The Walking Dead: No Shepherd To Guide Us: Interactive Fanfic. [EPISODE TWO IS NEARLY HALFWAY]



  • [Tell them about George]

    The Cabin Group. Episode 1: We Shall Travel. Chapter 6: A Hopeful Community. BANG! “Ouch!” Pete groaned in pain. “Uncle Pete!” Ni

  • Now I have to make backstory for George! Great...

    I had something planned for another character...

    Welp, that's life!

    The Cabin Group. Episode 1: We Shall Travel. Chapter 6: A Hopeful Community. BANG! “Ouch!” Pete groaned in pain. “Uncle Pete!” Ni

  • (Save Nick?) ;~;

    The Cabin Group Chapter 1: Through the woods. It was meeting time, Luke, Carlos, Pete, Alice, Nick, Sarah, Alvin, Rebecca, Reggie, Bon

  • [Tell them about George]

    The Cabin Group. Episode 1: We Shall Travel. Chapter 6: A Hopeful Community. BANG! “Ouch!” Pete groaned in pain. “Uncle Pete!” Ni

  • Oh my God, DLB. xD

    AssMcMuffin HELL YEAH

  • Alt text

    Guess I know who you submitted.





  • edited August 2014

    [I am Groot]

    The Cabin Group. Episode 1: We Shall Travel. Chapter 6: A Hopeful Community. BANG! “Ouch!” Pete groaned in pain. “Uncle Pete!” Ni

  • Wait a sec. How do you submit a character?

  • Posted a link on the lounge, I'll PM you later, it's private ATM.

    Wait a sec. How do you submit a character?


    Derek will talk about George.

    The Cabin Group. Episode 1: We Shall Travel. Chapter 6: A Hopeful Community. BANG! “Ouch!” Pete groaned in pain. “Uncle Pete!” Ni

  • Wait a sec...

    You picked DLG as the best ship...

    Alt text

  • The Cabin Group.
    Episode 1: We Shall Travel.
    Chapter 7: Friend Or Foe?

    (!) You chose to talk about George.

    “We were with this guy, George, we met him him with some others, big muscular guy, he escaped a hell with us, we don’t know if he’s alive or not.”

    (?) They will remember that.

    “Well, get settled.” Zaphaeus said.

    “I am Groot.” Groot walked over to his trailer.

    “I’ll get some rest too.” Zaphaeus said as he walked after Groot.

    A girl who looked somewhat Taiwanese walked out of the same trailer that Jessica had come from, “Who are these people?”

    Marissa sighed, “Good people, you can get to know their names later.”

    “Well I’m Emily.” She smiled.

    Emily grabbed a hunting rifle, she climbed a ladder that went up on of the trailers, there was a chair, “She’s sitting guard?” Nick asked.

    “What does it look like?” Pete asked.

    Nick sighed.

    “We have a spare trailer, you can stay there for now.” Megan smiled as she led you over to a trailer, “Here it is.”

    Nick, Pete and Sarah walked inside, Bonnie and Mike started talking, you walked over to Marissa, “Hey! You’re Marissa, right?”

    “Hi, I’m Marissa.”

    “You don’t look very old, how old are you?” You asked.

    “I’m thirteen, twelve when all of this started.” She smiled.

    “How’d you end up here? Any of these people your family?” You asked.

    She looked down, “I lost my family at the start, my mom got bit, and my dad gave up, then I was with my sisters, and they all died, then I met Megan and Jessica.”

    “Damn… I thought most kids and teenagers were dead.”

    “I thought so too, but there’s some in this group, and you had one with you.” She smiled.

    Jessica walked over and interrupted, “Hey um… Derek, I could use your help.”

    You turned around, “Oh… Sure, what’s it about?”

    “Just come with me.”

    You walked around the walls with Jessica, “You’re not bad people, are you?”

    “No, why?” You asked.

