem, but in my opinion it would also remove the option of expressing your opinion without creating your own comment. I don't think everyone has to explain themselves in regards to why they downvoted, even though I always do. I've never downvoted a logical comment without replying and explaining myself (that's not to say I've never downvoted an illogical comment and just went about my day), but some people may not have anything to say other than "I don't agree with that", and I don't think they have to explain themselves.

    Everyone's gonna get upvotes, everyone's gonna get downvotes. I don't think that should change.

  • I read the title and laugh. I read the description and understand.

  • edited July 2014

    When people downvote without saying why, it isn't very fair to the poster they are downvoting. They can't defend their post/opinion if people are only downvoting and then walking away.

    Cinicage posted: »

    I've read a few comments on this discussion relating to the up and downvote buttons, and I'd like to give my thoughts on the subject. I do n

  • I do like her character. However I don't like the way you put things. You're doing pretty much what the OP said.

    So if people don't agree with your view that any "normal", as you put it, human can't hate a fictional game character, then they're probably mentally disabled. Well that's pretty damn childish and incredibly narrow minded of you buddy.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Any normal human being can't hate Clementine, There is nothing about her to hate.. If you hate her you are heartless or mentally disabled.

  • What makes it unfair though? What about likes? What about people who upvote and don't say why? There literally is no difference except one is positive and one is negative. They don't affect anything. Removing the downvote button because of the negativity it presents is really stupid to me. I guess we should just be happy it only shows likes received on our profile.

    Belan posted: »

    When people downvote without saying why, it isn't very fair to the poster they are downvoting. They can't defend their post/opinion if people are only downvoting and then walking away.

  • I'm used to bigger communities where people tend to be aggressive about opinions and whatnot, but this forum's pretty unique in the sense that everyone's like "IF MUH CLEM DIES WE RIOT".

    ViralType posted: »

    Welcome to the real internet, my friend. The place where you'll get chewed out for a different opinion, have your sexuality questioned and y

  • I don't wanna derail the thread too much, so I'll try to finish up the conversation with this post.

    Telltale's "illusion of choice" is beginning to weaken when you look at Clem. You can make every choice possible to preserve her innocence, or make choices that should destroy it and harden her; in the end, it doesn't make any difference. Your choices don't effect Clementine's behavior. I really want to see more character development on her part, but Telltale seems more focused on developing other people; Rebecca and a certain man with a beard, for example.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    How has her potential been wasted?

  • This post itself is a rain of downvotes. Spins dramatically among the falling down votes from the sky xD

  • I agree completely. I had one little theory I talked about with a friend and shared it with this forum in one out of the two threads I've made, since returning to this forum, but people just felt like calling it stupid and exploded the dislike button. Only had 4 likes and one good discussion with a person. I even respected the people who thought it was very unlikely but every post I made got a dislike. It felt awful. I didn't think I gave a shit about dislikes but it really sucked. :/

  • Some people (including me :p) get overly worked up if someone doesn't like a fictional character they like. But in all seriousness, this is a very good post, and I probably will stay more away from the down vote button now.

  • I'm sorry but you're overthinking this... I rarely see the active members, with the exception of some extremist Kenny and Clem fans like you mentioned, bitch other members.

  • I must disagree.

    As much as a lot of people get frustrated by having their posts downvoted, I think the option to downvote is necessary in a forum that is as controversial as this one: it is interesting to have the actual numbers on how many people agree or disagree with you opinion.


    That would be the purpose of the FLAG button.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Downvote buttons are childish, Puzzlebox said in the future they'll get rid of them hopefully.

  • It's easy to push the limits of what is and isn't acceptable. We can't flag EVERY post by those standards. Sometimes, being a general dick isn't against the rules, so the downvote button is a good device to voice disapproval.

    I must disagree. As much as a lot of people get frustrated by having their posts downvoted, I think the option to downvote is necessary i

  • If you have a minority opinion I guess you get downvotes and such,

    I don't mind if it's an argument, I like to debate with smart people

  • That's just the idiots. They are easily ignored and ridiculed.

