Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • You already said that, didn't you? We got it.

    If you look close enough, there is a walker in every episode

  • Damn that's neat

    This is just a little theory of the hatchet of S1 EP4 So, we see that Ben gives the axe to Lee in EP 4, right? After Lee goes up the

  • Makes sense to me...the longer time goes on, the farther we get away from the time of civilization thus less shits given.

    Probably mentioned before but Clem and the others have been wearing the same dirty old clothes for 4 chapters now (two weeks at least? most

  • edited August 2014

    Most characters wear the undershirt/overshirt look.







  • No, I said someone dies in every episode

    fallandir posted: »

    You already said that, didn't you? We got it.

  • Damn, this makes me wish I did that. -_-

    Pride posted: »

    If Alvin gave you a juice box in EP1, in EP4 Clem will mention the juice box if you choose the "Alvin was a good man" option to comfort Rebe

  • That made me laugh so hard

    24601 posted: »

    SHIT...Sorry about that. Something is wrong with the link. The pic means that all the ones in Alvin's and Pete's and Carlos' family are dead.

  • edited August 2014

    Carvers line from 202 - "A couple of farm boys and an old man, Spanish guy and his daughter, big black guy, and a pretty little pregnant lady."

    The moment you realize that of all those people, only one person is still alive.

  • In Amid The Ruins. If you choose to go with Mike and Bonnie to the museum first, you come across two walkers, you can tell them that Jane taught you the cool knee trick and that they should use it too but Mike says "A good swing to the head has always done it for me." and ignores Clems advice, he kills the first no problem but misses on the second and then hits again this time killing the walker, this will prompt a sassy Clem line where she says "so the knee is about half way down the leg..."

  • yea it's ''just shoot them'' and it sound like carlos voice actor?

    Cody_nara posted: »

    One of the guards yells : "Just shoot 'em!" Not : "Shoot him!"

  • edited August 2014

    The PC & Playstation versions of this game have different angles, lighting and some options...

    I don't remember in which one but there was one option where you can tell the Cabin group to screw themselves for locking Clementine in a shed...

    After you threaded Rebecca in Playstation version you cant see Clem's eyes because of her hat...on the PC you can...

  • I don't remember in which one but there was one option telling the Cabin group to screw themselves for locking Clementine in a shed...

    PC :P

    TheMPerson posted: »

    The PC & Playstation versions of this game have different angles, lighting and some options... I don't remember in which one but ther

  • "That's ALOT of people to lose."


    Carvers line from 202 - "A couple of farm boys and an old man, Spanish guy and his daughter, big black guy, and a pretty little pregnant lady." The moment you realize that of all those people, only one person is still alive.

  • There's a determinant dialogue which changes scenes on the Trailer Park:

    1. I forgot which dialogue option it was, but it's about Clementine talking about Lee, then she gives the glasses to Sarah before going on the Skylight.

    2. Other; You give the glasses after you climb up the skylight along with Sarah.

  • Which is what Carlos screamed out when Carver was torturing him!

    child123 posted: »

    yea it's ''just shoot them'' and it sound like carlos voice actor?

  • So reggie is an important person?

    child123 posted: »


  • Just not as important as Maybelle.

    So reggie is an important person?

  • Melissa Hutchison is in every single The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among us episode so far (except for 400 Days).

  • It's a guess, but it's pretty accurate. At least I think...

    Alvin, William Carver, Troy, Carlos, Sarita, Nick, Sarah, and maybe Rebecca all died in like a 12 hour time span. With two being determinant in there of course.

  • I believe it was this one:

    Clem: "When everything started, I met my friend Lee, who tried to help me find my parents. He protected my more than anyone else in my whole life. He died to keep me safe. I was so scared."

    Sarah: "But you're still here."

    Clem: "Because he taught me to be strong! Even when I'm scared. Because he wanted me to live."

    There's a determinant dialogue which changes scenes on the Trailer Park: * I forgot which dialogue option it was, but it's about Clemen

  • I don't know if anyone said this one yet, but Walter and Luke as the only people who talked to Clem about what was on her mind

  • Did you know that in Carvers office there is a tape identical to the ones in Crawford

    Did you know that Carver has a cup with "Worlds best boss" on it.

  • I play on pc and i swear i heard her say duck

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Another hidden reference from season 1 is in All That Remains. It's when Clementine sneaks into the cabin. On the left side of the screen th

  • Doesn't lee shoot andy in the head?

    I just realized this: no matter whether you kill the St. Johns or not, they'll all become walkers. Danny gets impaled in the chest or he bleeds out, Brenda gets bitten by Mark, and Andy gets electrocuted or shot by Lee or left to die.

  • The aftermath of the shootout in EP5 will undoubtedly increase that list.

    "Let the sheep outta the pen. Let's see how long it lasts."

    Yeah, not that long...

    remorse667 posted: »

    It's a guess, but it's pretty accurate. At least I think... Alvin, William Carver, Troy, Carlos, Sarita, Nick, Sarah, and maybe Rebecca all died in like a 12 hour time span. With two being determinant in there of course.

  • hmm that make sense.

    Bokor posted: »

    Which is what Carlos screamed out when Carver was torturing him!

  • Those aren't most characters...

    bloop posted: »

    Most characters wear the undershirt/overshirt look. Lee Clem Kenny Nick Becca Rebecca

  • True, the group may have been unfairly treated there but at least they were alive and getting enough water/food

    Pride posted: »

    The aftermath of the shootout in EP5 will undoubtedly increase that list. "Let the sheep outta the pen. Let's see how long it lasts." Yeah, not that long...

  • and bonnie(203)

    I don't know if anyone said this one yet, but Walter and Luke as the only people who talked to Clem about what was on her mind

  • edited August 2014

    How did I forget that?

    child123 posted: »

    and bonnie(203)

  • Based on when you decided to leave the observation deck, Clems age will change slightly, if you chose to wait, your Clem is 3 days older than players who chose to leave right away

  • Was she in TWAU Episode 4?

    Miklaus posted: »

    Melissa Hutchison is in every single The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among us episode so far (except for 400 Days).

  • I laughed when she said that! ;D

    Kennysucks posted: »

    In Amid The Ruins. If you choose to go with Mike and Bonnie to the museum first, you come across two walkers, you can tell them that Jane ta


    Look at the stickers...

  • Yes, she was Beauty.

    Was she in TWAU Episode 4?

  • What about season 1 episode 3? Unless you count a few unnamed bandits. Some bandits most likely died in Ruins also.

    Carley123 posted: »

    Amid The Ruins is the only episode so far were NO new characters die.

  • Oh I thought she was just TJ. I did not know that.

    Robojeeves posted: »

    Yes, she was Beauty.

  • and the saint Johns.

    Mothoth posted: »

    As far as I could tell, Lee and the dead walker with the driver's license are the only two characters for which we get both a first and last name.

  • They actually talked about this during a Playing Dead interview with the writers. They said that they put him back upstairs after Lee and everyone were put in the meat locker.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I always wondered how Mark got back up the stairs. I mean, surely there was no time (or reason) for the brothers to carry him back upstairs,

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