Its back !!
After being on hiatus for a month its finally back !!
Last time we had an heartbreaking farewell party for our friend Jose… moreph, on his way to the Dominican Republic.
Shortly after, I tried to host a couple sessions, but the results were...ungratifying. Without Joseph and Devyn, all seemed lost. Since Devyn got bit by a venomous spider and other terrible things happened to her while Joseph was gone....for some reason..
My sessions seemed doomed to fail this summer, so I took a long break from it, wondering when i'll finally get back to it...
Today might be the day, with the new Rig Races playlist !!
JonGon and me can't wait to be tortured by Rig and his insane races !!
Playlist 3 is in order and hopefully a lot of people will join us to experience the madness.
The 4th of July features are still there and Devyn's birthday's coming soon, she wants an why not celebrate it on that terrible i… [view original content]
Don't worry Joseph. Since we're playing the new Playlist 3 today, we'll replay it along with the first two playlists upon your return. Looking forward to that!
Right I know few people who were close to me who committed suicide too some cases incurable but I never self harmed or known of someone close to me doing it so I'm not sure about that as a issue but I'll try my best
One day I found out that she had depression problems and that she would always cut her wrists because of it
She cut herself before she even met you in most cases a ticking time bomb who needs urgent help before you even met her so you didn't at all cause her suicide problems at any stage
I felt something hard. I opened it, and it was a razor blade. I took the razor blade out of her wallet and put in my pocket before she came back
She continued to cut herself even when you were with her proving it might of already been to late for her with you or not without proper psychology treatment which her parents should of given the poor girl it was completely out of your power. I would of not of broken up with her though instead I'd try to help her even more by staying positive and always complimenting her at any opportunity to keep her spirits up. Told her how much I needed her and how much she mattered daily how unique and special she was. Everytime she started to cry or looked sad I would of hugged her tightly etc.
Was it the right decision?
You went through the pain with her for years before learning you are powerless over her situation just dealing with the constant negativity and suicidal thoughts with her at such a young age this is very dangerous for your mind and your well being to be around this. Should you be obliged to be with her forever dealing with her pain instead of enjoying your own life even though she clearly kept on cutting herself meaning it could of been only a matter of time I'm not sure but in my opinion but you should always of been her friend till the end.
she sent me a message that she took a bunch of pills so she could kill herself. She told me that she needed me like never before. She didn't want to date, but just be friends
Another point is she already took the pills so even if you texted back it was still to late
Would I have replied YES?
I can't judge unless I lived through your situation with her but from a neutral perspective. I would of every single time a friend is a person who cares, a friend is someone who will be there when no one is. A friend is a person you can trust. The only person she reached for in her time of need was you the last person she wanted to talk to was you I would gladly of texted her back "I love you" even if I didn't to get more time and I would of rang the ambulance. I also would of alerted her parents and the school of her suicide tenancies earlier to get her help.I wish I got this opportunity in my case. But you were just a kid so don't blame yourself at all you were inexperienced of how to deal with such matters
Was it your fault?
Not at all she cut herself before, during and after she met you proving she always had suicide tenancies her parents should of noticed this and got her help your only a kid you will make mistakes you dealt with her pain for years and had one break from the constant negativity and something happens this just proves it was only a matter of time because the mature forces in her life failed to act and save her. She would of died whether you texted back or not to as she already took the pills to
R.I.P I'm so sorry you faced such a experience and someone so close to you must of been so traumatic for you it was a bad decision but wasn't your fault at all plus your were just a kid.
Did my best I tried to be as honest as possible this is a sensitive situation I don't want to offend anyone sry I'm not saying my opinions are right but I tried my best with the knowledge I have :'O
Ok, so lets try this again.
In 6th grade a met this girl. We were good friends since we had a lot in common. One day I found out that she… more had depression problems and that she would always cut her wrists because of it. I was shocked because I've known her for months and I never noticed, so I promised that I would be there for her until the end. And I did.
7th grade came and she was getting better. I also gained a crush on her and we would talk almost everyday. One December I told her about my feelings and she said that she had feeling for me too.... In the past. She also told me that she cut herself before, because I never noticed the feelings she had for me. I felt devastated, because I felt that I was the cause of her depression. After that she said that maybe one day she will have feelings for me, but for now we would be friends. She dated some other guys, but I didn't care I was just waiting for that day she was talking about
8th … [view original content]
Its back !!