    Piggs posted: »

    I'm used to bigger communities where people tend to be aggressive about opinions and whatnot, but this forum's pretty unique in the sense that everyone's like "IF MUH CLEM DIES WE RIOT".

  • edited July 2014

    I've had it happen to me before, if I have to give one example.

    Alt text

    People got pretty aggressive with their responses, too.

    Tamta posted: »

    I'm sorry but you're overthinking this... I rarely see the active members, with the exception of some extremist Kenny and Clem fans like you mentioned, bitch other members.

  • Yeah, I do agree with you. Best would be that you are only able to up- and downvote a post if you explain why. That would be ideal.

    Then again, it would be ideal if everyone would just stop fighting and love each other, but that's just a dream, as is expecting trolls to stop trolling. You can't stop people misusing things like the downvote-button. If you want to delete everything that could be misused by trolls and lazy people, eventually you'd have to delete the whole Internet.

    And again, I wonder, if you are so against the Votes, why bother so much about them? If you don't care what other people thing about your opinion, just ignore the votes. Can't be too hard, right? Does it hurt your pride?

    By the way, my posts never got unrightful voted. If I stated a common opinion, my votes got upvoted, and opinions I know are controversial get partly downvoted. hell, one or two even got almost totally downvoted. Not on this Forum though. So what? It doesn't hurt me, it doesn't stop me from stating my opinion, I don't have that much of a low self esteem. And you and other shouldn't have either.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    First off how is it stupid? The button is completely misused. Everyone just uses it now if they slightly disagree with something, actually b

  • If you disagree with someone's post, you should either say so and say WHY you disagree or just leave the thread. There are plenty of other threads (and forums) that can be visited instead. Using the down vote to say you disagree when not stating why is a cheap shot. The point of the forum is to discuss matters. Down voting is childish as is not saying why you did so, especially when people will down vote for the silliest things. Someone says they like chocolate ice cream and all of the vanilla lovers will down vote them just because they like vanilla more. It's silly.

    It'll be a good day when the down votes are removed. While the up voting has its points, people just abuse the system. It's no different than people posting to pad their post count so they can appear to be a helpful poster. I've seen both across many forums and it's irritating. I'd be glad if they removed the voting system and hid post counts so people don't feel the urge to pad either. You should post if you have a valid opinion or argument to offer, not post just to get to a certain post count or get a certain number of likes.

    Really? That's kinda stupid, sorry. I always thought, and were 100% sure and used the buttons as such, that up- and downvotes are to show ho

  • edited July 2014

    Down voting is unfair in the instance that it is the only thing that you use to address someone's post. It doesn't allow the poster to defend their viewpoints. Basically, downvoting is a lazy way for people to disagree with other posters without actually having to use their brains to come up with a counter opinion/argument.

    The difference is kind of a big deal. Obviously getting praise for one of your posts is entirely different than getting shot down with no means of defending your stance.

    Cinicage posted: »

    What makes it unfair though? What about likes? What about people who upvote and don't say why? There literally is no difference except one i

  • edited August 2014

    I can see why that would bother some people, but I don't think that it's a lazy way to disagree for everyone. And regarding the difference, no, I don't think it is a big deal. If I start getting upvotes on a post, or even if I don't, I expect downvotes, that's because I see it as people disagreeing with my perspective, and that's okay. Granted, downvote trolls are very annoying, and as I said they are a problem, I don't think removing the button is the solution. Of course, if someone thinks that downvoting is just a lazy way for people to disagree with other posters, then they'll obviously see things differently.

    Belan posted: »

    Down voting is unfair in the instance that it is the only thing that you use to address someone's post. It doesn't allow the poster to defen

  • I think people really start to over-exaggerate what the downvotes are. I don't see them as a way of attacking people, I just see them as a way for disagreeing with your opinion. Heck I myself downvoted that post of yours for that reason. It doesn't mean we're all assholes.

