You do know we're doing this because we're waiting till the right time for the South to Rise Again? :P
But seriously though, it amazes me… more how people don't treat anybody with some damn courtesy. I've lived in the South for my whole life, so I guess I'll never know
When we were driving down to Florida we drove through a bunch of places. Our only actual stop was Savannah. I love it there. It it beautiful and you can smell the Spanish moss hanging down from the trees -screams-
*EDIT As we drove by all the cows on the highway, each time we saw a pasture of them, we'd all say, at the same time, monotonously "Cheeseburgers." LOL poor cows.
When we were driving down to Florida we drove through a bunch of places. Our only actual stop was Savannah. I love it there. It it beautiful… more and you can smell the Spanish moss hanging down from the trees -screams-
*EDIT As we drove by all the cows on the highway, each time we saw a pasture of them, we'd all say, at the same time, monotonously "Cheeseburgers." LOL poor cows.
I could never figure ICP out. Their production is amazing, but the flow and lyrics...not so much. I hear their live shows are a sight to behold, though.
If you like horrorcore, you might appreciate these guys. Gravediggaz are one of the first (and IMO, the best) horror-themed rap group.
Favorite food: mashed potatoes
Favorite movie: Halloween and child's play
Favorite TV show: walking dead, game of thrones, breaking ba… mored, and Arrow
Favorite band/musician: Hollywood Undead, boondox, and insane clown posse
Hobbies: video games, watching YouTube videos, and hanging out on this website.
What is happening in your life?: just graduated highschool and just got a job as a dishwasher.
Anything else you can think of interesting: I was born on Friday the 13th that's pretty interesting
Favorite video game (besides TWD):The wolf among us, skyrim, mortal kombat 9, injustice gods among us, and Persona 4 golden.
I could never figure ICP out. Their production is amazing, but the flow and lyrics...not so much. I hear their live shows are a sight to b… moreehold, though.
If you like horrorcore, you might appreciate these guys. Gravediggaz are one of the first (and IMO, the best) horror-themed rap group.
Favorite movie(s)- Drive, Lone Survivor, Full Metal Jacket, The Graduate, Taxi Driver, Empire Strikes Back, First Blood, Chronicle, Amityvil… morele Horror (original), Blue Valentine, The Room (LOL everyone needs to see that), Night of the Living Dead, Brave Heart, Gonnies, Rudy, Lion King.
Favorite food- Chicken.
Favorite game(s)- TWAU, Fable, SimCity (SNES), Morrowind, Oblivion, Plumbers Don't Wear Ties (Look this up funniest game ever), Legend of Zelda 1 and 2, Bully, Infamous, The Last Of Us, GTA Vice City, Big Rigs (Look this up), Desert Bus (Look this up), Etc.
Favorite TV show(s)- That 70s' Show, TWD, Regular Show, Family Guy.
Hobbies- Video Games, Drumming, Music, Writing, Running, Football, BasketBall.
Life- Moving to North Carolina in like 2 weeks.
Favorite band- Metallica.
Favorite person- My father.
Religion- Christianity.
Sexuality- Straight.
Size shoe- 12.5
Eye color- Brown.
Hair color- Red/Brown.
Ethnicity- Italian-American
Anything else? PM me.
Food: steak or chicken
Movie's: the shawshank redemption, shutter island, castaway, blood diamond, the green mile
TV Show(s): lost, so… morens of anarchy, breaking bad, orange is the new black, prison break, dexter
Band/Musician: .don't really have a favourite
Hobbies: football (soccer) , boxing
What is happening in your life?: having an operation in a few weeks
Favourite video games: twd, red dead, la noire, ac2, fight night games
I could never figure ICP out. Their production is amazing, but the flow and lyrics...not so much. I hear their live shows are a sight to b… moreehold, though.
If you like horrorcore, you might appreciate these guys. Gravediggaz are one of the first (and IMO, the best) horror-themed rap group.
