Question for Kenny Fans (spoilers)



  • I still love Kenny.

  • edited August 2014

    Jane "murdered" a baby, and it if was me I will probably kill Jane right away.

    She didn't murdered AJ, She told him that it was an accident. Yet he snapped on her. However i'll be always his fan.
    Also i'm a big fan of Gavin Hammon, Kenny's VA. I hope he'll get more job from telltale.

    I'm even more fan of him now.. He did what he has to do. Jane "murdered" a baby, and it if was me I will probably kill Jane right away. Kenny is the leader, he was right that Arvo was a threat, and he fucking was.

  • No more #Luke vs #Kenny.
    But now,we got #Jane vs #Kenny.
    BTW,I choose to go with Kenny.
    I'm so sorry about them,both of them.
    You did well,Telltale !

  • Jane was just pissed at him, she's too selfish to understand the consequences of her actions.

    Kenny on the other hand, had sacrificed his peace of mind (and for my ending also his own life probably) for AJ and Clem, he's a great guy with a bad temper is all.

    I don't agree with what Kenny did, but it was all Jane's fault. Why the hell did she do that? Just...why? She could have told him. She co

  • I love Kenny more than I ever did after this episode.

    I still love Kenny.

  • Exactly. It makes me sad knowing that lots of people are going to shoot him.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Jane was just pissed at him, she's too selfish to understand the consequences of her actions. Kenny on the other hand, had sacrificed his

  • edited August 2014

    I'm not a Kenny fan and I only agree with him when he has a point(in other words,not many times)I somehow knew Jane was lying and trying to turn Clem against him,so I let him kill her(I was still confused and shocked when I had to make that call)

    And just so you know,his ending is more emotional and fits in.Sure,Kenny has a lot of flaws,but he did all that shit to protect Clementine and the baby.Unlike Jane,he actually cared about people.

    One thing's for sure,Kenny was a good man.

  • I was Kenny's bro since episode 1 of season 1 and I did decide to shoot him so you can imagine how much it broke my heart... than I couldn't tell Jane I forgive her, but I also couldn't say we're going alone cos it wasn't the smart thing to do. I didn't choose anything and I don't know if Clem would go with her anyway or she chose to based on my decision. That part broke me, but I personally pick the ending where Clem goes in Wellington and can have a nice life for a change... Kenny somewhere out... like a true hero he is, that's the ending I choose.

  • Walter & Alvin were killed by a mad man that invaded the lodge and Kenny was trying to kill him for it even if it cost Alvin & Walter's lives and Rebecca was dead no matter what as she was too weak. In Kenny's defense, he was trying to help people. Jane on the other hand instigated a fight that'll lead to Clementine killing her friend to save her sorry ass just to prove a point.

    remorse667 posted: »

    You do not get their friends killed Walter... Alvin... Rebecca... Hell, he almost got Clementine killed. Simply because he wouldn't see any other way. There are consequences for rash actions. Hell, Carlos hit the nail in the head perfectly.

  • Always going to be a huge fan of Kenny, but he can't bring me down with him.

  • SO RIGHT. I too left with Kenny, it's DEFINITELY what my Clementine would do. I cried like a fucking baby at the choice. I never cried in S1, and I got tears when I saw Lee, and was shaking horribly in the Pizza & Ice Cream choice. This episode was incredible. All hail Nick Breckon.

    reedemer posted: »

    I am a massive Kenny fanboy, and I didn't shoot him.... I let him kill Jane... I THOUGHT SHE KILLED THE BABY ! And I didn't feel bad when it

  • Throughout Season 2, I always felt obligated to side with Kenny even though I almost always disagree with him. It was out of loyalty for the past and because he is a good man... But he's also a broken man who seems to destroy everything he touches because of his temper and pigheadedness.

    By the end of Season 2, the writing was on the wall. I knew there would come a point when I had to choose between Kenny and rationality. When the time came, I shot him... It lead to a really tender moment with him, and I felt like euthanasia more than anything.

    What Jane did was wrong, and even though I forgave her, it felt wrong... Like I didn't know what else to do at that point. I liked her throughout the story, but what she did was so misguided and wrong.

    The actual ending I got was pretty unsatisfying.

  • I ended up with Kenny.

    Hopefully, in a few months, Wellington will take Clem, AJ, and Kenny.

  • I ended up with Kenny.

    Hopefully, in a few months, Wellington will take Clem, AJ, and Kenny.

