We do not need a season two.



  • Well Bluebeard is richiest Fable and Fabletown is run by money he gives them, so they can't do shit about it. Yet.

    I think Bluebeards meeting at the end was just to show things haven't changed, people are still waiting in line while people like Bluebeard cut it.

  • I like Clem as much as Lee maybe more. Doubt many people agree with you.

    Duhex posted: »

    If they make another season, which is what they should do, I would want to play as Bigby again and not some other character. I think the pro

  • TWD S1 was so good because of the father-daughter element. Getting rid of Lee and making Clementine the main character was a bad decision. She's not as interesting. It feels like when playing TWD S2, I'm just watching things unfold, Kenny's interesting, Mike's interesting etc but Clementine isn't.

    I would prefer TWAU S2 rather than TWD S3, but i feel like if there was we wouldn't play as Bigby.

    RobSolo posted: »

    I like Clem as much as Lee maybe more. Doubt many people agree with you.

  • I'd love a second season. :) The possibilities are endless and there are so many Fables they can cover and create stories around.

  • I think Clementine is just as interesting as Lee because it's such a new experiences playing as a young girl instead of a grown man for a change. I love playing as Clementine.

    RobSolo posted: »

    I like Clem as much as Lee maybe more. Doubt many people agree with you.

  • I'm not sure if TellTale intends to make a Season 2.

    Faith/Nerissa gave false testimony, but it was known that the Crooked Man had ordered the deaths of the girls.

    Bigby realized that she was the same person at the end, but it didn't matter who it was - the other girl was murdered on the orders of the Cooked Man. She hadn't committed a crime.

    The mystery is solved and the Crooked Man's hold on Fabletown is broken. Dee might have been killed, and Bloody Mary was eaten and flushed down the toilet in another form.

    The only thing I felt a bit suspicious was we don't know whether the Crooked Man was really the crow at the end, or whether it was somebody else. But considering that Bigby might have killed him outright instead of arresting him, even that angle is closed.

    It's a complete ending.

  • edited July 2014

    I'm not so sure he did order the deaths. Nerissa clearly lied so maybe Georgie did take something he said out of context and took it upon himself to commit the murders. I thought Nerissa fessing up was supposed to introduce doubt that they did the right thing with him. But as has been said, because this story has wrapped up doesn't mean they can't start a new one. I can only guess that's why they took this project in the first place, because there's so much material to draw on.

    Corvan posted: »

    I'm not sure if TellTale intends to make a Season 2. Faith/Nerissa gave false testimony, but it was known that the Crooked Man had ordere

  • To answer your question, the crow at the end (if you choose not to kill him) is the Crooked Man. Bigby even says it. And, what makes you think S2 would be about the Crooked Man? His story ends with "Cry Wolf" no matter if you kill him or not. A S2 will most likely not have anything to do with him. It would probably be a new story within the 20 year prequel sequence.

    Corvan posted: »

    I'm not sure if TellTale intends to make a Season 2. Faith/Nerissa gave false testimony, but it was known that the Crooked Man had ordere

  • slap Snow's titties and pee in her butt - they're hoping that'll happen in Season 2.

    Rule 34

    ViralType posted: »

    You got a lot of people buttblasted there, champ. Don't you know? They want a second season because they weren't allowed to slap Snow's titties and pee in her butt - they're hoping that'll happen in Season 2.

  • I agree. I'm almost positive Crooked Man did not own order their deaths. Think on it, why kill the girl then look for the picture afterwards? It does not make sense. That picture is very incriminating and jeopardizes Crane's and Snow's leadership, which is why CM needed it back. I think Nerissa/Faith was there when Crane felt up Lily. If you pick the option of handing Nerissa a CIG, she doesn't comment on what a crappy brand it is and actually takes drags with no problem.

    KCohere posted: »

    I'm not so sure he did order the deaths. Nerissa clearly lied so maybe Georgie did take something he said out of context and took it upon hi

  • I don't know how Telltale will be able to string out 5 more episodes of this series, but I wouldn't mind it

  • Read the comics and you'll see. Between those and the spins offs, they touch on so many genres. Horror, western, spy thriller, fantasy. They could go in any direction they want.

