This has to be said.
Ok so everyone is pissed the fuck off at greg miller and telltale right now. Look guys I understand you're mad I get it I do but being sensitive and butt hurt won't help. It seems like the more socially aware people get the more sensitive they get. Should greg have said what he did? Probably not. Should telltale have laughed along with him? No probably not but how is insulting him and telltale gonna solve anything? I know a lot of people related to Sarah so maybe you feel like greg is attacking you? Don't take it personal.
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Why am I wrong? Can you tell me instead of saying "no."
Feelings like what Greg Miller expressed in his video don't stay within the confines of fictional universes. Hating someone for being different is a kind of intolerance that carries over into real life. And it has very real consequences.
Okay, but...
I'm not defending him
Ah something funny for once.
I'm trying to show you why some people are taking it so personally. For a lot of people that relate to Sarah, hearing what he said is hurtful at best, terrifying and triggering at worst.
What did he say?
You don't know? Ask anyone on this forum they can explain it better than me.
It's honestly kind of appalling how unsympathetically the mentally ill are portrayed in fiction, as they’re always seen as either psychopathic monsters (cough David Cage cough) or useless burdens. Even more disturbing is the audience's hate for characters like Sarah, because it shows how intolerant people can be of someone who they see as "weak" or "different". I mean, I can completely understand why some people dislike Sarah for not being a capable survivor, but wanting her to suffer a horrible death, or saying that she absolutely deserved to die because she was "annoying" really bothers me.
I understand that
Yeah I wasn't a fan of that either.
Exactly. It honestly scares me that people could think like that. I remember I saw a comment once that said that the only people who like Sarah are Sarahs themselves. What is that supposed to mean? If they are saying that Sarah should die, and that the only people that like Sarah are like her, do they want people with mental disabilities to die in real life?
Yeah, it's called learning not to be a dick.
Also, being sensitive about troubling things and speaking up about it and criticizing those who perpetuate harmful bullshit has always helped. At its smallest accomplishment, it helps people who feel attacked to understand that there is comfort, and at its largest, it has resulted in positive changes in history like overturning slavery, little by little changing the views on gay marriage, stopping harmful treatments of people all over the world, and so on. Telling people not to take shit personally and to just "calm down" is just another form of inaction.
And see, a part of me sees what you are saying. It's just that I realize that that part of me comes from not being part of the group of people who feel attacked, and therefore I know I should probably shut the fuck up about what they're going through and how they should be reacting, because that's not my place to say.
It's partly to do with the kind of perspectives societies value. The story of the angry white middle-aged guy is really popular right now (Breaking Bad, The Last Of Us, House of Cards) as are the stories of tough guys in positions of power who do immoral things (Game of Thrones). Plus in American society, there's already a stigma towards mentally ill people that makes them believe they should be locked up before another shoot-out happens. What this leads to is a lack of empathy for the stories of little girls, depressed men or otherwise vulnerable people, and a misguided belief that being cold-hearted and selfish is what allows you to "survive".
Clementine's story should have been an antidote to this, but so far signs are leading up to her once again having to rely on two angry white guys who are more concerned about bickering than being likable. And I've already said numerous times that Sarah is possibly the nicest person in the entirety of Episode 1, which makes her being disliked so confusing to me.
It is VERY heavily implied Sarah is autistic or otherwise disabled. Through the course of the game she has, what, three panic attacks? And Carlos says outright she is "different, though you might not see it at first." She also frequently misses social cues. It's as close as you can get without Carlos popping back up from the dead and saying "hey Clem she's got autism btw"
Let's see, we have Carlos saying "She's not like you", she would "cease to function" in his view, she continuously had panic attacks and had to sit down and collect herself when it got too much, then we see she could barely comprehend what was going on in episode 4 and reacted in a frightened way of Clementine even trying to hug her. The fact that you failed to read the signs or read the accounts of the many people who identified with what she was going through and knew of it from experience does not mean that Sarah was not disabled or neuroatypical.
Yeah there's nothing wrong with caring about people but don't get so worked up. I am a very sensitive person and I'll be the first to tell you taking everything personal will ruin your fucking life.
It's sad. You shouldn't blame innocent people for something they didn't do, even if the person who did it shares traits with them. That's like blaming me for something like, I don't know, 9/11, just because I'm a male. Anyway, people ask what Sarah did that was useful so far. Well, for one, she saved our life in episode one. She also sticks up for us if Carver slaps us, offers to guard us if we ever have to go to the bathroom if you say that you went with her because you are friends, and alerts the group of the herd if you saved her. There, just named four examples of how she was or could have been helpful.
Regardless of intent, there are consequences to rash actions.
I remember people were spooked out by her back in Episode 1, calling her a "potential serial killer" and being creeped out when she asks for a pinky promise. I replayed through that a couple of times, struggling to catch any hints of her being dangerous and just not finding anything.
Is it creepy because players have met socially malformed people before and automatically think that they're time-bombs? If so, I honestly question the sanity of 'normal' people.
