In my opinion, best era of the Forum.
I remember when we used to spam all over the place and mortify trolls. Now, we either don't have ti… moreme or just don't get together.
Anyway, hope you're all doing okay. It was a busy couple of months for me, but I'm back.
In my opinion, best era of the Forum.
I remember when we used to spam all over the place and mortify trolls. Now, we either don't have ti… moreme or just don't get together.
Anyway, hope you're all doing okay. It was a busy couple of months for me, but I'm back.
these weren't threats by the fotdl people, they were threats against the fotdl people from other users on this forum. bullying cannot be and should not be solved by more bullying. as I have repeatedly said, just try to be positive.
these weren't threats by the fotdl people, they were threats against the fotdl people from other users on this forum. bullying cannot be and should not be solved by more bullying. as I have repeatedly said, just try to be positive.
Well I had this kinds of problems here many times -.- ...but good to know that a mod must leave this community so that the rest here realised the problem.
these weren't threats by the fotdl people, they were threats against the fotdl people from other users on this forum. bullying cannot be and should not be solved by more bullying. as I have repeatedly said, just try to be positive.
I didn't want to come back in this thread. Most of the people commenting in here have a very limited, narrow-minded view of the situation. Did things go wrong? They did. Were things said that shouldn't have? Yes. But the things some of you are saying? Unacceptable, even MORE unacceptable than what was said to Jennifer.
I'm not saying this is all of you. Some people here have the capacity to view the situation from a more open-minded point of view, and aren't so quick to jump on the hate bandwagon. I thank the thread creator for being one of the few people to not add fuel to the fire.
Many of you are judging PasswordSuck, saying that he is a disgusting, despicable human being. All he was doing was trying to protect us and stand up for us. Yes, he did go overboard. But he was doing it to protect his friends, and just got out of hand.
Milkshake541's PM to Password:
"Congratulations, you have won the stupidest member on the forums award. You are an insignificant waste of life and I hope you die a slow painful death. You contribute nothing to this world and society and it hope you come to realise that. I hope you have a very nice day."
For defending his friends? Seriously? YES he went overboard, but that makes him some monster, a horrible human being? If that's how your thought process really works, than you are a TERRIBLE judge of character. We are trying to apologize and make things right, yet the hate continues and people are wishing death upon a great guy who was only trying to protect his friends.
I didn't want to come back in this thread. Most of the people commenting in here have a very limited, narrow-minded view of the situation. D… moreid things go wrong? They did. Were things said that shouldn't have? Yes. But the things some of you are saying? Unacceptable, even MORE unacceptable than what was said to Jennifer.
I'm not saying this is all of you. Some people here have the capacity to view the situation from a more open-minded point of view, and aren't so quick to jump on the hate bandwagon. I thank the thread creator for being one of the few people to not add fuel to the fire.
Many of you are judging PasswordSuck, saying that he is a disgusting, despicable human being. All he was doing was trying to protect us and stand up for us. Yes, he did go overboard. But he was doing it to protect his friends, and just got out of hand.
Milkshake541's PM to Password:
"Congratulations, you have won the stupidest member on the forums awa… [view original content]
Milkshake's PM is disgusting. It is very extreme and (if that's 100% real) I hope the User gets banned from these forums.
Then again, Password acted like an arrogant forum jesus martyr and was legitimately banned. He did not only defend his friends but present himself as some kind of all mighty god who fights in the name of justice. If he'd apologize; I'd have no problem with him. But he does not show any hindsight.
I didn't want to come back in this thread. Most of the people commenting in here have a very limited, narrow-minded view of the situation. D… moreid things go wrong? They did. Were things said that shouldn't have? Yes. But the things some of you are saying? Unacceptable, even MORE unacceptable than what was said to Jennifer.
I'm not saying this is all of you. Some people here have the capacity to view the situation from a more open-minded point of view, and aren't so quick to jump on the hate bandwagon. I thank the thread creator for being one of the few people to not add fuel to the fire.
Many of you are judging PasswordSuck, saying that he is a disgusting, despicable human being. All he was doing was trying to protect us and stand up for us. Yes, he did go overboard. But he was doing it to protect his friends, and just got out of hand.
Milkshake541's PM to Password:
"Congratulations, you have won the stupidest member on the forums awa… [view original content]
I didn't want to come back in this thread. Most of the people commenting in here have a very limited, narrow-minded view of the situation. D… moreid things go wrong? They did. Were things said that shouldn't have? Yes. But the things some of you are saying? Unacceptable, even MORE unacceptable than what was said to Jennifer.
I'm not saying this is all of you. Some people here have the capacity to view the situation from a more open-minded point of view, and aren't so quick to jump on the hate bandwagon. I thank the thread creator for being one of the few people to not add fuel to the fire.
Many of you are judging PasswordSuck, saying that he is a disgusting, despicable human being. All he was doing was trying to protect us and stand up for us. Yes, he did go overboard. But he was doing it to protect his friends, and just got out of hand.
