The Wolf Among Us Season 2 Speculation/Suggestion Thread



  • edited August 2014

    My predictions is that it might do something with one of the original projects they scrapped. Or maybe Bloody Mary return and teams up with Jersey + Tweedlee to take revenge on Bigby? Telltale always manages to make something amazing though, so I'm not too worried. Hopefully they first announce s2 :P

  • I was also thinking of some sort of alliance b/w those three.

    My predictions is that it might do something with one of the original projects they scrapped. Or maybe Bloody Mary return and teams up with

  • What mission was Colin sent to do?

  • If im not mistaken, Spy on bigby.

    bloop posted: »

    What mission was Colin sent to do?

  • But why?

    BlueKrampus posted: »

    If im not mistaken, Spy on bigby.

  • Why Spy on Bigby? To see if he has changed, or how he is as a sheriff?

    BlueKrampus posted: »

    If im not mistaken, Spy on bigby.

  • I think it may involve the mundys and Brannagan in some way i mean in episode 5 Bigby was running around New York jumping on cars and smashing things up in werewolf form and their where mundys who saw him so that will start a investigation for the mundy police.

  • Season 1 were supposed to have the cop mundys following Bigby, but the writer of the fable comic didn't like that Telltale involved the mundys so they had to rewrite the whole season from episode 3. It's true.

    ERROR260392 posted: »

    I think it may involve the mundys and Brannagan in some way i mean in episode 5 Bigby was running around New York jumping on cars and smashi

  • I hope they make a season 2 and that it is good.

  • edited August 2014

    The whole season was actually rewritten from ep.2.But rather than the Mundy thing, I would want them to do the plot that was scrapped before the Mundy-Bigby idea. It was to involve the death of Cindy's step-sister and you team up with her to investigate the death.

    kinewolf posted: »

    Season 1 were supposed to have the cop mundys following Bigby, but the writer of the fable comic didn't like that Telltale involved the mundys so they had to rewrite the whole season from episode 3. It's true.

  • We are getting close to 300 votes! That's, how to put it.... insane! Well done guys!

  • edited August 2014

    I haven't read all the comics, but I know it goes in a different direction than the game is going in, and I actually really like that. I don't think it needs to be set in the comicverse for it to be a good story, I think it would be really interesting to see what they do with it. Besides if they model it too much after the comic, it will be too predictable which can get boring. TWAU can still be successful if they divert from canon imo. It would be kinda like what they've done with TWD: the tv show, comic, and game are all really different, so you never know whats going to happen.

  • But The Wolf Among Us IS based in the comicverse its a prequel. That's why no one was too worried when we saw Snow White's head outside the woodlands at the end of episode 1 because we know Snow White is not going to die in the game because she is alive in the comics.

    TellTale's The Walking Dead is also based in its comicverse that is why Glenn HAD to leave the group in episode 1 of season 1 because he needs to meet with Rick in Atlanta for the comic canon to work.

    Tinni posted: »

    I haven't read all the comics, but I know it goes in a different direction than the game is going in, and I actually really like that. I don

  • I know it's a prequel, but I just don't see any harm in having it go in a different direction than the comics. They have the opportunity to, and I think they should take it. Diverting from canon is risky but it opens up a lot of possibilities, and it could be really interesting to see what TellTale comes up with.

    TWDG actually does divert from comic canon with how they portray Hershel. In the comics Hershel sees the walkers as sick people and has no desire to kill them, and doesn't kill any until Rick and his crew show up. He actually gathers them(including his family members who were bitten)all into the barn( the same barn that Lee and Clem stay in) until the government comes with a cure. Shawn isn't killed mending the fence, but is bitten while finding walkers to put in the barn. These character traits and events are extremely important to the comicverse's plotline, andTellTale still changed it. But even though the game diverts from canon, it still works and doesn't make the game any less enjoyable.

    I'm not saying they should just throw following the comic out the window, but I don't think there will be any big problems if they were to stray from canon to mix it up every now and then.

    ERROR260392 posted: »

    But The Wolf Among Us IS based in the comicverse its a prequel. That's why no one was too worried when we saw Snow White's head outside the

  • edited August 2014

    The Walking Dead game is still based in comic canon.

    Also i'am glad you think this way because i started a forum talking about this awhile ago and you should read it.

    Tinni posted: »

    I know it's a prequel, but I just don't see any harm in having it go in a different direction than the comics. They have the opportunity to,

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    Actually, Telltale's The Walking Dead used to be based on the comic canon, but after they had to change Lilly to become a different character from the comics after Robert Kirkman went a different way with Lilly's backstory, it became it's own continuity. Telltale's co-founder Kevin Bruner confirmed that Telltale's The Walking Dead is not canon on these forums, shortly after the Telltale reddit ask me anything session: "My canon comment was supposed to be about The Wolf Among Us (which IS canon in the Fables universe), not The Walking Dead, which is obviously NOT canon."

    It's possible that Telltale's future seasons might become non-canon too (although I'd like for them to stay canon personally). There's already a few threads pointing out how The Wolf Among Us deviated from canon, but since it's a supernatural story, it's easy to make the story still fit within the rules of the Fables universe just with what we're given in the story and a little thinking outside the box.

