* Clem - Apple pie
* Lee - Bourbon in a cup
* Kenny - Edible boats and Beef Jerky, not to mention Whiskey
* Duck - Crackers and cheese
* Carley - Non-toxic Batteries
* Larry - Chocolate Coins
* Christa - Alcohol
Doug-Pie. Kenny-fresh fish. Clementine-apples. Larry-alcohol? Carver- raw meat. Anyone I didn't mention- Kentucky fried chicken. Can't go wrong with chicken.
Kenny: Steak, Eggs, Bacon, Potatoes, Hamburger and French fries.
Clementine: Apples, Beef, Strawberries, French fries.
Lee: Roast Beef, Chicken, Hamburger/ Fries.
With all three each having a bowl of Rocky Road Icecream, for dessert.
Clem: Apples.
Maybelle: Steak
Nick's an obvious pizza for me,
Luke, hell, maybe some sophisticated beefy- dish
Luke punpkin soup
Larry: Human flesh, every time.
Sam: Clementines
Lee: Bourbon tea
I don't get it... D;
Alvin: Apples and apple juice
Him and Rebecca.
Winston: Weasel
Clementine: Oranges
Carver: berries
Mike - Raccoon
Clementine's favorite food is obviously peaches. Look how happy she is to have some!
Doug-Pie. Kenny-fresh fish. Clementine-apples. Larry-alcohol? Carver- raw meat. Anyone I didn't mention- Kentucky fried chicken. Can't go wrong with chicken.
Lmao that gif
Alvin - Fried Chicken
Kenny: Saltlicks. He even shares them with others.
Wow. That took guts. Let's hope Kenny doesn't have any saltlicks
I believe Clem mentioned she liked ice cream sundaes in E2 S1 when giving her something to eat.
I don't understand. Please explain in as much detail as possible :P
Carlos looks like he would like tacos