    “I fear death more than anything, I don’t want to die, I want to grow up, but this world has no mercy, I lost my family before the apocalypse, I lived with Megan after my family died, Megan, Marissa, Emily, Zaphaeus and Groot, they’re all I have left.”
    “Hey! HEY! Who the fuck are you! What are you doing here!” You heard Emily shouting, you quickly hid behind a trailer, looking up at Emily, she aimed her gun at something.

    “Hey, don’t worry… We’re just going to kill you, ain’t nothing personal, that’s just how we roll.” You heard a man’s voice.



    Luke, Alice and Rebecca walking through the forest, “Damnit! We should’ve met ‘em by now!”

    Leroy, George and Alvin looking down a hill, “How far have they gone already?”

    Carver looking at a corpse of one of his goons, “Huh… Seems fresh enough, they’re not far.”

    It stood in flames, and you stared into them, “Why?”

    Vince, Wyatt, Russell, Shel and Becca looking at a map, “Carver and his goons have been out for a good few days, now is our chance to go.”

    Episode 2: There's No Saints.


    lmao I picked it because it had my name in it. I THOUGHT THAT'S WHAT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO DO.

    Wait a sec... You picked DLG as the best ship...

  • I'm supposed to analyze the data...

    There's a reason to me adding that choice.

    STOP LOOKING YOU CHEATER lmao I picked it because it had my name in it. I THOUGHT THAT'S WHAT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO DO.

  • ...


    ... o_o

    I'm supposed to analyze the data... There's a reason to me adding that choice.

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited August 2014

    The Cabin Group.
    Episode 2: There's No Saints.
    Chapter 1: Nothing Ever Lasts.


    Emily fell down from the trailer, you rushed over to her, she was shot in the shoulder, “Shit guys! Get your weapons!”

    A molotov cocktail flew through the air, BOOM! Fire started spreading.

    “Emily get up!” You shouted.

    You looked in the direction of the gate, it got kicked open.

    “Hey chickens!” A man shouted.

    Nick, Pete and Bonnie rushed over with their guns drawn, shooting at the man and his people. Mike helped Sarah get over to the rear gate. Megan, Jessica and Marissa ran into their trailer to find their guns, and Zaphaeus just stood at the door of his trailer, watching.

    “Emily wake up!” You shouted as you slapped her.

    “Ugh.. What happened?” Emily asked as she woke up.

    Another molotov came flying through the air, BOOM! It hit the trailer that Zaphaeus was standing in, “Shit!”, a plank fell down and hit him, “Fuck!”

    “Ouch!” Pete was shot in the gut.

    The man and his people didn’t start shooting, they waited for something.

    “Shit guys! I’m going with Sarah!” Mike shouted, Bonnie quickly turned around and ran with them.

    Pete saw a molotov flying right for Nick, he quickly pushed Nick away, “Run!”, Nick obeyed and ran over to cover, BOOM! Fire started, Pete barely managed to get away, but he did.

    You saw all of this happen, just sitting behind a dumpster along with Emily, Emily picked up a dagger from the ground, she rushed towards the attackers, stabbing three of them in the head, they started shooting, she was hit in the leg, she stumbled into a trailer.

    “Damnit.” You mumbled.

    A molotov flew threw the air, BOOM! It hit the trailer that Emily was inside, after some time it started to crumble.

    Pete and Nick were hiding between a trailer, they shot some more of the attackers, but at last they decided to make a run for it, “Nick, we have to go!”, “We should get Derek!”, “There’s no time!”

    Zaphaeus ran towards you, he jumped on top of the trailer and then over the fence.

    Jessica, Megan and Marissa ran over to you, “There’s not many left, we can take them.”, Jessica handed you a rifle.

    The guy and his men pulled out guns, they started shooting, but there wasn’t many left.











    The leader of the attack looked around him, he had no men anymore, you shot him in the leg.

    "Motherfucking dick sucking cunts." He mumbled.

    You picked up an axe and walked towards him, "Now that's not very nice."

    “Suck my fucking dick." He glared at you.

