The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • That's not how you determine the quality of an anime xD

    Dude the franchise has like 8 games.

  • Pink poodle*

    And that was when I was like 5, lol. I'm talking about when I was 9 or 10. I was ignored for a long part of my life.

    But you wore a bunny suit :c

  • Sorry, I misunderstood your question.

    A death with a meaning, dying standing up, fighting for something.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    what do mean? are you just saying that becouse of you're compleatly out of nowhere nick death?

  • LOL

    But you wore a bunny suit :c

  • Meh, I guess. x__x You get used to it, so it doesn't really matter, lol.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    And you shouldn't give a shit, you know who you really are and what your worth is.

  • You should play it.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    That's not how you determine the quality of an anime xD

  • Heh, funny you say that... Much stuff doesn't really affect me anymore lately, for my own reasons.. And I know what happens in the comic, but why not read it for myself? Now to get issue 18! :)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Keep reading, feels are for the weak.

  • You should, it's a great work of literature (graphic literature whateva).

    AGentlman posted: »

    Heh, funny you say that... Much stuff doesn't really affect me anymore lately, for my own reasons.. And I know what happens in the comic, but why not read it for myself? Now to get issue 18!

  • Alt text

    Villainbro for life :P

    Twistee posted: »

    Hmm idk, I have a feeling Mark will kill me though.

  • estupido elefante ;>

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • That would be so ironic but i can actualy see it happening

    Mark is inside the tank driving it

    Sees Twistee

    Says Awsome One-liner

    Shoots with the Tank

    it could happen

    Twistee posted: »

    Hmm idk, I have a feeling Mark will kill me though.

  • I'd rather have Mark kill me, I'm not dying by Tobi! F that!

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    That would be so ironic but i can actualy see it happening Mark is inside the tank driving it Sees Twistee Says Awsome One-liner Shoots with the Tank it could happen


    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Favorite kind? If you say apple, I'm gonna flip.

    edited August 2014

    It may be good, but it's not going to top SnK, no way sir.

    That anime basically changed my view on life.

    You should play it.

  • <3

    I hate you Brent </3

  • Haha we'll just have to see what's in store for Chp. 4 xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Villainbro for life :P

  • Lmaooo At first I thought you meant you were constipated. xD

    But get better soon. ;_;

    Ughhhh I think CiD gave me his sickness. >.<

  • No one deserves that shitty treatment.

    Meh, I guess. x__x You get used to it, so it doesn't really matter, lol.

  • It's not funny >.>

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • edited August 2014

    I would like to die the most fucked up way possible, if I was in the story, but I don't feel like being in it :P

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hey guys i wanted to ask if your character dies what death would you like him/her to have? If you don't want to answer that's fine im just curios

  • Oh god...

    estupido elefante ;>

  • edited August 2014

    Hell no.

    No one even cared. Doesn't bother me anyways, not like I give a sh*t.

    Question Were you the coolest kid in the block when you were a kid?

  • edited August 2014

    Alt text

    I would happy fully die saving or protecting Sweetpea my evil partner the only person who wanted to be on my team she must live kill the rest :'D

    I want to take out Tobi any death in a attempt to defeat my enemy is honorable and acceptable as long as Sweetpea lives :D

    Alt text

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hey guys i wanted to ask if your character dies what death would you like him/her to have? If you don't want to answer that's fine im just curios

  • Jumping in front of a bullet to save someone.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hey guys i wanted to ask if your character dies what death would you like him/her to have? If you don't want to answer that's fine im just curios

  • edited August 2014

    Alt text

    XD Save Sweetpea and get shot in the head ok that can be arranged :D

    Being a hero and saving someone. Like, maybe saving SweetPea or something. Preferably something painless... like getting shot in the head.

  • edited August 2014

    Lol, I was a boring kid. Girls wanted to play with dolls, and I didn't. I just wanted to go outside and climb trees by myself.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    No one deserves that shitty treatment.

  • D:

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD Save Sweetpea and get shot in the head ok that can be arranged

  • edited August 2014

    I would go on Skype to see your reaction to the game, but I can't...Microsoft decided to be pricks and blocked my email and Skype once again...


    Rafoli posted: »

    Doing that right nao, fgt. But DAMN, that one scene...didn't think this game'd be that messed up.

  • Why did you censor shit? You never do that xD

    Hell no. No one even cared. Doesn't bother me anyways, not like I give a sh*t.

  • True... his story is boss.

    But hes still a nub.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    And this gives you some sort of power over Pro he sets the rules his thread his story like a boss ;D

  • Funny thing is, it's practically impossible, unless you jump before they shoot XD

    Jumping in front of a bullet to save someone.

  • Cool. I've always had issues with plurals and infinitives, myself.

    It's going well, my friend teach me and explain to me the difference between female and male in the Arabic language and the singular and plural.

  • Kickflip.

    Impalala posted: »

    Back flip or front flip.

  • Most of them probably wanted to do something else, but they did what everyone else did to be accepted by society, you didn't, and that's what I call being true to yourself.

    Lol, I was a boring kid. Girls wanted to play with dolls, and I didn't. I just wanted to go outside and climb trees by myself.

  • umm maybe someone in the story says says to someone else" shoot woodbury" so while they are in the process of aiming their gun i get in front of her and take the bullet.

    Thats possible, right? I think...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Funny thing is, it's practically impossible, unless you jump before they shoot XD

  • That was a great movie, damn ;|

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD Save Sweetpea and get shot in the head ok that can be arranged

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited August 2014

    Hellz to the no, amigo.

    Apple pie can eat a dick.

    Green613 posted: »


  • Oh yeah...well top this : When Microsoft decides to be overprotective and requests a proof of identity every thirty days so they block your Skype and emails mainwhile... Then you try to send that code they want to sent you to your alternate email, but Microsoft won't accept you have to call your father every thirty days because you have to send the code to HIS account for no reason whatsoever -_-



    FirstWorldProblemsTime When you have a gif that you want to use but you can't find the perfect opportunity to use it ;~;

    edited August 2014

    Only if they have the instincts of a table xD

    You could take the bullet if they weren't looking what they're shooting at, but I don't think anyone's stupid enough to shoot someone without looking at him.

    umm maybe someone in the story says says to someone else" shoot woodbury" so while they are in the process of aiming their gun i get in front of her and take the bullet. Thats possible, right? I think...

  • Besh weht NO

    There is no way I'm letting you take a bullet for me. I'm shovin yo ass out of the damn way.

    umm maybe someone in the story says says to someone else" shoot woodbury" so while they are in the process of aiming their gun i get in front of her and take the bullet. Thats possible, right? I think...

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