Comic Readers: Talk to Me

edited August 2014 in The Wolf Among Us

If you've read the Fables comic to any extent I'd like to chat with you. I wanna know who in the comics you'd like to see in this "hypothetical" next season, (as of now when I made this thread, there have been teasings for a season 2, but for now lets just pretend since nothings confirmed) and who you'd like to see more of from the last.

Or you can just talk about the comic in general! (since I haven't seen a thread for that yet, just joined about a day ago) Ive personally read up to #142 of Fables, and...around issue 28 of fairest? The rest I haven't been able to find.

I personally would love to see Boy Blue in the next season, I loved him in the comics and I'd love to see him in 3D and given a voice. Id also like to see more Bluebeard, not because I like him but because his role in the comics is kinda small, id love to see more of him trying to be a lil shit and Bigby shutting him down.

As for the comics themselves, I think the cover art is incredible. It reminds me of illustrations made in old story books but at the same time conveys the tone for each issue. Not to mention the colors and composition are just pleasing to the eye. I also really love how the comics feel like they're focusing on Fabletown as a whole, and even though it does focus on certain characters from time to time it always feels like its part of a bigger picture.



  • edited August 2014

    I've read up to issue 73 so far and I would love to see Cindy, frau, Pinocchio, boy blue, rose red, charming, and possibly Bigby's dad in season 2.

  • edited August 2014

    I'm up to around issue 75, and I have to say they are really good. Amazing writing, illustration, I am really enjoying them.

    As for who I want to see more of in a hopeful season 2, it would most likely be Cindy and Boy Blue. It would also be cool to see more Jack, considering his role in the comics are small as well.

  • Mr North!
    We've seen how tough the Big Bad Wolf is. Now it is time to give him a new dimension. I would love to see a story based around the North Wind visiting Fabletown. Maybe due to some rogue zephyr causing havoc among the fables or something.

  • Yeah, that already happened in the comics...

    diain posted: »

    Mr North! We've seen how tough the Big Bad Wolf is. Now it is time to give him a new dimension. I would love to see a story based around the North Wind visiting Fabletown. Maybe due to some rogue zephyr causing havoc among the fables or something.

  • He has his own spin off comic actually! "Jack of Fables"

    I'm up to around issue 75, and I have to say they are really good. Amazing writing, illustration, I am really enjoying them. As for who I

  • Yeah I know I'm planning on reading it later as well as the Cinderella spinoffs. But it would be nice to see him in the game again, since we only see him twice.

    Maximum124 posted: »

    He has his own spin off comic actually! "Jack of Fables"

  • True, I did love the voice they gave him.

    Yeah I know I'm planning on reading it later as well as the Cinderella spinoffs. But it would be nice to see him in the game again, since we only see him twice.

  • I really wanna see Boy Blue, Pinocchio, more Jack, and Rose Red. I was gonna put Prince Charming, but I think he's supposed to be in Europe at the time.

  • Oh yeah Rose Red! Unfortunately I think Snow and her still be on bad terms in the timeline.

    I really wanna see Boy Blue, Pinocchio, more Jack, and Rose Red. I was gonna put Prince Charming, but I think he's supposed to be in Europe at the time.

  • All the more reason to have her show up.

    Maximum124 posted: »

    Oh yeah Rose Red! Unfortunately I think Snow and her still be on bad terms in the timeline.

  • One character I don't think we will be seeing much of is Snow. Where Bigby's and hers relationship stood when the game ended is sort of where it picks off in the comics. I don't see them partnering up in season 2 because they can't really continue their relationship without it turning into a romance.

    So depending on what the plot is in s2, Bigby will either be a lone wolf or teams up with Cindy hopefully.

  • Yeah thats true, Snow is great but seeing a lot of her next season wouldnt be ideal. She'd be too busy trying to fix things.

