I can not stop crying!!!

edited August 2014 in The Walking Dead

First time i listened Salty Seas i cried for 10 minutes thinking at Sarita, Nick, Sarah and Rebecca's Deaths....

Now everytime i listen it i always cry....

It's absurd how this game can hit you so much... You feel it, you feel characters emotions...

It has never happened to you cry at the end of an episode? No Time Left Except, of course xD


  • ugh yes baby after finishing the episode i went downstairs and was laying on the floor in tears. salty seas was in the background since the sound was on blast i didnt know wat to do anymore

  • amid the ruins is so sad i still thinking about rebecca and sarah and sarita and nick and when sarah called out to her dad :( Alt text

  • yeah at the beginning of In Harm's Way. I answered to Carver "not your business" and he slapped clem and it was like the first time I really felt scared for what will happen next and oh I hated him so much. and then he made carlos smash sarah.. I'm not a big fan of sarah, but to make a parent beat their child like this.. it's just crazy and sick

  • It’s strange that we as human beings consume media that will make us sad. Without sadness we can never truly know joy. Sometimes we have to find it in the small things. At least Clementine and the baby are alive at this point, so there is still hope. Those of us who have lost someone close (and even those who have not) can feel a personal emotional investment in these characters. Thanks in part to the great writers and animators of Telltale. When you have lost someone close in real life it can certainly feel like you will never know anything else again. The feelings about characters in these games are mercifully temporary. Buddha’s last words were, “Decay is inherent in all compounding things. Strive on with diligence.” It seems especially pertinent to the Walking Dead universe, n’cest pas?

  • I feel nothing, and was amused when Sarah died like that. In my game she was calling out for Clementine, i wonder if that is a choice based thing.

    amid the ruins is so sad i still thinking about rebecca and sarah and sarita and nick and when sarah called out to her dad

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