    Boone posted: »

    I don't know how Telltale will be able to string out 5 more episodes of this series, but I wouldn't mind it

  • Yeah, I don't think CM would order someone killed for a photo, only to plant it at the motel a week later.
    The CM was telling the truth IMO, he ordered Georgie to cover it up, and Georgie misinterpreted it .

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I agree. I'm almost positive Crooked Man did not own order their deaths. Think on it, why kill the girl then look for the picture afterward

  • In my opinion SEASON 2 is needed for this game because as @AADMIRAL_ACKBAR mentioned those questions telltale left it for us to think and use our imagination to build theories so they can keep us busy but for me as a GAMER SEASON 2 is needed to fill the gaps and find out what will happen after choosing to follow nerissa ( that's my choice ) .....

  • edited July 2014

    maybe investigating the farm??

    • nvm i forgot he was banned
    prink34320 posted: »

    I think season 2 should take place somewhere else other than Fable Town, I got a pretty good idea where

  • I'd like a second season. DLC would also be good, maybe something that focuses on each of the other characters' experiences in Fabletown. How did Georgie and Vivian end up running a strip bar? What happened with Holly and her sister? Why did Woody end up such a mess? How did Bluebeard end up so influential? How did Beauty and Beast end up in debt? How did Mary end up working for the Crooked Man? What's with Rachel and why wouldn't Greenleaf talk about it? Why is Collin friends with the Big Bad Wolf? It would be nice to get a well-rounded focus on all the characters like that.

  • Ya that would be awesome. A DLC modeled after 400 Days where we play as different Fables. I feel like the stories they face though would be a bridge to S2, so we wouldn't face problems that happened before "Faith" occurs. But if they don't make a S2 (sob) then a DLC which answers
    unanswered questions in S1 would be awesome too.

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    I'd like a second season. DLC would also be good, maybe something that focuses on each of the other characters' experiences in Fabletown. Ho

  • Im for that. A little character piece for everyone, including the ones mentioned that we havent met yet like Boy Blue and Pinocchio and Cinderella.

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    I'd like a second season. DLC would also be good, maybe something that focuses on each of the other characters' experiences in Fabletown. Ho

  • Same here. With Cindy they can show how she seduced Crane. They should also show Snow's first official day as Deputy Mayor. With Boy Blue they should show when he gets his job as Snow's assistant and one of his conversations with Pinocchio. Most of HeartOfGold's questions were answered though. I would prefer seeing what jobs Beast got after the game. One of Beauty's recaps of Lamia would be cool as it is alluded to if you bring back the Crooked Man dead. How Colin escapes entering the Farm if you sent him there would also be cool. The answers to the questions on our mind. Is Faith really dead or did she survive through glamour? Will Greenleaf revive Bloody Mary, and is Bloody Mary Greenleaf's daughter and her original name Rachel? There are also questions from the comics that could be answered pertaining to Bigby.

    KCohere posted: »

    Im for that. A little character piece for everyone, including the ones mentioned that we havent met yet like Boy Blue and Pinocchio and Cinderella.

  • Amazon? Comixology? You can't try those legal outlets or something similar?

    Well the problem is that they're hardly any comic book stores open anywhere (I'm fortunate enough to have one right by my house) so the only way to read the comics for alot people is by illegal means

  • edited August 2014

    Thread: The Wolf Among Us doesn't need a season two. EDITED

    I'm not deleting anything I typed before, just adding more on after thinking about it for a while.

    I am prepared for all of the hate I'm going to get for this, because everyone in TWAU forums can't accept that it wasn't a stellar game, not even one of Telltale's best... <-- If you read carefully, you can see that's an OPINION. Never once stated that that is a fact. But honestly, if there was a contest for best Telltale game, you guys should know Walking Dead season 1 takes home the gold, with The Wolf Among Us being a close second.)

    I was once like you guys. I loved the crap out of this game. I thought everything about it was perfect. Then episode two happened...and everything went down the toilet. I stopped caring for the characters, the story, and the outcome of the game. <--- I forgot about episode 3, which was pretty awesome.)

    The reason why that is (besides what I already said about the game getting shittier after the amazing episode one), is because I started reading FABLES.

