TWD Season 2 Ep. 4 Not Available? (iOS)

edited July 2014 in Game Support

After discovering Episode 4 had just been released, I opened my TWD Season 2 app on my iPhone to download it (I had already purchased the multi-pack). However it won't allow me to - it just says "Coming Soon" beside the episode instead of "Download". If anyone could help me get the episode available on my device I would greatly appreciate it! :)

EDIT: Opened the game today and it was available for download! Woo :)


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
    edited July 2014

    I am glad you are now able to play, enjoy the game!

    For those seeing Episode 4 as 'Coming Soon' on an iOS device, please close the game and all other applications running in the background. This should free up necessary system resources. (To close an app running in the background on iOS 6 and before: double tap the home button to make all running apps appear at the bottom of the screen, hold down on an app you wish to close and red buttons will appear, tap the red buttons to close the apps. If on iOS 7, double tap the home button and swipe up on the open apps to close them) Also, please turn off your iOS device for at least three minutes before attempting to play the game again. This will allow the device’s cache to clear.

    Then after restarting your device, please reset the WiFi by turning the WiFi Settings Off, and back On again. Then try starting the game application again, and see if you are able to successfully download the episode.

  • When is it going to come out for android??

    I am glad you are now able to play, enjoy the game! For those seeing Episode 4 as 'Coming Soon' on an iOS device, please close the game a

  • I have a Kindle Fire HDX and I purchased the whole season but Ep.4 still says coming soon. When is soon since it is out on so many other devices?

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    We do not yet have a release date for this episode for Android and Kindle devices, but as soon as we do, we’ll announce it on our Blog, Facebook and Twitter. Stay tuned there for updates!




  • I had the same question ..

    Commitment posted: »

    When is it going to come out for android??

  • I love the game but find your answer unacceptable!!

    We do not yet have a release date for this episode for Android and Kindle devices, but as soon as we do, we’ll announce it on our Blog, Face

  • I just purchased two episodes and it started to download then stopped and now it's saying coming soon and showing me that it wants me to purchase when I did what gives.

  • I just saw the new episode is finally out for Android! Yay! When I get into the game it will not let me download the latest episode it is still telling me coming soon! I cannot wait a minute longer to play omg TellTaleMike PLEASE HELP! I don't want to uninstall and potentially lose my purchase I am desperate to play. I am playing on a Nexus 7 btw

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