    You stood in front of him, "Who the fuck are you?"

    “The owner of you, my dick." He smiled.

    You raised the axe up.

    [Kill Him]

    [Spare Him]

    NOTE: I made a lot of changes, so please if you voted before the changes, change the vote to match the new stuff.

  • edited August 2014

    [Spare him]

    Why not? :D

    The Cabin Group. Episode 2: There's No Saints. Chapter 1: Nothing Ever Lasts. BANG! Emily fell down from the trailer, you rushed ove

  • edited August 2014

    Whatever, [spare him]. He's too awesome to kil him.

    The Cabin Group. Episode 2: There's No Saints. Chapter 1: Nothing Ever Lasts. BANG! Emily fell down from the trailer, you rushed ove

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited August 2014

    Yeah... Changing up what I wrote.

    "Motherfucking dick sucking cunts." He mumbled.

    “Suck my fucking dick." He glared at you.

    “The owner of you, my dick." He smiled.

    Sounds better? I kinda forgot which kind of character Negan was, haven't read the comics in a while.

    Whatever, [spare him]. He's too awesome to kil him.

  • edited August 2014

    Yeah, now it's better.

    Yeah... Changing up what I wrote. "Motherfucking dick sucking cunts." He mumbled. “Suck my fucking dick." He glared at you.

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited August 2014

    I changed the lines.

    Yeah, now it's better.

  • I changed his lines now, does that sound more like him?

    "Motherfucking dick sucking cunts." He mumbled.

    “Suck my fucking dick." He glared at you.

    “The owner of you, my dick." He smiled.

    Whatever, [spare him]. He's too awesome to kil him.

  • Yes. It's beautiful.

    Btw, submitted my characters.

    I changed his lines now, does that sound more like him? "Motherfucking dick sucking cunts." He mumbled. “Suck my fucking dick." He glared at you. “The owner of you, my dick." He smiled.

  • Okay, I'll see when I'll have them introduced.

    Yes. It's beautiful. Btw, submitted my characters.

  • [Kill Him]

    The Cabin Group. Episode 2: There's No Saints. Chapter 1: Nothing Ever Lasts. BANG! Emily fell down from the trailer, you rushed ove

  • [Kill Him]

    The Cabin Group. Episode 2: There's No Saints. Chapter 1: Nothing Ever Lasts. BANG! Emily fell down from the trailer, you rushed ove

  • [Kill him]

    The Cabin Group. Episode 2: There's No Saints. Chapter 1: Nothing Ever Lasts. BANG! Emily fell down from the trailer, you rushed ove

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited August 2014


    Derek will kill the the leader of the attackers.

    The Cabin Group. Episode 2: There's No Saints. Chapter 1: Nothing Ever Lasts. BANG! Emily fell down from the trailer, you rushed ove




    VOTING CLOSED Derek will kill the the leader of the attackers.

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited August 2014

    (!) You chose to kill him.

    Just as you were about to axe him, an arrow flew through the air hitting you in the shoulder, a man walked out from behind a dumpster, one half of his face looked ironed.

    The man on the ground took his chance and tackled you, “Ha! Got ya you fucking fuck!”, he slowly got up, “Dwight, where the fuck is Lucille?”

    “Got her right here!” Dwight threw a baseball bat covered in barbed wire over to the man.

    “For once you actually do something fucking useful Dwight! Was about motherfucking time!” The man shouted at Dwight while picking up the Lucille.

    “Shut up, Negan!” Dwight shouted while walking towards you and Negan.

    “You want me to fucking iron the rest of your shitty face?” Negan asked.

    “No.” Dwight answered while loading his crossbow, he had molotovs in his pocket.


    A shot hit Negan in the shoulder, you got up and made a run for it, an arrow flew right by you.

    “FUCKING FUCK!!!” Negan shouted.

    You jumped down right behind a dumpster, you waved at the others.

