I wouldn't know about. The comics from what I heard are ongoing and I just started reading Fables the Deluxe Edition: Book 1 (issues 1-10 all in one) and there're still characters they haven't introduced yet from the comics such as Boy Blue.
That'd be awesome if it did. I haven't read any of the comics yet though so I'll still have to catch up on those depending on when Season Two will take places. It could take place after the comics maybe.
It would be far easier if Telltale had more studios that could help make different games and release them with more consistency. You know how BioWare has Edmonton and Montreal or how Ubisoft has Toronto, Quebec, Shanghai, Montreal etc. Just saying it would help TT.
Yes, the amount of games they would like to develop is pretty overwhelming right now, but don't forget! Just because they have a lot on thei… morer plates at the moment, doesn't mean they won't be able to keep TWAU Season 2 for later. I would rather have it later than NEVER. Don't give up hope!
Why is Cindy so overrated in these forums? Shes not that great, Her spin-off comics did not do so well and her comics where not even writing by the fables creator. Cindy is great as a supporting character but not as the main it should stay as Bigby.
To all the people who think Cindy should be the protagonist please read her comics first and not just read about the comics on wiki pages then you will understand why having her as the protagonist is a bad idea.
I may be open to the idea of her being a protagonist WITH Bigby (Like what TellTale is doing with their Borderlands game) but really i would rather they just stick to Bigby.
Its probably going to be coming out at the same time as TWD S3, but TWD will probably have a head start of about 1-2 episodes. This is where that DLC to help us pass the time comes in play
That pretty much clarifies what we are all feeling. Telltale will keep producing more and more of TWD because it is their cash cow, despite … morethe fact it can get a bit repetitive. The Fables universe has so many aspects and genres that can produce a new season with, it will be real shame if they don't continue it somehow.
I think so but I doubt they will make a whole new season to answer the questions left in "Cry Wolf." A DLC would suffice for all that. If they make a new season it should be on a new topic.
Current characters + new ones and another great storyline would be just enough for my appetite! That said, I wouldn't mind a new main charac… moreter, as long as the previous main character wouldn't be neglected in the storyline... (On the other hand, I don't think they would just neglect Bigby. I mean, the game is kinda named after him >.<)
Also just wanted to say, I know it would be hard to make up another storyline with Bigby and for it to stay to the canon. But I'm sure Telltale would figure something out, them bunch of geniuses.
Finally someone said no on the poll. I mean, it's not like I was waiting for it to happen, but I would like to hear a reason as to why someone would not want TWAU to have another season. ;p
Some people feel like all Telltale needs to make is more Walking Dead. I mean, I love The Walking Dead a lot, but Telltale has other games they need to give as much attention to as well.
Finally someone said no on the poll. I mean, it's not like I was waiting for it to happen, but I would like to hear a reason as to why someone would not want TWAU to have another season. ;p
I guess that could be "one" of the reasons they possibly could have. The other possible ones would be "TWAU sucks" or "TWAU is good as it is now." I mean, The Walking Dead (it is a good game) it already has 2 Seasons. And another one already in the making! I think it's about time for Telltale to start focusing on some of their other games...
(I understand, it's an opinion. But the opinion written above is mine...)
Some people feel like all Telltale needs to make is more Walking Dead. I mean, I love The Walking Dead a lot, but Telltale has other games they need to give as much attention to as well.
If anyone at all is really into the world of Fables now, definitely check out the comics. They are as good as the game, if not better. They would also help you through the "waiting game" for a DLC/Season 2
I think that at this point, nearly all of us would like to have the Season 2 of TWAU done. Now we just gotta wait for Telltale to confirm it for us.
Also, nice gif by the way.
I think the question you should be asking is do I need another season of TWAU.
And the answer would be yes. Hell yes. I would be in no way opposed to seeing Bigby's face on my screen some more.
