Your Biggest Fear(s)

in General Chat
What is/are your biggest fears?
For myself I try to be brave whenever I am scared of something and try to beat my fears but one thing I cant stand is being in confined spaces, especially if I am in iminant danger, for example if I was crawling through a small tunnel and couldnt turn back and I hit a dead end, I would freak the hell out because air would be low and I would be stuck.
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I used to be afraid of all kinds of stuff when I was 2-5 years old. The seashore, automatic doors, you name it, I was probably freaked out by it. Apparently, not seeing well had something to with, but it went away with a lot of therapy and "immersion training".
Nowadays, I'm only after of birds, especially geese and seagulls.
It's not really a fear per-se, but the sensation of chalk and unfired clay makes me physically Ill. It's...strange.
I feel stupid for saying this (or even being afraid of it) but I have a BIG fear of vomiting. I am afraid of seeing someone vomit, and me vomiting myself. I sucks because I don't think I can ever get over this fear.
I don't have any of the most common fears(dark,heights...), but I do have this unusual and somewhat ridiculous fear of butterflies. I know they are harmless and most people actually consider them beautiful, but I can't help it...every time I see one my first reaction is to get as far away as possible.
This type of fear doesn't exactly inspire "manliness", I can tell you that much:).
XD I'm sorry I had to
I love swimming, but I fear the ocean/large bodies of water. You have no idea what could be lurking in the depths.
I used to be afraid of heights but now I'm not. Every time I find something I'm afraid of I try to face it the bast I can. I decided I better not waste my life on two things: 1) being afraid. 2) caring about what other people say about me. Yes I'm still afraid of things just not as many as I used to be.
I apologize, but I had too ;P
Hot. Would bang.
U sick bastard!
OK, I'm not afraid of spiders but, gosh do I hate them.
I'm afraid of spiders, nearly burnt ma house down try to kill it with fire.
And heights... I freak out allot.
Speaking in front of crowds, outer space, and not being able to move
I have stage fright too... I felt like I died after doing my speech on honey bees which somehow got me an Excellence grade.
I love space
but claustrophobia isn't good for it.
I hate it when you get sleep paralyzes and you can't move x. x
I have to be honest.... spiders are beautiful arachnids.... but they just creep me out.... x. x
What? Just look at those eyes. Totally giving the camera the 'F me' eyes.
Heights and any type of insect Especially spiders and stinkbugs. And a fear of never finding love.....
Jack Thompson (the activist)
Plus, I hate wasps. I run away every time I see one of those damn bitches.
I'm scared that one day, Telltale's the Walking Dead will end. sniff
Apart from that, I'm really afraid of my sister getting hurt in any way, I love her.
Heights, getting shot at, singing alone to a big crowd.
Being nice... Gosh.
The thought of crawling through some tight space and getting stuck is perhaps the most terrifying though I can muster.
...and this one's a weird one, but something about gigantic ships (massive cargo boats, cruise ships, etc.) frighten me for some reason. I've never been entirely sure why. I've always had some sort of image in my head of being in the water in front of one and being swept up under it.
Weird, I know.
Giving speeches, getting crushed, falling from very high heights, car accident, or heart attack.
Also, fear of flies, spiders too - that's why I let them do their own thing and I do mine. No need to swat unless I have to.
Being shot at is a pretty...reasonable thing to fear.
Well, I know how badly it hurts and my neighbour who likes to drink little too much owns a gun and he had had some arguments with my dad, so you never know..
Also my dad's friend had an accident in a shooting range and bullet ripped part of his ear off... he told us how bad the pain was and it made me feel even more worse.
I can agree with that last one....
Oh wait here.
I don't know if it's my biggest fear but the fear of belly buttons I feel nervous when someone touches theirs in front of me.
Ikr. I think space looks beautiful in pictures, but just the thought of being in space scares me lol.
It sucks.
And I don't mean the 'Eww, a spider...
' kind of thing.
I mean the 'HOLY SHIT A SPIDER!' kind of thing.
I can't even touch one with toilet paper or a sock or something, I'm too scared ;-;
Other than that...I'm scared of being scared/jump scares. You know, like when you watch a movie and you know it will come but not when.
That's the worst. I often had to pause videos and stop watching them because I was too afraid a jump scare could happen.
Actually, bringing myself to play this game was kind of hard. But I regret nothing.
Also, being alone in a dark house. Holy shit.
What really scares me about space is two things... not being able to breathe... and some random alien abducting me... xd
Spoderman! NOOOOOOOO
You can't just not worry about the aliens XD
They're out there... I mean we can't seriously be the only living beings in the entire universe... can we?
Totally agree... but if you run from love, it will chase you x. x
Spiders. Screw spiders.
I'm uncomfortable around clowns. And heights. Oh man, heights.
Heh, funny you say that...