After being on hiatus for a month its finally back !!
Last time we had an heartbreaking farewell party for our friend Jose… moreph, on his way to the Dominican Republic.
Shortly after, I tried to host a couple sessions, but the results were...ungratifying. Without Joseph and Devyn, all seemed lost. Since Devyn got bit by a venomous spider and other terrible things happened to her while Joseph was gone....for some reason..
My sessions seemed doomed to fail this summer, so I took a long break from it, wondering when i'll finally get back to it...
Today might be the day, with the new Rig Races playlist !!
JonGon and me can't wait to be tortured by Rig and his insane races !!
Playlist 3 is in order and hopefully a lot of people will join us to experience the madness.
The 4th of July features are still there and Devyn's birthday's coming soon, she wants an why not celebrate it on that terrible i… [view original content]
I know that.... but... sigh.. Coming from someone who used to self harm, it's really hard to stop. I know she promised she would, but things happen. You can't blame her for it.
Like I said, I'm not judging you.
Thanks... I just went through a hard time in my life and it felt like that was the only thing I could do to make me feel better. In the end it didn't make me feel better at all though
You'll probably miss the Dominican Republic even more Broseph :P
Enjoy your vacation while you can man
It'll be boring once you get b… moreack to your normal life and routine. So enjoy the moment man.
Don't worry about us, i didn't even host ever since you left xD
but...NO.... I'm so sorry someone made you feel like that and you ended up in hospital Maddi must of been really hard for you to deal with I hope your ok
I was originally going to write out how your experience mirrors mine, but I decided that it would be better if I just focused on what you're… more asking.
Cutting is addictive. The promise she made to you was one she could never keep, and one that you shouldn't have expected her to. Until she is truly, truly better, she would never have been able to stay away from that blade because she was still not in control of herself. You seem to look at her cutting after she said not to as a betrayal. I'm sure she never intended to hurt you by not keeping her word, and she shouldn't be blamed for it because it's a promise she couldn't keep. You said you were unhappy with the relationship for 2 months, so maybe this event was just a catalyst for you to end things after enduring the unhappy relationship for so long.
I think you made the right move by breaking up with her. I was that girl - and I'm speaking from experience and my heart when I say this - if… [view original content]
Well I'm glad you beat the addiction and are so unaffected by the past today I would of never of known unless you said it you seem so happy and nice around here all the time I'm shocked but that's a good thing though
Thanks... I just went through a hard time in my life and it felt like that was the only thing I could do to make me feel better. In the end it didn't make me feel better at all though
So, I looked down at my feet and there's a bee fighting for it's life. Just one ant is attacking the bee. The bee keeps struggling to take t… morehe ant off it's body. What should I do?
1) Kill the ant, let the bee live
2) Kill the bee, let the ant live
3) Flush them both down the toilet.
What's it with you putting me in illegal ships all the time? Just be apart of Gustav_Box, at least that's legal >_> GAWD SOMETIMES
And PasswordBox is a weird ship name gurl... r u hihg?
I can relate to you. My girlfriend is depressed as well and she also cuts.
She started talking to me out of nowhere, but I was like hey w… morehatever, I guess I'll talk to her. We talked a lot and I started to have feelings for her, and I never knew that she was depressed or that she had cut. She eventually told me and I was always there to help her. I would always tell her quotes and try to make her feel better and why she should stay strong and not commit suicide. We started to become really close and we both eventually told our feelings for each other and we started to go out.
Just like your girl, she ALWAYS wants to talk to me. I can't just hang out with friends or do what I want at home anymore because she always wants to talk. But sometimes I tell her that I just want to hang out with my friends and what not and she understands. This doesn't really make me dislike her, but at times it can be annoying but she always says that she wouldn… [view original content]
That they do.
Actually I know how to do that. It's pretty easy
I've been dealing with Depression lately, but I wish I could join.
Nevermind, screw you guys. I'm postponing my flight! xD
Omfg, I totally know that feel!