I'd REALLY love another season as this was excellently executed and a lot of fun, and one of my favourites overall. Equally though, I recognise the limits canon places on future episodes (they pushed it to its limits this time to be fair) and honestly, I love this game all the more for sticking strictly to the Fables canon rather than being some cheap standalone shit. Feels all the more special; so if they can do another season without ruining that aspect of it, I'm all for it. Otherwise, could be best left alone, sad as it is for me to say I'm sure they know what they're doing either way - they're clearly well-versed in Fables lore.
Well the comics are coming to an end so if they want to stick to canon they could always make the sequel take place after the comics. But I agree, if they are going to have to got against canon, I wouldn't want them making a second season too much. Then, a DLC could suffice. Maybe even 2 DLC's?
I'd REALLY love another season as this was excellently executed and a lot of fun, and one of my favourites overall. Equally though, I recogn… moreise the limits canon places on future episodes (they pushed it to its limits this time to be fair) and honestly, I love this game all the more for sticking strictly to the Fables canon rather than being some cheap standalone shit. Feels all the more special; so if they can do another season without ruining that aspect of it, I'm all for it. Otherwise, could be best left alone, sad as it is for me to say I'm sure they know what they're doing either way - they're clearly well-versed in Fables lore.
I'd REALLY love another season as this was excellently executed and a lot of fun, and one of my favourites overall. Equally though, I recogn… moreise the limits canon places on future episodes (they pushed it to its limits this time to be fair) and honestly, I love this game all the more for sticking strictly to the Fables canon rather than being some cheap standalone shit. Feels all the more special; so if they can do another season without ruining that aspect of it, I'm all for it. Otherwise, could be best left alone, sad as it is for me to say I'm sure they know what they're doing either way - they're clearly well-versed in Fables lore.
Look at the huge ambiguity they put at the very ending scene of episode 5. Yes, perhaps they left that ambiguity there becasue they wanted to leave the interpretation up to the player (and even worse create the illusion of a second season), but I'm pretty sure that that scene was designed to hint to a second season.
But it was over a year in-between the last episode of the first Walking Dead game (excluding 400 Days) and the first episode of the second Walking Dead game.
Although I don't think the third point enough has any notable mysteries that actually demand further story, and even though I don't quite think that the second point necessarily merits a second season, I fully agree with the first point regarding Nerissa's final words. There's reallyno way I can take that and think to myself that there won't be a second season...
Unless they purposely left the ambiguity of the implications of Nerissa's final statmeent (and Bigby's sudden epiphany after hearing it) to be left up to the player of course... Oh that would be so cruel since it gave us false hope...
And I agree with Shubba; a DLC pack could answer the final question we had left.
I think there's definitely going to be a 2nd season of The Wolf Among Us. Telltale knows it has a fairly large following. I'm not sure how much money they made, but they probably did pretty well with TWAU. If supply and demand is true at all then it should be a no brainer. Let's just hope they don't change the writers or anything.
I think so because why would fable town remember what you did or TJ gives you the gift or in the end going after Nerissa or not? That smells like a season 2 coming out!
Hopefully we get one, probably not until TWD s3 is like 1 or 2 episodes in. I also hope they release a DLC sometime midway to help us pass the time, or if they don't have plans for a s2, just a DLC itself would be great.
Until then, definitely check out the comics. They are very good.
Guys, we nearly reached a 100 votes on the poll! I'm really surprised to see that the poll is going so well. By this point, Telltale should already see the demand for the continuation of TWAU and they should give us some news sooner or later.
Thanks for participating and taking your time to vote in the poll!
Guys, we nearly reached a 100 votes on the poll! I'm really surprised to see that the poll is going so well. By this point, Telltale should … morealready see the demand for the continuation of TWAU and they should give us some news sooner or later.
Thanks for participating and taking your time to vote in the poll!
You are right many people want it but it very much depends on if TWAU is making a lot of money if it is than it is guaranteed that there will be a season 2
Guys, do you know where I could find the comics? I never have actually read them (Yes, I know, shame on me...) but I would really like to read through them, all of them if I got the chance! It would ease the pain of having to wait so long for another season of TWAU.