    Cindy or any of the tourists would be good to see as a sidekick(s)

    One character I don't think we will be seeing much of is Snow. Where Bigby's and hers relationship stood when the game ended is sort of wher

  • edited August 2014

    Do you think Bigby will come back from his "zombie" state he's in now and have a happy ending with Snow and his remaining kids? I just want an extra opinion on this.

  • bashabahbahbsckabede spoiler alert I'm only on issue 76 ahahhhahahahahahah

  • OH SHIT! I'm sorry, I'll fix it right away.

    bashabahbahbsckabede spoiler alert I'm only on issue 76 ahahhhahahahahahah

  • At least tell me I didn't ruin it for you.

    Sorry had to use this xD.

  • I'm only at like issue 75, but you kept it vague enough to where it didn't really spoil me.

    werewolf7 posted: »

    At least tell me I didn't ruin it for you.

  • edited August 2014

    Jeeze I hope so, I have no clue how hes going to be after though. Because his "fate" has been fulfilled, he fell in love with snow, had 7 kids and died. So when he does come back he may just be the big bad wolf, hes kinda like that now but hes still "broken".

    I do hope that he does get a happily ever after though, and Snow at least gets her Bigby back, even if its just for awhile (or forever)

  • Twice huh? I'm guessing you chose to not go to Crane's apartment? because you can see him there, so that makes 3.

    Yeah I know I'm planning on reading it later as well as the Cinderella spinoffs. But it would be nice to see him in the game again, since we only see him twice.

  • Cinderella, Briar Rose, Frau Totenkinder, Boy Blue, Rose Red (she's cute).

  • Issue 143 actually came out today!

  • Cindy of course. Would love to to meet her in shady alleys, away from everyone.
    Besides the weird (non-existent) innuendo would allow Snow to keep working with Bigby without taking the next step, since he would look as womanizer as Prince Charming.

    Goldilocks and her weird zoophilia, would be interesting. And also serve to open the abyss that will keep Snow and Bibgy apart, PLUS plant the seed of her hatred towards both.

    Some people from the 13th Floor, King Cole, Boy Blue, more Flycatcher (choosing errands that affect the story path would be epic), are some of the others.

  • Yes yes all of that, its all perfect.

    OptimusJ posted: »

    Cindy of course. Would love to to meet her in shady alleys, away from everyone. Besides the weird (non-existent) innuendo would allow Snow

  • Spoiler

    The prophecy says that he will outlive all his children, but only after he has died seven times, so if it should be read literally, his fate has not been fulfilled yet.

    I really hope for "happily ever after", after all those things that happened to "Wolf Family" since "Cubs in Toyland" storyline.

    Maximum124 posted: »

    Jeeze I hope so, I have no clue how hes going to be after though. Because his "fate" has been fulfilled, he fell in love with snow, had 7 ki

  • Fuck Prince Brandish!! Anyway, his fate predicts that he will outlive all of his cubs although as you said, we don't know if he's going to be Bigby Wolf or The Big Bad Wolf OR it might be about what Boy Blue spoke of (that it would be extremely painful to return to life).Man, I really hope he returns and goes back to Snow.After all, the story arc is named "Happily Ever After".

    Maximum124 posted: »

    Jeeze I hope so, I have no clue how hes going to be after though. Because his "fate" has been fulfilled, he fell in love with snow, had 7 ki

  • edited August 2014

    Something that would be really cool is if they had a 400 Days type DLC where we played little short stories as different Fables that will play a bigger role in the next season, like hopefully Boy Blue, Cindy, maybe Rose Red.

  • Spoiler

    Id like to see lots of Blue since hes my fave ahaha, Id actually like to actually play as Colin a bit too. Trying to get back to the woodlands from the farm probably isnt easy, and trying to recruit others for the farm revolution. It'd be neat, but I wouldn't want a long part devoted to it.

    Something that would be really cool is if they had a 400 Days type DLC where we played little short stories as different Fables that will play a bigger role in the next season, like hopefully Boy Blue, Cindy, maybe Rose Red.

  • I've read all the comics even the newest issue (spoiler to come at the end).