    Fables is one of the best comic book series of all time. Bill Willingham is a god of literature, he's taken Alan Moore's spot as my favorite comic book writer of all time. I've recently finished Volume 7 of Fables (Arabian Nights (and Days)) it's almost as good as Volume 6 (Homelands).

    My bad, kind of distracted... I think. I don't know, I haven't slept in a while and I've been thinking about doing this for a couple of days.

    I remember seeing a thread in this forum saying "If you want a season two of wolf among us, read fables lol". I agree with that. I'll promise you- Hell, I'll GUARANTEE you that Fables is everything that was good about the wolf among and MORE.

    The Wolf Among Us doesn't need a season two because you only got to see things from Bigby's perspective <-- I am aware the game is called "The Wolf Among Us, please stop telling me this fact.) (Nothing wrong with that, I love Bigby in Fables, my favorite character after Boy Blue.). AND THAT SUCKS! Fables is such a wide universe, so many characters and stories to tell, why would anyone want it from just ONE character's perspective (Shut up about Cinderella already, I can't see her ever being the protagonist of season two, and so far, she's barely been in Fables) <-- Okay, I now disagree with that. It would be awesome to have her as the other protagonist, it would add the spice I'd be looking for in season two.)

    Thank you for your time. <-- And thanks for misunderstanding almost everything I wrote, guys.

    P.S. If season two is a possibility (which we all know is going to happen at one point), have you guys ever heard of a little game called: "Tales From The Borderlands"? What about "Game Of Thrones"? Yeah, of course you have. I doubt Telltale will just drop those two and make a season two of Wolf. Good things come with patience.

  • edited August 2014

    Thread: The Wolf Among Us doesn't need a season two. EDITED

    I'm not deleting anything I typed before, just adding more on after thinking about it for a while.

    I am prepared for all of the hate I'm going to get for this, because everyone in TWAU forums can't accept that it wasn't a stellar game, not even one of Telltale's best... <-- If you read carefully, you can see that's an OPINION. Never once stated that that is a fact. But honestly, if there was a contest for best Telltale game, you guys should know Walking Dead season 1 takes home the gold, with The Wolf Among Us being a close second.)

    I was once like you guys. I loved the crap out of this game. I thought everything about it was perfect. Then episode two happened...and everything went down the toilet. I stopped caring for the characters, the story, and the outcome of the game. <--- I forgot about episode 3, which was pretty awesome.)

    The reason why that is (besides what I already said about the game getting shittier after the amazing episode one), is because I started reading FABLES.

    Fables is one of the best comic book series of all time. Bill Willingham is a god of literature, he's taken Alan Moore's spot as my favorite comic book writer of all time. I've recently finished Volume 7 of Fables (Arabian Nights (and Days)) it's almost as good as Volume 6 (Homelands).

    My bad, kind of distracted... I think. I don't know, I haven't slept in a while and I've been thinking about doing this for a couple of days.

    I remember seeing a thread in this forum saying "If you want a season two of wolf among us, read fables lol". I agree with that. I'll promise you- Hell, I'll GUARANTEE you that Fables is everything that was good about the wolf among and MORE.

    The Wolf Among Us doesn't need a season two because you only got to see things from Bigby's perspective <-- I am aware the game is called "The Wolf Among Us, please stop telling me this fact.) (Nothing wrong with that, I love Bigby in Fables, my favorite character after Boy Blue.). AND THAT SUCKS! Fables is such a wide universe, so many characters and stories to tell, why would anyone want it from just ONE character's perspective (Shut up about Cinderella already, I can't see her ever being the protagonist of season two, and so far, she's barely been in Fables) <-- Okay, I now disagree with that. It would be awesome to have her as the other protagonist, it would add the spice I'd be looking for in season two.)

    Thank you for your time. <-- And thanks for misunderstanding almost everything I wrote, guys.

    P.S. If season two is a possibility (which we all know is going to happen at one point), have you guys ever heard of a little game called: "Tales From The Borderlands"? What about "Game Of Thrones"? Yeah, of course you have. I doubt Telltale will just drop those two and make a season two of Wolf. Good things come with patience.

  • Uhhhh yeah it does lol

  • cough Fables cough

    Green613 posted: »

    Uhhhh yeah it does lol

  • COUGH The wolf among us and fables are not the same thing COUGH

    cough Fables cough

  • I am aware of that, sir. I don't think it's going to happen because it doesn't NEED to happen.

