Get rid of the 'Downvote' option
(Mods if you are going to move it, let it stay for a little bit so at least some users see it, please)
Personally I think that the down vote button should be removed, and before you disagree with me and track me down and attempt to murder me, hear me out.
In theory the down vote button is a great idea it helps see what posts are trolls posts, if a user is incorrect or wrong, and etc.
Sadly this button is beyond misused. Before I made my account I would be in these forums from time to time and I rarely saw the amount of down votes as I see today. Most users would reply if they disagreed with something and I dont recall many down vote trolls. Now days is used just the same way as the up vote button. The general reason for the down vote button I believe, was if a user’s comment was wrong, bad, or incorrect and that’s how it should have been used.
If you actually disagree with someone's post or comment why downvote, it does nothing! Ive seen someone post something along the lines of Clem was 10 in season one and It had about 11 down votes and I don't recall anyone replying! Instead of being lazy actually help this incorrect user out and tell them "No, Clementine was in fact 8 and 9 in season one." To those reading this saying 'We have RIGHT to down vote and disagree' thats fine, you can disagree but if you really disagree youd reply. Its like users on here are so damn sensitive that they down vote every single post they decided they dont like instead of replying and actually explaining why they don’t like a certain post. Down voting does not resolve and situation whatsoever.
For those who think it tells if a post is a troll post or not, it doesnt. Posts that are very minority based will get downvoted so easily. If you say you dont want Clementine as protagonist in Season 3 you will get a huge load of down votes even if your reasoning is legit and this goes to any opinion that lots of users disagree with. Troll posts will get up votes for some reason anyways so there is a very little difference between a post that maybe will only be agreed by a minority and a post that is outright trolling. Also wouldn’t getting rid of the down vote option eliminate the whole Down voting trolls issue I mean it’s so annoying to go on a thread and every single comment as 2 down votes for no reason.
There’s also those users who dont give a flying crap on how many downvotes they get, and honestly I envy you. No matter how much I try I will re check all my comments about every hour to see how many down votes Ive gotten and when I do I say to myself "Why can't that user just reply to me?" or "What did I do wrong that made them down vote me?" I wish I could change how I act around that but Ive acted like this since I was a little kid. The sad truth is many of us are unable to just not care whenever we get down votes. Ive had days that I feel so bad about myself that I dont want to even want to comment how I feel about an opinion because Im worrying about being down voted, but I love criticism.
When someone disagrees with me and actually replies, it is great, I can understand why they disagree with me and I dont feel bad about myself. I now know why they disagree with me and I can understand. The down vote button is misused and in my opinion, pointless. If you really disagree with something just reply and say why you disagree and dont pull the 'lazy' excuse, grow up and share your opinion instead of saying Im lazy so I will just down vote instead of helping the situation I've heard other forums getting rid of them and it really helps some annoying situations. I think the down vote button should be removed, but keep the up vote option. Anyways thanks for reading my little 'rant'
It seems that im not the only one feeling this way
(Excuse all grammar mistakes, there was an awkward transition between word document and this and a ton of the words got messed up, id tried to fix most of them but i dont think i got 100% of them. Sorry about that)
This should probably be posted in TellTake Talk section.
Oh sorry, I didn't know that existed. Can I move it? or do I have to wait for a mod.
Then again, that place is a GRAVEYARD.
I have no clue I think you have to wait for a mod to move it. Personally im fine with it being here because it technically does involve the walking dead.
I think that when you hover over the like or dislike thumb it should show who liked or disliked your post.
Yeah, though the dislike trolls will be very upset with this post since if it is gone they won't be able to downvote.
Seriously though, it has it's cons and pros.
Good point.
EDIT: fixed it.
Sadly enough
That's a smart idea, it would revel the users that downvote every post. I don't think I wouldn't downvote almost at all if the users knew it was me down voting.
I can see why you don't want the down vote option... but it kind of restricts our opinions.
And strip that prized anonymity, making people think twice about pressing the button... nice. However, as downvoting is considered inherently wrong by people here, any user who downvotes would now receive scorn, and grudges between users would arise. I don't think that would be any better.
Exactly. It would cause fights and The downvoter would be an outcast.
Not really. You are free to say you (respectfully, lest you wish to feel the bannhammer's wrath) disagree by replying to the comment and saying that you disagree. Stating why you disagree may be more productive to the discussion, but not absolutely necessary. There is no restriction on your ability to express yourself whatsoever.