Right I know few people who were close to me who committed suicide too some cases incurable but I never self harmed or known of someone close to me doing it so I'm not sure about that as a issue but I'll try my best
She cut herself before she even met you in most cases a ticking time bomb who needs urgent help before you even met her so you didn't at all cause her suicide problems at any stage
She continued to cut herself even when you were with her proving it might of already been to late for her with you or not without proper psychology treatment which her parents should of given the poor girl it was completely out of your power. I would of not of broken up with her though instead I'd try to help her even more by staying positive and always complimenting her at any opportunity to keep her spirits up. Told her how much I needed her and how much she mattered daily how unique and special she was. Everytime she started to cry or looked sad I would of hugged her tightly etc.
Was it the right decision?
You went through the pain with her for years before learning you are powerless over her situation just dealing with the constant negativity and suicidal thoughts with her at such a young age this is very dangerous for your mind and your well being to be around this. Should you be obliged to be with her forever dealing with her pain instead of enjoying your own life even though she clearly kept on cutting herself meaning it could of been only a matter of time I'm not sure but in my opinion but you should always of been her friend till the end.
Another point is she already took the pills so even if you texted back it was still to late
Would I have replied YES?
I can't judge unless I lived through your situation with her but from a neutral perspective. I would of every single time a friend is a person who cares, a friend is someone who will be there when no one is. A friend is a person you can trust. The only person she reached for in her time of need was you the last person she wanted to talk to was you I would gladly of texted her back "I love you" even if I didn't to get more time and I would of rang the ambulance. I also would of alerted her parents and the school of her suicide tenancies earlier to get her help.I wish I got this opportunity in my case. But you were just a kid so don't blame yourself at all you were inexperienced of how to deal with such matters
Was it your fault?
Not at all she cut herself before, during and after she met you proving she always had suicide tenancies her parents should of noticed this and got her help your only a kid you will make mistakes you dealt with her pain for years and had one break from the constant negativity and something happens this just proves it was only a matter of time because the mature forces in her life failed to act and save her. She would of died whether you texted back or not to as she already took the pills to
R.I.P I'm so sorry you faced such a experience and someone so close to you must of been so traumatic for you it was a bad decision but wasn't your fault at all plus your were just a kid.
Did my best I tried to be as honest as possible this is a sensitive situation I don't want to offend anyone sry I'm not saying my opinions are right but I tried my best with the knowledge I have :'O
Tell meee!
Dammit, I wish I could join
Hope you have fun guys..
Well...we could cheer you up ^^
Just join man :P
I need all the people we can get. We need you !! xD
It's a secret...
YOU I'm so sorry you ever had a situation in your life where you felt this was the solution and for the pain it must of caused :'O
I just went through a hard time in my life and it felt like that was the only thing I could do to make me feel better. In the end it didn't make me feel better at all though 
Alright man, hope you get better soon
No, I can't. -_-
Next time maybe... I just feel like crap from everything.
Oh, I will for sure. Hopefully, I'll be back next year!
but...NO.... I'm so sorry someone made you feel like that and you ended up in hospital Maddi must of been really hard for you to deal with I hope your ok
Do you have a PS3?
Don't think so. This secret is the most secretly secret in all of secretdom. I'm not telling it to you this easily.
Your family's there man, off course you'll go next year
Well I'm glad you beat the addiction and are so unaffected by the past today I would of never of known unless you said it you seem so happy and nice around here all the time I'm shocked but that's a good thing though
PasswordBox FOR LIFE!!!
I wish you the best of luck
Time to go to bed so here's another alligator joke:
What do you call an alligator with GPS?
A Navi-gator
What's it with you putting me in illegal ships all the time? Just be apart of Gustav_Box, at least that's legal >_> GAWD SOMETIMES
And PasswordBox is a weird ship name gurl... r u hihg?
Ha, Ha ,the same one, (!) MR.GATOR WILL REMEMBER THIS
Ok, I'm going to bed so here's how it's done:
And yes, I just replied to myself.
Or you can let nature take it course and do nothing
Thanks, that means a lot.
C: And what? Would you prefer JuiceSuck?
Thank you!!! <333
XD this is normal
What the fuck is that ship name though?
@Welcome_to_Woodbury I would prefer amazingly magnificent spectacular work of wallpaper. But stunning will do. Thanks.
@Rafoli Batman I don't think burning eyes are normal. Maybe you should see a doctor.
Your a legend Deceptbro keep up the good work :'D
Witch of the six endings did you get?
Hey has anyone herd from pro?
Not in a while...