    Green613 posted: »

    COUGH The wolf among us and fables are not the same thing COUGH

  • Sure it might not NEED it, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be one. Which there really, really should.

  • No, it does NEED to happen, It would be a masterpiece going to waste if they didn't do a second season.

    I am aware of that, sir. I don't think it's going to happen because it doesn't NEED to happen.

  • Wait...The Wolf Among Us is a "prequel" to Fables. So yeah, they are the same thing. One's just a lot better than the other. :-)

    Green613 posted: »

    No, it does NEED to happen, It would be a masterpiece going to waste if they didn't do a second season.

  • edited August 2014

    This is stupid. Its like saying since some people find the Walking Dead comics better than the game, the game doesn't have to continue. Wolf is very different from the comics and has its flaws, I admit, but it doesn't mean there shouldn't be another season.

    And the game wasn't a flop after episode one. The reviews for Wolf were as good as the reviews for Walking Dead s2, if not better.

  • No matter how much you try and justify it, season 2 is inevitable.

  • I'm not saying that I don't want a season two, I just think it would be a waste. When and if season two happens, it won't be for a long time.

    No matter how much you try and justify it, season 2 is inevitable.

  • Umm... No? It's not like saying that at all.

    The game has a whole different cast of characters, the only character who appears in the game is Glenn.

    This is stupid. Its like saying since some people find the Walking Dead comics better than the game, the game doesn't have to continue. Wol

  • edited August 2014

    How would it be a waste? There is already a huge demand for more Wolf, so the only waste would be if Telltale did not seize the opportunity to continue this series.

    As for the "long time" thing, I doubt it. If (and they should) make a s2, it should go along with Walking Dead s3, like how Wolf and s2 of TWD went along with each other.

    I'm not saying that I don't want a season two, I just think it would be a waste. When and if season two happens, it won't be for a long time.

  • Well, the downvotes you're getting show otherwise.

    I'm not saying that I don't want a season two, I just think it would be a waste. When and if season two happens, it won't be for a long time.

  • 1) At least for me, it was the best game Telltale ever made (if you didn't like it, that's your opinion).

    2) Episode 2 might have been bad, but I don't see how it could make you stop caring about the characters, and the game itself, if you were a true fan of it. And what was bad in Episodes 3 and 5?

    3) Fables may be a great comic book series, but it's not a season two. There are many countries that don't sell it, and a season two would add even more stories and characters, so why not have one?

  • Wouldn't T.T.G have announced a Wolf Season 2 before Cry Wolf was released if they felt the demand was that strong for the game, to create a Wolf Season 2 to go along with Season 3 of Walking Dead next year? The Wolf Among Us finale has been out for over a month now and the fans haven't heard a single word about news for season 2. Walking Dead Season One announced a 2nd season as early as episode.2 Starved For Help if I'm not mistaken. And now they announced season 3 at least a month before the season 2 finale. I liked The Wolf Among Us and with the mysterious way it ended, I am sure they might try to make at least a 1 episode DLC follow up to the game. But season 2 if they do make it probably wouldn't be until after Walking Dead Season 3 which could put it on the back burner until maybe early 2017 possibly. I hope I am incorrect about that time frame though. Still I did enjoy playing as sheriff Bigby and think he deserves a reappearance from Tell-Tale.

    How would it be a waste? There is already a huge demand for more Wolf, so the only waste would be if Telltale did not seize the opportunity

  • My response to OP saying we don't need season 2

  • Actually i think we do need a season 2.

    You see the truth is the Fables comics do not actually sell that well their not even on the top 100 on the monthly best seller lists. The Wolf Among Us helps promote the Fables franchise because Video Games are way bigger than Comics these days and if they do some day make a Movie or TV show of Fables the makers of those shows or movies should take more notes from The Wolf Among Us than the Fables comics because The Wolf Among Us is what the Fables franchise is best known for now.

  • edited August 2014

    It was also stated that Walking Dead was a very special case. If you look at Telltale's other games in the past, the next season tends to be announced closer to its release date.

    Ladariel posted: »

    Wouldn't T.T.G have announced a Wolf Season 2 before Cry Wolf was released if they felt the demand was that strong for the game, to create a

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