    ERROR260392 posted: »

    The Walking Dead game is still based in comic canon. Also i'am glad you think this way because i started a forum talking about this awhil

  • Oh wow, I didn't know that. Thanks for clearing that up.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Actually, Telltale's The Walking Dead used to be based on the comic canon, but after they had to change Lilly to become a different characte

  • Just checked it out, I completely agree. It's not that I don't like the comics, but to reiterate everything from the comics in the game will get boring and predictable. If they were to stay strictly comic canon, it wouldn't really challenge the writers at TellTale to be imaginative or creative, and will hurt TWAU in the end imo. I sincerely hope if they do make a season 2(and I have a pretty good feeling they will) that they will deviate from comic canon.

    ERROR260392 posted: »

    The Walking Dead game is still based in comic canon. Also i'am glad you think this way because i started a forum talking about this awhil

  • Colin was sent to steal something from Fabletown. I think it was the key to the woodlands or something of the sort. But since he was "pals" with Bigby, he never really finished his mission, so his brothers were upset and beheaded him.

    kinewolf posted: »

    Why Spy on Bigby? To see if he has changed, or how he is as a sheriff?

  • As much as I would like to see that, it would be too big of a jump. Not only that, but a lot of the non comic readers would be confused; and I mean confused.

  • I agree. 20 years is a lot of them to work something with. Plus if they want to make it take place after the comics, production can only start spring of 2015, so s2 e1 won't come out until summer of 2016.

    Beutifyl posted: »

    As much as I would like to see that, it would be too big of a jump. Not only that, but a lot of the non comic readers would be confused; and I mean confused.

  • edited August 2014

    Hells yes I do. I just finished playing all 5 episodes in a day, I'm frickin hooked, I'm delirious from lack of sleep, but I'm frICKIN HOOKEDD.

  • I think you're right. During that part of the episode I was just like, "Bigby, you've just revealed to all of New York about your existence." And since there was a choice to not send Colin to the farm, maybe in the end of S2, Snow gets mad that you disobeyed her and finally sends Colin to the farm, resulting in S3 to be about the rebellion (that is if they ever get to S3).

    ERROR260392 posted: »

    I think it may involve the mundys and Brannagan in some way i mean in episode 5 Bigby was running around New York jumping on cars and smashi

  • Oh, I heard Snow Beheaded him and put his head on a stake as a warning and multiple times after in the Comics Collins Ghost talks to snow, idk I'm just starting to read the comics but that's something I heard...

    Beutifyl posted: »

    Colin was sent to steal something from Fabletown. I think it was the key to the woodlands or something of the sort. But since he was "pals" with Bigby, he never really finished his mission, so his brothers were upset and beheaded him.

  • If they make a season 2 and God help us they better. The series is too good not to make a season 2. Anyways I think a season should revolve around bloody Mary being the main villain and Jersey and the tweedles(Dee at least) as her goons. Because I believe in my heart Mary isn't actually dead and Also maybe they can tie in the whole Nerissa/faith situation.I could also see a plot twist where it is revealed that she is Greenleafs daughter. I mean does anyone else see a resemblance?

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  • Didn't know that. I thought they just retconed Lilly's character to making Lilly form the comics and Lilly from the game as 2 different people. I do hope they do the same with The Wolf Among Us i think it is anti-creative to have them have the game based in comic canon and it ties TellTale's hands as far as creative freedom goes.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Actually, Telltale's The Walking Dead used to be based on the comic canon, but after they had to change Lilly to become a different characte

  • Read earlier posts to this forums. A few of us came up with the idea to have a Book of Fables encyclopedia in the game to help non-comic readers stay up to date with everything. BioWare did it in Mass Effect with the Codex and it work brilliantly.

    Beutifyl posted: »

    As much as I would like to see that, it would be too big of a jump. Not only that, but a lot of the non comic readers would be confused; and I mean confused.

  • I hope Bloody Mary died, she was so bitchy amd evil. Hated her.

    If they make a season 2 and God help us they better. The series is too good not to make a season 2. Anyways I think a season should revolve

  • Thread: The Wolf Among Us 2

    this game's true that I really liked and wanted to know if new episodes would come or would come out the part 2 because I loved

  • Right now there's no confirmation a second season will be made but with the high praise it's getting from players and the press it wil probably be made soon.

  • You're right about the ghost Colin talking to Snow thing. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the rest.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Oh, I heard Snow Beheaded him and put his head on a stake as a warning and multiple times after in the Comics Collins Ghost talks to snow, idk I'm just starting to read the comics but that's something I heard...

  • Well, at the end of The walking Dead Season 1 there were no special stats about The Stranger even though we knew he was dead.

    If they make a season 2 and God help us they better. The series is too good not to make a season 2. Anyways I think a season should revolve

  • Alt text

    kinewolf posted: »

    I hope Bloody Mary died, she was so bitchy amd evil. Hated her.

  • Okay, I havnt read that part yet and that's just what I heard...

    Beutifyl posted: »

    You're right about the ghost Colin talking to Snow thing. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the rest.

  • I like the Bloody Mary returning but I still want Bigby to be playable character

    If they make a season 2 and God help us they better. The series is too good not to make a season 2. Anyways I think a season should revolve

  • There is a lot of demand so I expect Telltale to at least make a season 2. Hopefully we get a DLC episode at least.

  • I hope they make it as good (or even better!) than Season One.

  • Well, she is evil, so we are ment to not like her. Haha.

  • Well, I think a few of us do.

    kinewolf posted: »

    Well, she is evil, so we are ment to not like her. Haha.

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