Food: steak or chicken
Movie's: the shawshank redemption, shutter island, castaway, blood diamond, the green mile
TV Show(s): lost, so… morens of anarchy, breaking bad, orange is the new black, prison break, dexter
Band/Musician: .don't really have a favourite
Hobbies: football (soccer) , boxing
What is happening in your life?: having an operation in a few weeks
Favourite video games: twd, red dead, la noire, ac2, fight night games
Same as JamesDalton1995, I've heard of him and a few colabs here and there with rappers I do listen to. But never actually checked out his stuff really.
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Movie: Tie b/w Schindler's List and Oldboy
Favorite TV Show: Dexter
Favorite Band: Queen, The Black Keys
Hobbies: Movies, martial arts
Favorite Game: GTA San Andreas
Favorite food: Salad
Favorite Movie: I'm not sure, maybe the Dark Knight trilogy. Interview With A Vampire, I would say any movie I could… more watch more than once.
Favorite TV show: I don't know (Maybe Oz).
Favorite band/musician: Depeche Mode, Silent Hill soundtracks specifically the ones with singing.
Hobbies: Drawing, Painting, Playing games, Going on the internet
What's happening in your life: Starting college for the first time in August.
Favorite Video game: Silent Hill and the Resident Evil series are my favorite game series of all time. I love almost every Silent Hill game and Homecoming is my favorite so far (so depressing). Resident Evil 2 is great (Although I didn't play all the games).
I'd like to add that Earthbound really helped me through rough times, I love morbid games and games with an excellent storyline. The Wolf Among Us is definitely one of my favorite games at the moment (second to Silent Hill and Resident Evil).
Favorite Food: Difficult to say.
Favorite Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy.
Favorite TV Show: Don't have one.
Favorite Band/Musician:… more Don't have one also
Hobbies: Anything to do with computers. Coding, ect
Stuff going on: Going into Middle School soon.
Other stuff: Reflecting on stuff that's happened.
Favorite Game: Skyrim, Fallout 3
What is happening in your life? (College, promotion, going into the Army, marriage, etc.):Every 15min being called for an emergency,my wife is pregnant for our fourth child (3 boys,1 girl already),might quit job,might travel,much more boring stuff.
Anything else you can think of interesting?Nothing except I just came from the hospital getting a new child to live.
Lucky! It's so nice down there!
lmao the way you said that cracked me up and idek why. xD
Yeah, it is. What other places have you been to in the south?
"I'm an expert at talkin' to people who don't wanna talk to me" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
When we were driving down to Florida we drove through a bunch of places. Our only actual stop was Savannah. I love it there. It it beautiful and you can smell the Spanish moss hanging down from the trees -screams-
*EDIT As we drove by all the cows on the highway, each time we saw a pasture of them, we'd all say, at the same time, monotonously "Cheeseburgers." LOL poor cows.
Damn that's a long drive
Good thing I already live in the South.
Favorite food: mashed potatoes
Favorite movie: Halloween and child's play
Favorite TV show: walking dead, game of thrones, breaking bad, and Arrow
Favorite band/musician: Hollywood Undead, boondox, and insane clown posse
Hobbies: video games, watching YouTube videos, and hanging out on this website.
What is happening in your life?: just graduated highschool and just got a job as a dishwasher.
Anything else you can think of interesting: I was born on Friday the 13th that's pretty interesting
Favorite video game (besides TWD):The wolf among us, skyrim, mortal kombat 9, injustice gods among us, and Persona 4 golden.
Favorite food: Freaking Vegan Cupcakes
Favorite movie: Fantastic Mr. Fox
Favorite TV show: House M.D.
Favorite band/musician: Beach Boys/David Bowie
Hobbies: Gaming
Add: Favorite video game (besides TWD): Halo: Combat Evolved (Sadly, I put this above TWD... I know, I know... I'm evil.)
I could never figure ICP out. Their production is amazing, but the flow and lyrics...not so much. I hear their live shows are a sight to behold, though.
If you like horrorcore, you might appreciate these guys. Gravediggaz are one of the first (and IMO, the best) horror-themed rap group.
Damn they're actually pretty awesome. I think I just found a new favorite band.
Aha, another mortal has embraced the darkness!!