Downvoters are mostly down vote trolls, It would expose those trolls. We can finally find out who down votes every post in a thread, And if someone gets a downvote it would finally make sense instead of doing it for the lols
I am pretty neutral towards the downvote, myself. I use it, I have received downvotes, but rarely in the sometimes staggering amounts that people with unpopular opinions - whatever they may be - do. I think its removal would ultimately lead to more productive discussions, eliminating this forum's fixation with giving and receiving them. I understand how many people view them as a personal attack and can be intimdated into silence, which goes against the basic point of the forum's existence.
I doubt the downvoter would be an outcast.
You mention it doesn't matter yet have written an essay about it. gentle clap Bravo. You wasted all of that time on something that didn't matter. Achievement Unlocked!
When did I say it doesn't matter? The whole point of this was reasons why the down vote option should be removed. I don't recall saying
"I think the downvote option should be removed but it doesn't really matter"
EDIT: After scrolling through your profile you are most likely someone who likes to get a rise out of users for your own pleasure. So have fun with that,
How to deal with downvotes
Step 1: Don't care about them
Step 2: Repeat
Problem solved.
If you read it I explained why that doesn't work for me.
i fully agree with the OP, the downvote option discourages discussions because it gives people a lazy option to disagree, rather than forcing them to write down their motives, and it's sort of the same about upvoting, only you can't really make a 12 lines post about agreeing with someone, so it's not that much of an issue.
I think you can even do that.
Boom, I disagree with that and downvoted you right now. Now you know who one of those thumbs down is. Don't you feel inclined to ignore me in the future?
You can but it doesn't really make the same difference. Disagreeing with someone and writing a paragraph on why they are wrong is a lot more common on here than writing a paragraph on why someone is right.
If you just downvoted me, I don't dislike you for it. I actually feel a little better knowing who down voted me.
No, I did not downvote you. This is only to make a point.
Honestly downvote button is stupid, it only causes problems, I'm sure number one downvote button users are trolls, that button is not used properly and most of the times it's used to annoy people, I'm pretty sure i can prove what I said, in some minutes I'm getting a troll dislike, like many of the comments up here, so yeah, dislike button should be erased.
Edit: less than 15 seconds to get downvoted.
Yeah I agree I mean look at the person who is down voting your guys comments.
Yeah, theory proved ^ instead of downvote button it should be called trollvote button.
No you disagree with me, I cant strangle you and force you to agree with me. Thanks for telling me that you down voted me
Read the reasoning behind it. If one downvotes another person, even when stating why they disagree, chances are that the downvoted poster will ignore that and stay fixed on the fact that X user downvoted him. Grudges are born this way, and not everyone will be able to shrug off those feelings of anger towards their downvoter(s).
No, you can't strangle me over my opinion (what a lifeless world this would be if we were able to do that) but chances are that you felt somewhat offended and will regard me with a little more contempt in the future. No one likes to be insulted, and many consider the downvote a personal insult. If you really don't care, then that is good, I have no desire to unnecessarily stay on another member's bad side.
Actually, If i have a fallout with one of the members on this forum by the next day I hardly remember them or if they downvoted me
I dont hold grudges against people on the other side of the world from me on the internet.
god, the amount of downvotes in this thread just proves the "downvote troll" theory, nobody in here actually bothered to put a nice counter argument
You don't need a reason or to state why you disagree about something, sometimes we disagree about things for absolutely no reason, I think a dislike would be better than someone commenting - "I disagree with you because I just do".
wow are people seriously this soft and get offended when they get a dislike?
No but seriously I cannot understand why so many people are angered by the dislike button.. If anything, telltale should add WHO dislikes your comment so the trolls can be exposed. It'd be funny.
I can see your point. I got a bunch of downvotes once for simply asking when the release date was for the Kindle version of an episode of TWAU. Literally, all I did was ask if anyone knew the date. I got like 10 downvotes. Lol. It was actually quite amusing. It highlighted the absurdity of downvote trolls and made it less offensive to me. Now, I just smile when I see a bunch of unnecessary downvotes on perfectly neutral posts. It's proof that some people really have no lives. It's quite funny when you think about it. No need to remove the feature. Let them wallow in their negativity. I do kind of like the idea of removing anonymity though. I bet it would be embarrassing to have your pathetic, secret squirrel trolling be revealed. Lol.
Totally agree. Keep the downvote feature, but remove anonymity.