Really stupid theories



  • Clem is actually a boy. Ben is actually a girl. Both came from a same mother.

  • Walther and Matthew never engaged in intimate butsex

  • Clem is actually a Titan Shifter and will turn into the Short Haired Titan after being shot in the shootout against the russians.

  • Sam the dog is actually Carver's dog and bit Clem to avenge his master and is the mastermind behind the Russian group


    That1Guy posted: »

    Clem is actually a Titan Shifter and will turn into the Short Haired Titan after being shot in the shootout against the russians.

  • Peaches and beans do come out well.

  • Clem's real name is Miley Cyrus.

  • Clementine is actually a clementine in disguise sent by the government to protect many survivors during the zombie apocalypse.

  • edited August 2014

    1) Ben and Luke are part of an underground conspiracy group founded by the late brother of the guy Lee killed devoted to screwing up the life of Lee, and now his Legacy with Clem in the name of sweet revenge.

    2) Clem will be sporting Kenny's beard in season 3. It will be voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson and it will take over the sassy role for Clem.

    3) Season 2 Chapter 4 was originally called Omid the Ruins, where Walker Omid was going to come in and attack the oncoming walker horde, having somehow kept his memories because Omid was just that dang crazy. But Chista said no so it was changed into what we got now. Walker Omid is now pouting in his room.

  • The Raccoons and Mike are actually working together and plan on Kidnapping the baby in Ep.5 to be raised as the prophesied RACCOON MAN. Afte

  • So is Sam a time traveler?

    enitnemelC posted: »

    Sam the dog is actually Carver's dog and bit Clem to avenge his master and is the mastermind behind the Russian group

  • Michael7123 posted: »

    Clementine's survival in season three will depend on if Chet survived episode one.

  • clementine goes super saiyan and defeats the walker threat

  • I know.I saw it.He's probably just another troll,so he'll get banned eventually.

    blukey posted: »

    The comment is deleted, but he said "clem gets pregnant from walker?" HELL NO BUDDY

  • The events of 400 days will affect the story of Season 2.

  • That fuckin' shitbird Arvo.

    Gengar posted: »

    Arvo was actually Ben. Since every Ben's death scene involved falling and severely hurting his leg. This is why he has a leg brace.

  • Yes! And he has the ability to bring back people from the dead, read minds, and explode zombies with his mind
    But his weaknesses are cans of beans and tree branches

    So is Sam a time traveler?

  • Kenny will disappear at the end of Season 2, and will return...AS THE ARKHAM KNIGHT.

  • Telltale is gonna team up with BBC and create The Walking Dead Season 3, that will be about Kenny time travelling and thus saving himself in the alley/building and The 14th Doctor from Doctor Who will be Kenny. Yup.

  • Carlos?

    Alt text

    With Carlos being a close second.

  • As much as I hate Carver, after I found out the baby looked

    Alt text

    I fucking

    Alt text

  • Is it terrible that i thought Carver Baby is cute

    Web Head posted: »

    As much as I hate Carver, after I found out the baby looked I fucking

  • Of course not, look at that stubble, if that ain't cute I dunno what is.

    Is it terrible that i thought Carver Baby is cute

  • TTG will take your 4.99 per episodes and will continue to make short games.

  • Thank god

    Of course not, look at that stubble, if that ain't cute I dunno what is.

  • edited August 2014

    This dog must make Superman jealous.

    enitnemelC posted: »

    Yes! And he has the ability to bring back people from the dead, read minds, and explode zombies with his mind But his weaknesses are cans of beans and tree branches

  • The raccoon is Lee, reincarnated.

    The raccoon is not important.

  • No! It can't be. That's not true. That's impossible!

    hayd24 posted: »

    Darth Vader is Luke's father.

  • The nail file will not be useful for anything. It will have less use than the watch and the juicebox had.

  • You play as Lee's ghost in Season 2.

  • Crista comes back in episode 5 only shes insane now. After her and clem find shelter she thinks the baby is hers so she takes it away from Clem blaming Clem as an endangerment and starts heading to Wellington through the snow storm leaving Clem to chase her down before the baby dies in the cold. Everyone else died in the gun fight.

  • Crista comes back as a man.

  • Larry used to be a professional wrestler and used this to save the people he cared about from the walkers.

  • Well, considering the nail file is determinant, I expect it to get the same treatment as Nick. Clem's gonna try to use it for sth and drop it somewhere she can't get it back.

    pander1 posted: »

    The nail file will not be useful for anything. It will have less use than the watch and the juicebox had.

  • Larry is kind of fat,so I doubt he was ever a professional wrestler XD Unless some wrestlers are fat,I wouldn't know.

    Baldex posted: »

    Larry used to be a professional wrestler and used this to save the people he cared about from the walkers.

  • The guy is a walking pile driver, dontcha know.

    Larry is kind of fat,so I doubt he was ever a professional wrestler XD Unless some wrestlers are fat,I wouldn't know.

  • Clem dreamed the whole ZA while in a coma after falling out of her tree house. Clem wakes up from the coma in the normal world, but still feels as if the ZA actually happened and she actually lived those 3 years. Much to her parent's surprise, she is quite a different Clem than she was before the accident.......

  • Nope, mustard stain. Ketchup is too mainstream.

    I think you mean ketchup stain.

  • Clementine actually did drop the hammer on Lee, everything else was just a dream.

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