Unfortunately, there are not on YouTube like TWD comics. Check your local library, because mine does have them. But they seem to only go for a couple of volumes, so I am also checking out where else I can access them. Let me know if you find anything plz
Guys, do you know where I could find the comics? I never have actually read them (Yes, I know, shame on me...) but I would really like to re… moread through them, all of them if I got the chance! It would ease the pain of having to wait so long for another season of TWAU.
Unfortunately, there are not on YouTube like TWD comics. Check your local library, because mine does have them. But they seem to only go for… more a couple of volumes, so I am also checking out where else I can access them. Let me know if you find anything plz
Yeah I thinks the main problem. Projects like TWD and GoT will be major cash cows for Telltale, so they will keep punching out multiple seasons of both. Wolf did really well, but I'm not sure if they will put the effort into a s2 if they feel like it won't do as good as some of their other continued series. I just hope they don't completely abandon it like Tales From the Monkey Island, and at least release a DLC or two.
You are right many people want it but it very much depends on if TWAU is making a lot of money if it is than it is guaranteed that there will be a season 2
I wouldn't know about. The comics from what I heard are ongoing and I just started reading Fables the Deluxe Edition: Book 1 (issues 1-10 all in one) and there're still characters they haven't introduced yet from the comics such as Boy Blue.
It would be far easier if Telltale had more studios that could help make different games and release them with more consistency. You know how BioWare has Edmonton and Montreal or how Ubisoft has Toronto, Quebec, Shanghai, Montreal etc. Just saying it would help TT.
Cindy? My favorite character, female wise? Heck yeah I'd ship it!
Why is Cindy so overrated in these forums? Shes not that great, Her spin-off comics did not do so well and her comics where not even writing by the fables creator. Cindy is great as a supporting character but not as the main it should stay as Bigby.
To all the people who think Cindy should be the protagonist please read her comics first and not just read about the comics on wiki pages then you will understand why having her as the protagonist is a bad idea.
I may be open to the idea of her being a protagonist WITH Bigby (Like what TellTale is doing with their Borderlands game) but really i would rather they just stick to Bigby.
Thread: Is TellTales going to make a Season 2 of the Wolf Among us?
I think it would be really cool if they made a Season 2 because there is a lot of things that are still untold, like
Will there be a season 2?
Yeah, I think that's how it's gonna probably happen too...
Exactly. If they don't take TWAU further, it will just a massive waste of an opportunity.
I think so but I doubt they will make a whole new season to answer the questions left in "Cry Wolf." A DLC would suffice for all that. If they make a new season it should be on a new topic.
This. I really want TWAU to continue. Otherwise, as said above, waste of an opportunity.
Yup! Whatever their thoughts are, I just hope they do make a season 2 because it will surely be amazing!
Finally someone said no on the poll. I mean, it's not like I was waiting for it to happen, but I would like to hear a reason as to why someone would not want TWAU to have another season. ;p
Some people feel like all Telltale needs to make is more Walking Dead. I mean, I love The Walking Dead a lot, but Telltale has other games they need to give as much attention to as well.
I guess that could be "one" of the reasons they possibly could have. The other possible ones would be "TWAU sucks" or "TWAU is good as it is now." I mean, The Walking Dead (it is a good game) it already has 2 Seasons. And another one already in the making! I think it's about time for Telltale to start focusing on some of their other games...
(I understand, it's an opinion. But the opinion written above is mine...)
Hell yeah.
Couldn't express my excitement for Season 2 better myself! xD
If anyone at all is really into the world of Fables now, definitely check out the comics. They are as good as the game, if not better. They would also help you through the "waiting game" for a DLC/Season 2
I think the question you should be asking is do I need another season of TWAU.
And the answer would be yes. Hell yes. I would be in no way opposed to seeing Bigby's face on my screen some more.
Have you seen Open Season? XD jk
I think that at this point, nearly all of us would like to have the Season 2 of TWAU done. Now we just gotta wait for Telltale to confirm it for us.
Also, nice gif by the way.