Food: steak or chicken
Movie's: the shawshank redemption, shutter island, castaway, blood diamond, the green mile
TV Show(s): lost, sons of anarchy, breaking bad, orange is the new black, prison break, dexter
Band/Musician: .don't really have a favourite
Hobbies: football (soccer) , boxing
What is happening in your life?: having an operation in a few weeks
Favourite video games: twd, red dead, la noire, ac2, fight night games
You forgot your social security number.
Gah, surgery is never fun. Hopefully it's minor and goes smoothly!
Also, Sons of Anarchy FTW!
ICP aint got shit on Blaze Ya Dead Homie!
I'm not going to be a part of this! (Storms off and lets the Juggalos duke it out)
He (was) a part of Psychopathic, him and ICP are still good friends I believe. He's more "gangsta rap" than "horrorcore" though.
So I've heard. He's playing the part of a west coast gangbanger or something.
That's nothing new; Ice Cube been pretending to be a thug for over two decades. Ooooooooooh sheit!
Sh*t how could I forget about blaze :O also twiztid I love Twiztid :P
Yeah, We Don't Die is still a classic in my book.
Ahh how I loved Dexter even if the finale was kind of bad.
Either of you guys ever heard of Tech N9ne? He's not really horrorcore per se, but he does a lot of touring in those circles. He's pretty dope too.
I heard of him but i never actually listened to his music. I might give him a try.
Thank you. The operation is pretty minor but I'm still dreading it
Same as JamesDalton1995, I've heard of him and a few colabs here and there with rappers I do listen to. But never actually checked out his stuff really.
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Movie: Tie b/w Schindler's List and Oldboy
Favorite TV Show: Dexter
Favorite Band: Queen, The Black Keys
Hobbies: Movies, martial arts
Favorite Game: GTA San Andreas
San Andreas was, is, and will always be the best GTA game.
Favorite Food: Ćevap
Favorite Movie: Insidious and Killer Clowns
Favorite TV Show: Star Trek, Red Dwarf,Xena
Favorite Band: Nickelback,Imagine Dragons
Hobbies:Working outside
Favorite Game:Mass Effect
3 is the best Silent Hill game to me.
It's the scariest one!
I loved San Andreas it also had in my opinion the best music in a GTA game.
One word... Jetpacks.
Food: Pizza
Movie: Man of Steel, The Dark Knight
TV show: Doctor Who
Favorite band/musician: Hans Zimmer
Hobbies: Reading, writing, sleeping
What's happening in my life?: Looking for a job, school starts soon.
Favorite game: Bioshock Infinite
Favorite food? - Spaghetti,pizza.
Favorite movie? - The Lord of the Rings,The Hobbit,Gran Torino.
Favorite TV show? - Game of Thrones,The Walking Dead,The Legend of the Seeker.
Favorite band/musician? Nirvana.
Hobbies? - playing video games.
What is happening in your life? Right now...just wasting my time on the internet.
Favorite video game (besides TWD) : The Wolf Amoung Us,BioShock Infinite,The Last of Us,Valiant Hearts : The Great War
Something new,maybe ?
Age ? 17
Favorite Food: Difficult to say.
Favorite Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy.
Favorite TV Show: Don't have one.
Favorite Band/Musician: Don't have one also
Hobbies: Anything to do with computers. Coding, ect
Stuff going on: Going into Middle School soon.
Other stuff: Reflecting on stuff that's happened.
Favorite Game: Skyrim, Fallout 3
You like fallout too?
Yep. One of the best modded games out there apart from Skyrim.
Name: Cody "zCod" Wilson.
Age:27 years old.
Favorite food?Cheeseburgers.
Favorite movie?Command Decision.
Favorite TV show?The Talking Walking Dead/The Walking Dead.
Favorite band/musician?Guns N' Roses.
Hobbies?Creating games,coding websites,playing games,reading,swimming,etc.
What is happening in your life? (College, promotion, going into the Army, marriage, etc.):Every 15min being called for an emergency,my wife is pregnant for our fourth child (3 boys,1 girl already),might quit job,might travel,much more boring stuff.
Anything else you can think of interesting?Nothing except I just came from the hospital getting a new child to live.
Add:Nothing really.
Is it possible for anyone to dislike Fallout?