    Piggs posted: »

    I've had it happen to me before, if I have to give one example. People got pretty aggressive with their responses, too.

  • For that very reason telltale is taking them out of the forums, or they are trying to.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    I think people really start to over-exaggerate what the downvotes are. I don't see them as a way of attacking people, I just see them as a w

  • I will admit, it irritates me when I get a large amount of downvotes, but no replies explaining why they disagree with my comment/ why they felt the need to downvote me. It seems to happen a lot, because I'm often in the minority opinion about something controversial. But that's just the internet for you, there's always going to be trolls and/or people who are incapable of forming a substantial argument other than "I don't agree with your opinion, so I dislike you and your opinion".

  • Agreed, what they don't know is that Kenny's power will become unlimited when i receive over 9000 downvotes,

    Then Kenny is going Super Sayan Kenny, and restart humanity with the power of his stash.

    Tinni posted: »

    I will admit, it irritates me when I get a large amount of downvotes, but no replies explaining why they disagree with my comment/ why they

  • Fuck downvotes.

  • The Prophecy of the Raging Redneck shall come true, for the StacheGods have predicted it...and the rest of the world- I mean forums- is none the wiser...cue evil laugh

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Agreed, what they don't know is that Kenny's power will become unlimited when i receive over 9000 downvotes, Then Kenny is going Super Sayan Kenny, and restart humanity with the power of his stash.

  • Yeah, but it just comes across as kind of lazy. The only replies I got out of those 54 people were pretty substanceless. It feels like people are trying to dismiss my opinion without addressing it, if that makes sense.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    I think people really start to over-exaggerate what the downvotes are. I don't see them as a way of attacking people, I just see them as a w

  • Fuck downvotes.

    SwagBeast posted: »

    Fuck downvotes.

  • They need to get over it.

    Carley123 posted: »

    When you're saying its sad to feel upset over being downvoted are you saying the person needs to get over it? Or you feel bad for them?

  • It hasn't seemed that bad to me. People have opinions and if they're too extreme to be considered rational it's just best not to give them credence.

  • It's ridiculous how some of you guys complain non-stop about the downvotes.

    Yeah, I'd like them removed: But it's annoying as hell when some people go 'OMIGOD NOO IM DOWNVOTED. FUUUUCK. MY HEART IS SHATTERED.'

    As long as it's your opinion, feel free to give zero fucks, and just ignore anyone else downvoting you or replying you saying 'ur opinion sucks ha ha ha'

  • edited August 2014

    Makes sense. I dont know how being downvoted by 54 individuals feels and all the replies werent 'well done' what i do now is ignore the downvotes and see how many likes i got. Look you got 13 likes :D

    Piggs posted: »

    Yeah, but it just comes across as kind of lazy. The only replies I got out of those 54 people were pretty substanceless. It feels like people are trying to dismiss my opinion without addressing it, if that makes sense.

  • Jesus, I don't care that much at all. Who said I did?

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    It's ridiculous how some of you guys complain non-stop about the downvotes. Yeah, I'd like them removed: But it's annoying as hell when s

  • edited August 2014

    I had my share of that "Racism" on my threads as well, And believe it or not, A mod acted that childishly to me before. That's why I don't stay much on the forums here anymore.

  • edited August 2014

    Well... seeing as how multiple people used this video I made across the forum... it's not surprising:


  • A fucking masterpiece.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Well... seeing as how multiple people used this video I made across the forum... it's not surprising: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oaKGgS1SD8&list=UUZY1l0oCREzKx-CVG8s37vw

  • amen,thank you its about time someone said it

  • Been there, anyways, I like when people have different opinions. If everyone liked Clementine and Kenny we would have a lot less to talk about. I do agree it can eventually lead to getting out of hand (been there too) but it is entertaining hearing a "rival" point of view.

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