Taken from a post made by someone else:
You're free to hold onto your own personal philosophy. If it works for you, that's great. But it's not the same for everybody. In the worst case scenario, a person who feels under attack with no one to speak up for them because they're afraid to and be lambasted as being too emotional or sensitive can do something drastic. Again, a worst case scenario, but it helps to understand why people do what they do.
On a positive note, I'm glad you aren't defending what he said, even if I disagree with the overall point you're making. Good on you for that. highfives your Duck avatar![:) :)](
Oh silly Bokor. Sarah may be nice, but that means shit since she is completely useless and got literally billions of people killed with her incompetence.
Never mind the fact that she’s the only member of the cabin group to help Clem fix her arm (besides Alvin). Never mind that she stands up to Carver if he hits Clem in spite of her crippling fear of violence. Never mind how she’s able to control her panic long enough to evade Carver in the cabin. Never mind how she tries to keep Clem’s spirits up throughout the game. She’s not a super edgy half-insane badass like Kenny.
I also find it hilarious how people keep insisting she got Reggie and Sarita killed. Reggie’s death was Carver’s fault because he was an megalomaniacal lunatic who loved berries a little too much. Sarita was a victim of circumstance, but if you’re really going to blame someone, blame Tavia and co. for shooting at the group, or Kenny for holding everyone up with his needless murder-lust, rather than blaming Sarah for, what, crying when her dad was devoured in front of her? Did no one notice how Kenny screams just as loud as Sarah did when he saw Sarita getting eating???
Duck thinks you're incredibly awesome
Wait a minute, did people literally think she could be a serial killer!? The only thoughts that went through my head were "Well, she seems nice."
A lot of people are willing to cut grown men more slack and bend over backwards to justify the actions of outright evil men. Jane also seems to get some sympathy points for treating a crippled man like crap, even though that's the same action that led me to dislike her.
That's another thing, Kenny's blind following. It's one thing to be a fan of Kenny, it's another to be a blind fan of him. People get angry that Sarah screams and runs away to somewhere safe, where she sits in silence, after he FATHER, who has taken care of her since she was born, dies in a brutal way in front of her. On the other hand, Kenny's girlfriend who hasn't known for very long dies, and he responds by sitting down in the middle of the herd mumbling to himself and yelling at everyone when they attempt to convince him to get up. After you convince him to leave, he runs away to a safe place, and spends several hours sitting, mumbling to himself. If anything, Kenny handled the situation way worse.
I still appreciate that Kenny is a complex, well-written(?) character, but I've always disliked him what with his refusal to put Sarita out of her misery, his constant hypocrisy, his self-absorbedness, etc. And while I know that there are tons of totally awesome Kenny fans out there, I'd be lying if I said Kenny's vocal blind fanbase hasn't made me borderline hate the guy.
I liked Kenny a lot in the first Season as a character - he was a likable man whose flaws nonetheless still couldn't be ignored. I even went along with him being resurrected for Season 2.
But I don't like how he's been taking the spotlight away from every other character, even Clementine. I dislike how unbalanced the forced dynamic between him and Luke is because the latter character has been given little chance to do anything significant. I dislike how Episode 4 focused primarily on his grief and disregarded Clementine's own experiences with Christa in order to contrive an excuse for Kenny to become useful - hell, I'd even have been okay with Clem helping to deliver Rebecca's baby. And I dislike the blind fan following of characters like him, which has been going on ever since the first Season.
I want to like the character, but I can't ignore how his presence is side-lining other potentially interesting characters.
Honestly, his fanbase has gotten to me too. As much as I do like Kenny, I know that all of those people would shut up about Kenny if he died. Then again, with the way Telltale is doing, I would prefer if no one died. I don't want anymore terrible death scenes.
I think the reason that he has so much of the spotlight is that Telltale knows that the Kenny fanboys/girls will keep buying if the story is focused around Clem and Kenny. It's sad. Out of all the members of our group right now Kenny is my least favorite, but of course he's Kenny, so it has to be all about him. We still no barely anything about Luke, Bonnie, or Mike, yet the game focuses on Kenny, who doesn't really need the spotlight.
I would like to thank you for posting this. I don't think I fully saw the seriousness of all this Greg business until I read this. I just thought he was kind of a douche, but I saw no need to be freaking out over it. Someone should make Greg himself read it, then he might realize why what he said was wrong.
This is the most downvotes I've ever had on anything.
That belief is not misguided, it is true. If you really believe being "nice" is gonna get you anywhere, you are blind and misguided.
Things are not black and white, you need to wake up.
At least he wasn't dumb enough to let himself get eaten by walkers.
Please explain how his fans are "blind"?
I'm referring to the fans that can see no wrong in the man and justify absolutely every horrible thing he's ever done. For example, I have yet to see anyone provide any reasonable justification for the way Kenny refused to put Sarita out of her misery if she escaped the herd, even though she begged him to kill her offscreen. He condemned the woman he supposedly loved to an agonizing and slow demise, which I can't forgive.
It's fine to like Kenny, but I hate it when people act like he's some kind of perfect saint, and that all of his mistakes can be justified, even when they really can't. If you're not one of those fans, then I greatly appreciate.