Luke and the rest of the cast lack of feeling
Luke and the rest of the cast lack of feeling to death this season is attributed to the group being over 1 year into the zombie apocalypse. At this point most members of the group have already seen family members, friends and loved one either die, eaten alive by walkers, or turned into walkers. So how do they manage the depression, and sorrow of losing people you ask ? Well they detach themselves from the situation and look at the person dying as, if they had lost their life in a video game, and they just had ran out of tokens to play the game for example. Its a way to manage the stress of the zombie apocalypse, and a defense mechanism some characters put forth to protect themselves from breaking down and committing suicide. In season 1 we were early into the start of the chaos, so many of the characters still showed remorse and sadness over loved ones dying.
That's a bad excuse because people in the comics still feel horrible about friends' deaths.
I kinda see where are you coming from but in this game where we should care about these people its hard, if they do not care about the events that happenings and people who dies, why should I?
Yeah I was surprised how Luke reacted to Nick's death . Man if my best friend died I would probably be crying...
Maybe he reacted like this because he knew that he needs to be strong at the moment to at least try to save Sarah and help Clem and Jane get out of this mess. Dunno.
Maybe Luke left Nick for him to escape just like Shane in the show. Luke didn't seem too upset that Nick is dead.
Sorry but i doubt it.. He and Nick were friends for like 20 years so he wouldn't just left him like this.
Or... they just get over it and are used to it. When you've already seen your family die, I doubt losing a friend is any worse. And death isn't that bad when you live in a world where there's nothing much to live for. I wouldn't mind dying then and even now.
Even when you are surrounded by zombies and need to get out? There's a time and place for that shit, and it's definitely not there at that time.
Seconded. If the story gets to the point where everyone is completely numb to the loss of anyone else, the investment in their relationships will degrade as well.
At that time, I agree. When given the chance to mourn... he fucks Jane. Fine, coping. When he gets a chance to talk with Clem? He talks about "scavenging". Must've been some good sex.
But people reacted to other's death in this season as well. Nick's sadness about Pete, Rebecca's grief over Alvin, and Sarah's breakdown over her dad. People did react, or they reacted very little.
" Sorry but i doubt it.. He and Nick were friends for like 20 years so he wouldn't just left him like this. "
Everything you just said, could also be said about Shane. He was Rick's best friend since high school. But anyway, i also highly doubt it.
I was disappointed with Nicks death. I felt like his character was basically brushed over. I think TT has to work on when you have a choice to keep 1 character alive/other character dies, they should still hold substance til their basic demise. It seems he was just background filler after you chosen to save him over Pete.
I see what you mean, but it's still not right for a person to shrug off a death. I guess being used to it and less affected by it is one thing, but losing a friend must still suck, especially when you don't have many people left afterwards.
I totally agree with you. I felt horrible seeing Nick dead. I felt his story was similar to Ben in how he couldnt find himself in the zombie apocalypse, and that his story ended wayy too fast. He was an intriguing bittered character, but he was also a good person as well. Felt like Luke just shrugged it off way too quick.
I'm thinking he just bottles up his emotions.
Sex is a good way to re leave stress and is also use as a coping mechanism. Its often found that after funerals some people use sex as a means to comfort themselves over the loss of the person.
It's a comic. Reading words is different than hearing them.
EDIT: But still good point
Actions speak louder than words.
Even if you choose Pete, Nick still lives. Nick is made determinant in Episode 2, as if you tell Walter that Nick is "just like everyone else" he will let Nick be eaten by a walker.
I know, I mentioned it and I am saying that even in what could've been a scene where two people could have lowered their barriers and talked, there was little of that.
All in all, it is just one more little thing that adds to what I think was an overall poor treatment of a character. Or two or three.
Death is disappointing and realistic; what a timeless - and f*** obvious, to most humans who can use reason - lesson. People here, they praise the lack of caring. Maybe they appreciate the departure from the classical manner in which death is dealt with, in these stories, I can see that. Maybe it tells us something about ourselves.
I still care. Or - more accurately - am still looking for reasons to.