    The characters I would like to see in season 2 and a DLC are Boy Blue (we will see him), Rose Red, Pinocchio, Red (Little Red Riding Hood). In a DLC I would also want to see a flashback of Snow's wedding with Charming.

    SPOILER ALERT! ISSUE 143 SPOILER ALERT! In the newest issue it is revealed why Mrs. Sparks hated beautiful fables, her most well known line in the Homelands was "Mirror, Mirror tell me who's the fairest of them all". Mrs. Sparks is Snow's aunt/stepmother.

  • I know, but there the zephyr is his own grandson and the whole thing goes out with a fizz. I was really excited about seeing Mr North and Mr Dark duke it out, but eh...
    So maybe they can do something in the games? It's not as if the first season's plot had no similarity with the elements of the comics.

    papai46 posted: »

    Yeah, that already happened in the comics...

  • edited August 2014

    It never said that in the latest issue? Ms. Spratt was the wife of Jack Spratt who I assume died in the homelands. You know the rhyme? Jack Spratt could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean. which would explain her appearance before she met Mr Dark. I think shes just jealous to be jealous, most of the fables back stories seem to be common knowlage, so people knowing that Snow was proclaimed "The fairest" might be well known; so Spratt/Leigh would probably know too. She just hates hot people in general and I think most of it gets directed at Snow because she has a nice life with a loving husband and kids. If she was really her aunt/stepmom I think she wouldn't of bothered with Bigby and the wolflings.

    LukaszB posted: »

    I've read all the comics even the newest issue (spoiler to come at the end). The characters I would like to see in season 2 and a DLC are

  • edited August 2014

    Considering the last time Bigby saw his father in the timeline of the game and the beginning of the comics he was trying to kill him. The only similarities that the game really had with the comics was that Bigby is the sherrif, and something kinda big happened to fabletown. That's really about it aside from characters and it taking place before the comics.

    So really any wind stuff wouldn't be fitting unless you read the comics, which a lot of TWAU players haven't. And they shouldn't have to since it all takes place before the comics anyway.

    The North Wind didn't even become interested with fabletown or the mundane world until he had grandchildren anyway.

    diain posted: »

    I know, but there the zephyr is his own grandson and the whole thing goes out with a fizz. I was really excited about seeing Mr North and Mr

  • edited August 2014

    Moreover, the prophecy states that Bigby outlives all his children, and the order that Ms Spratt's gave to Bigby makes me really afraid that the prophecy will come true soon... :(

    LukaszB posted: »

    I've read all the comics even the newest issue (spoiler to come at the end). The characters I would like to see in season 2 and a DLC are

  • Bigby is fighting her! Dont give up hope!

  • edited August 2014

    The hair and nose are a match as well as the clothes. The reason is so Prince Brandish has a reason to kill Bigby, as revenge for Bigby's father killing Mr. Dark.

  • Could you expand on what you mean in your first sentence? its early morning here and to be honest I cant really think straight

    LukaszB posted: »

    The hair and nose are a match as well as the clothes. The reason is so Prince Brandish has a reason to kill Bigby, as revenge for Bigby's father killing Mr. Dark.

  • I highly doubt it will happen soon, considering that Spratt doesn't know what is happening with Snow. Snow will figure out what's going on very soon. Also the next issue will have a big fight. Ozma, Rose, and Beast will fight Bigby.

  • The hair of Snow's aunt (based on Snow's mom's hair since they were sisters) match Spratt's true hair. The nose of Snow's aunt are an exact match to Spratt's true nose. The clothes are also the same brand.

    Maximum124 posted: »

    Could you expand on what you mean in your first sentence? its early morning here and to be honest I cant really think straight

  • Im not sure we'll see Mr. North. At this point, he is still estranged from Bigby.

    I've read up to issue 73 so far and I would love to see Cindy, frau, Pinocchio, boy blue, rose red, charming, and possibly Bigby's dad in season 2.

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