Milkshake541's PM to Password:
"Congratulations, you have won the stupidest member on the forums awa… [view original content]
I didn't want to come back in this thread. Most of the people commenting in here have a very limited, narrow-minded view of the situation. D… moreid things go wrong? They did. Were things said that shouldn't have? Yes. But the things some of you are saying? Unacceptable, even MORE unacceptable than what was said to Jennifer.
I'm not saying this is all of you. Some people here have the capacity to view the situation from a more open-minded point of view, and aren't so quick to jump on the hate bandwagon. I thank the thread creator for being one of the few people to not add fuel to the fire.
Many of you are judging PasswordSuck, saying that he is a disgusting, despicable human being. All he was doing was trying to protect us and stand up for us. Yes, he did go overboard. But he was doing it to protect his friends, and just got out of hand.
Milkshake541's PM to Password:
"Congratulations, you have won the stupidest member on the forums awa… [view original content]
Calm down, no reason to be angry about it. I hope that there is some way for the mods to check this, because if it's true, the user should immediately be banned IMO.
I don't care what reasons you give, THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION for this. You people have changed the climate here, and you can't even grasp that. I am so angry i am livid.
My PC isnt destroyed lolwut.
I cant use the PC during school days as stated on 'Da House Rules'
Death threats,really?!Wow,just wow.
Good to have ya back bro
i don't see why its bad to make fun of them, they made the most sweet and helpful user there ever was on this forum go away, they deserve it
lol taak my like
what do you guys mean?
is that supposed to be funny, cuz it aint
Check out his bio:
He thinks of himself as some kind of forum jesus
No prob mate
thank you
EDit: does he think he's some kind of Jesus of these forums, it seems that way, judging by his posts
Definitely, I missed derailing troll threads with you guys :')
Guess you haven't seen the shitstorm thats been going on then
Heh yeah I remember that. We were good at that
Seems that way to me. He's pretty arrogant.
Whats he gonna do, save us from our sins? Unlikely.
these weren't threats by the fotdl people, they were threats against the fotdl people from other users on this forum. bullying cannot be and should not be solved by more bullying. as I have repeatedly said, just try to be positive.
Now we have 2 mods who left us thanks to these punks
Proof that each generation of society is degrading
I hope this behavior settles down soon

Exactly one week here now, and I really enjoy it here. Good to see you always stay positive
Yeah I'd hate to think what the world will be like in, say, another 50 years or so.
you can say that again
I'm an old-lady in that time... Oh god.. I'd have wrinkles, white hair and thaaangs...
Haha. I'd be as wrinkled as a prune lol
And I'm still gonna be the sexiest man alive.
At that time, everyone would be similar to the humans in Wall-E: Fat, dependent on technology, and fat.
I already am fat and dependent on technology lol
thy holy password has come to save us, from thy dislikes
...of the elderly?
no one can ever be more sexy than the master of Telltale
Yep. My skin folds are gonna be praised by the old ladies.
I didn't want to come back in this thread. Most of the people commenting in here have a very limited, narrow-minded view of the situation. Did things go wrong? They did. Were things said that shouldn't have? Yes. But the things some of you are saying? Unacceptable, even MORE unacceptable than what was said to Jennifer.
I'm not saying this is all of you. Some people here have the capacity to view the situation from a more open-minded point of view, and aren't so quick to jump on the hate bandwagon. I thank the thread creator for being one of the few people to not add fuel to the fire.
Many of you are judging PasswordSuck, saying that he is a disgusting, despicable human being. All he was doing was trying to protect us and stand up for us. Yes, he did go overboard. But he was doing it to protect his friends, and just got out of hand.
Milkshake541's PM to Password:
"Congratulations, you have won the stupidest member on the forums award. You are an insignificant waste of life and I hope you die a slow painful death. You contribute nothing to this world and society and it hope you come to realise that. I hope you have a very nice day."
For defending his friends? Seriously? YES he went overboard, but that makes him some monster, a horrible human being? If that's how your thought process really works, than you are a TERRIBLE judge of character. We are trying to apologize and make things right, yet the hate continues and people are wishing death upon a great guy who was only trying to protect his friends.
at that time, everyone would be just as fat and ugly as the people who drove Jennifer away
I can nothing but agree.
Milkshake's PM is disgusting. It is very extreme and (if that's 100% real) I hope the User gets banned from these forums.
Then again, Password acted like an arrogant forum jesus martyr and was legitimately banned. He did not only defend his friends but present himself as some kind of all mighty god who fights in the name of justice. If he'd apologize; I'd have no problem with him. But he does not show any hindsight.
That's not helping.
Whoa, what Milkshake said was way outta line. Sure, I dont agree with what Password did, but, that is going too far.
PasswordSuck has his flaws, and his reasons is very disagreeable.
Saying that it was all "personal reasons" and it is "abuse of power" is wrong. What Jennifer did was right.
Calm down, no reason to be angry about it. I hope that there is some way for the mods to check this, because if it's true, the user should immediately be banned IMO.