Are there any child walkers?
Before I say what I have to say, in no way do I want to see them it's just that their absence seems a little fishy. So like the one we saw in Around Every Corner, are most of them just locked inside their houses by their parents or hide from fear until they die of starvation? You literally do not see a single generic walker in the form of a child anywhere else so that made me think this up. So what do you guys think.
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It's likely just easier to re-use the adult walker models CONSTANTLY.
I suppose.
They exist, but Telltale doesn't put them in the game a lot. I know one important child walker can exist, though. In Season 1, Lee and Kenny can just leave Duck alone without shooting him. Which would mean he turns into a walker later on.
Duck can be a walker (Determinant)
Or the creators didnt like the idea of child walker. But yours is a good reason to.
Best you're gonna get is child walkers-ish from season 1. We have Clementine becoming a walker in Lee's dream, Duck slowly becoming a walker when bit (lets not forget the Duck-apocalypse non cannon ending), and the starved to death child walker that was hiding in the attic of the mansion in episode 4. However in season 2 we got nothing, but the same adult looking walkers with an a-typical every once in awhile.
We need some child walkers telltale! haha
I think there aren't that many because in reality Children would be devoured by Walkers.
I've thought similar about why we dont see more child walkers or more torn apart walkers.
I guess one theory is that children are smaller, easier to eat so not much left to come back as a walker, Adults could easier run away with just a bite, which is why we see more of them as walkers.
And why do we not see more half walkers, people who were torn apart, because they proably cant move very far at all, they are not roaming the streets.
I would agree I would like to see more of a reasonable variety of walkers including kid's as it would happen. If Telltale is going to make a game as adult with the gore and language, surely they can include child walkers or some shuffling down the street with gut's dragging behind.
There was that kid in the attic from season 1.
In season 1, there was a child zombie that had literally starved to the point of being immobile. I don't think child walkers are beyond their comfort level.
Showing violence against a child in any media (on screen or just hinted) is not very wise.
It can even have legal consequences. Duck is never seen bit nor being shot (not really), and the attic kid just starved and wasn't ripped to pieces.
Same goes for Clem's death scenes. Lee's are way more brutal, because Clementine is still a kid. That is also why she always seems to 'die' as soon as she gets bit. Usually, you would still be alive, but you can't show explicit violence against children.
As for the half eaten walkers: Just because reusing models is easier. But there are also not many in the show or comics. It's pretty weird, actually. Walkers clearly don't stop eating after the person is dead, probably when they reanimate. Then there should be so few 'walking' walkers and way more with their guts hanging out
I won't pretend to know a thing about the legality of child death/voilence in an animated fictional story, but I would think as long as they didn't represent any actual person's, it shouldn't matter. It's just a story, a work of art. Even if I felt a particular scene was over the top or just too disturbing, they should have the right to make it. Personally, I want to see more of the gore and horror. It would add and continue the suspense of the game. It's a zombie apocalypse after all and I don't want to just choose options and see how it end's, I want to be amazed, scared, disgusted,shocked, saddened and cheer like when Carver met crowbar.
I was slightly disappointed we didn't to really see Sara's death. It's the Walking Dead, Telltale, c'mon you had us hammer Sandra's skull, cut off Lee's arm, step on Fivel's head, sew Clem's arm, bashed in Carver's face, so why not show Sarah's demise? That's The Walking Dead.
They should add more, it ruins some of the realism because we should have seen tons of them by now.
Lee's dream made me shit my pants, but they did good on Walker Clem.
They tend to save child walkers for emotional impact. Which is lost when you run into them every single episode.
clementine will be one if they decide to let her turn into a 'walker' at the end of Episode 5 ):
Good point, it might be different with animated movies. I don't really know anything about it either, tbh ^^
But that would strike me as a reason why there are no child walkers. It's probably the reason why there aren't any in the show.