    They ran over to you. Jessica handed you a rifle, you aimed it at Negan, but before you could fire, an arrow flew towards you, you managed to avoid and fire at the same time, hitting Negan in the gut.

    You ran towards the exit, you heard Dwight in the distance, “We set the whole place on fire, then we leave.” You heard Molotovs being thrown.


    You ran out the exit door, you had no idea where everyone except for Jessica, Megan and Marissa were.

    You looked behind you, you stared into the fire, it was horrible.

    “Look.” Marissa said.

    Groot charged a three walkers, he had a machete in both hands, he sliced one’s head in half, stabbed the second one and sliced the third one’s head into pieces. He looked behind him, he saw you and the others, “I am Groot.” He grinned.

    Nick, Sarah, Mike and Bonnie walked out of the forest, “Have you seen Pete?”

    “No… Didn’t he go with you?” You asked.

    “We got split up, I don’t know where he went.” Nick looked down.

    “We saw that guy, Zaphaeus in a struggle with a walker, he ran away before we could, dunno if he got bitten or not.” Mike said.

    “Do you know where he went?” Megan asked.

    “Nope.” Nick answered.
    “Nick!?!” Alvin asked.

    “Alvin?!?” Nick shouted.

    “Where’s Rebecca?” Alvin had some people with him, you examined them.



    A man you haven’t seen before.

    Your eyes widened at the last one, “Derek?!?” He asked.

    [Hug him]

    [“I thought you were dead!”]

    [“Where have you been?”]

    [“What happened to Harold?”]

  • [Hug him]

    (!) You chose to kill him. Just as you were about to axe him, an arrow flew through the air hitting you in the shoulder, a man walked out

  • [Hug him]

    (!) You chose to kill him. Just as you were about to axe him, an arrow flew through the air hitting you in the shoulder, a man walked out

  • I don't know who he is but [hug him]

    (!) You chose to kill him. Just as you were about to axe him, an arrow flew through the air hitting you in the shoulder, a man walked out

  • [Hug him]

    (!) You chose to kill him. Just as you were about to axe him, an arrow flew through the air hitting you in the shoulder, a man walked out


    Derek will hug him

    (!) You chose to kill him. Just as you were about to axe him, an arrow flew through the air hitting you in the shoulder, a man walked out

  • The Cabin Group.
    Episode 2: There's No Saints.
    Chapter 3: A Reunited Family

    (!) You chose to hug Dew.

    You ran towards your brother, giving him a good ol’ bro hug.

    (?) Dew will remember that.

    “Where’s… Where’s Harold?” You asked.

    “Our father? He… He.. When you left… He told me to go after you… I lost track of you tho… I don’t know what happened to him…” Dew looked down.

    You looked behind you, tears were rolling down Sarah’s face, “Where’s my dad?”

    “Carlos…” Alvin said almost silently. Leroy and George looked down.

    “Damnit!” Nick shouted.

    “He’s dead?” Bonnie asked.

    “We haven’t seen him since the shootout.” Leroy said.

    Sarah burst out into tears, “Dad…”

    You heard walkers in the woods.

    “Shit.” Nick said.

    “There’s an RV over there!” Megan shouted.

    “Hurry!” You shouted.

    Everyone ran, except for Sarah, you saw walkers getting close to her, you quickly turned around, shooting two of them.

    “DAD!!!” You heard Sarah scream.

    You started running towards her, walkers were almost surrounding her, BANG! BANG! You took down two of them.

    Sarah fell down on her knees, “DAD!!!”

    Walkers had almost surrounded you.

    [Grab her]

    [Run away]

  • [Grab her]

    The Cabin Group. Episode 2: There's No Saints. Chapter 3: A Reunited Family (!) You chose to hug Dew. You ran towards your brother,


    Alt text

    Purugly posted: »

    [Grab her]

  • [Grab her]

    The Cabin Group. Episode 2: There's No Saints. Chapter 3: A Reunited Family (!) You chose to hug Dew. You ran towards your brother,

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