I'd REALLY love another season as this was excellently executed and a lot of fun, and one of my favourites overall. Equally though, I recognise the limits canon places on future episodes (they pushed it to its limits this time to be fair) and honestly, I love this game all the more for sticking strictly to the Fables canon rather than being some cheap standalone shit. Feels all the more special; so if they can do another season without ruining that aspect of it, I'm all for it. Otherwise, could be best left alone, sad as it is for me to say
I'm sure they know what they're doing either way - they're clearly well-versed in Fables lore.
Well the comics are coming to an end so if they want to stick to canon they could always make the sequel take place after the comics. But I agree, if they are going to have to got against canon, I wouldn't want them making a second season too much. Then, a DLC could suffice. Maybe even 2 DLC's?
DLC probably?
Yeah, you got a point. But like I said, Telltale is pretty smart. Whatever they do, is for the best.
Look at the huge ambiguity they put at the very ending scene of episode 5. Yes, perhaps they left that ambiguity there becasue they wanted to leave the interpretation up to the player (and even worse create the illusion of a second season), but I'm pretty sure that that scene was designed to hint to a second season.
But it was over a year in-between the last episode of the first Walking Dead game (excluding 400 Days) and the first episode of the second Walking Dead game.
Although I don't think the third point enough has any notable mysteries that actually demand further story, and even though I don't quite think that the second point necessarily merits a second season, I fully agree with the first point regarding Nerissa's final words. There's reallyno way I can take that and think to myself that there won't be a second season...
Unless they purposely left the ambiguity of the implications of Nerissa's final statmeent (and Bigby's sudden epiphany after hearing it) to be left up to the player of course... Oh that would be so cruel since it gave us false hope...
And I agree with Shubba; a DLC pack could answer the final question we had left.
I think there's definitely going to be a 2nd season of The Wolf Among Us. Telltale knows it has a fairly large following. I'm not sure how much money they made, but they probably did pretty well with TWAU. If supply and demand is true at all then it should be a no brainer. Let's just hope they don't change the writers or anything.
I think so because why would fable town remember what you did or TJ gives you the gift or in the end going after Nerissa or not? That smells like a season 2 coming out!
Hopefully we get one, probably not until TWD s3 is like 1 or 2 episodes in. I also hope they release a DLC sometime midway to help us pass the time, or if they don't have plans for a s2, just a DLC itself would be great.
Until then, definitely check out the comics. They are very good.
Guys, we nearly reached a 100 votes on the poll! I'm really surprised to see that the poll is going so well. By this point, Telltale should already see the demand for the continuation of TWAU and they should give us some news sooner or later.
Thanks for participating and taking your time to vote in the poll!
There was also a petition someone started. I posted the link somewhere in this really long discussion :P
Hmm... I will try to find it and put a link up in the initial post for whoever wants to sign it. Thanks for reminding me about it!
*Edit: Yep, I got it! I put it up on the initial post for whoever wants to sign it!
You are right many people want it but it very much depends on if TWAU is making a lot of money if it is than it is guaranteed that there will be a season 2
Thread: Yes or No to having a Season 2
message yes or no weather you want a second season of the wolf among us!
Hey, no offense but we kinda already have a topic similiar to this, so I don't think we really need another one. :P
It's here by the way: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/78178/would-you-like-season-2-to-happen
Guys, do you know where I could find the comics? I never have actually read them (Yes, I know, shame on me...) but I would really like to read through them, all of them if I got the chance! It would ease the pain of having to wait so long for another season of TWAU.
I know this is just about saying yes or no that's it because I am making a tally for fun cause I am bored lol
Bigby & Snow Wedding
Unfortunately, there are not on YouTube like TWD comics. Check your local library, because mine does have them. But they seem to only go for a couple of volumes, so I am also checking out where else I can access them. Let me know if you find anything plz
I guess I will have to check out my library then. I hope they will have something there. ;p
Yeah I thinks the main problem. Projects like TWD and GoT will be major cash cows for Telltale, so they will keep punching out multiple seasons of both. Wolf did really well, but I'm not sure if they will put the effort into a s2 if they feel like it won't do as good as some of their other continued series. I just hope they don't completely abandon it like Tales From the Monkey Island, and at least release a DLC or two.