  • Never before have I loved Kenny as much as I did after this episode. I had my doubts that leaving him murder Jane was a good idea, but after I found out that she knew very well what she was doing, pushing him over the edge like that(in the car as well)....I had no regrets.

    He also managed to admit his own faults in the end. Telling Clem that he is afraid that he will hurt her someday as well. All my problems I had with him are gone. Say what you will about him, you can't deny he is a good man.

  • Yeah, I think (almost) the same way, and he also sacrificed himself for Clem and AJ in my ending, but the way he just ice-coldly sinks the blade into Jane's was hard for me to get behind that, even though I love Kenny and think Jane did the wrong thing.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Jane was just pissed at him, she's too selfish to understand the consequences of her actions. Kenny on the other hand, had sacrificed his

  • Still a huge Kenny fan, and yes, I shot him. Like Lee said, sometimes bad things happen to people and they do bad things as a result. Kenny snapped but he was still a good person.

  • Spoiler

    You know I had an on/off relationship with Kenny and this episode finalized my view. I got the Kenny and Wellington ending, his emotional sacrifice made me tear up. I couldnt kill Kenny or leave him, i feel deep down hes a great guy but has a hard time showing it. I actually was going to take the first kill Kenny option there was but when it happened I just couldnt. Thats my opinion on Kenny.

  • I know. He redeemed himself a tad bit there in the ending.

    "I'm really glad to have met you, Clementine." -Kenny

    gd3232 posted: »

    Wait, he gives his hat to Clementine and AJ? how the hell i missed it? Now i miss him even more.

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited August 2014


    gd3232 posted: »

    Wait, he gives his hat to Clementine and AJ? how the hell i missed it? Now i miss him even more.

  • Left Wellington with Kenny. I just couldn't let him die alone, he deserves to see them grow up.

  • Kenny man... Still a great character. He really proved himself in the end.

  • Me too.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I love Kenny more than I ever did after this episode.

  • edited August 2014

    If anything, I like Kenny more than I ever did after this episode. Sure, he has a lot of flaws and there's numerous times I disagreed with him but in the end he acknowledged those flaws and 100% proved that Clem and AJ's well-being is what matters the most for him. Even if them being safe means he has to let go and leave. Just go play the Wellington ending which is what I got in my playthrough. A very emotional scene which made for a great ending. (I agreed with Kenny's reasoning and stayed in Wellington).

    Jane purposefully provoked Kenny to fight her just to prove a point. I knew there was something fishy going on the moment she said how I was "going to see him for what he really is". After trying to stop the fight, I then just let the outcome be whatever it was going to be without interfering. My Clem would not murder Kenny because of a fight that was unnecessary in the first place.

  • The ending where you leave Kenny behind to go to Wellington was very well done. Almost up there with Lee's final moments in Season 1.

  • Kenny is the only person I trusted this entire season. And he was my homeboy last season.

    So yeah, I'm still a fan. Everyone else this season, EVERYONE else can go fuck themselves and die if they haven't already.
    Except for Pete. Pete was cool.

  • Spoiler

    Fuck you...

    Sorry, but Jane was totally in the wrong. Kenny did not deserve to die, bitch was crazy. She almost every time wanted to leave people to die, and she pretended the baby was dead just to provoke Kenny. Total fucking bitch. How you chose to shoot Kenny is beyond me. I wanted to shoot Jane if anything, but her own knife was more fitting.

  • Roadtrip to hunt down Bonnie, Mike and Arvo.

    Once they're dead Clem, AJ and Kenny will take Wellington.

    I ended up with Kenny. Hopefully, in a few months, Wellington will take Clem, AJ, and Kenny.

  • edited August 2014

    I was very happy with Kenny's role in this episode. Lots of overreactions for the hates to munch on, lots of conversations for the loyalists and one great double-ending that far outshone the other three.

    All in all I would say there was lost in the snack box for both haters and beleivers.

  • If anything this Episode made me like him more than I already did, which is certainly saying something. After his fight with Jane at the Rest Stop there's really no way I would want Clem and AJ to stay with Kenny because even though I like him I can see that he's "becoming a danger to the group" as it were. I shot him on my first playthrough for exactly that reason. The thing that made me like him though, the thing that really solidified him as one of my favorite characters is that no matter what you do, let him kill Jane, save Jane by shooting him, or even shooting him after you let him kill her, he realizes what he's become and is willing to give up everything to keep Clem and AJ safe from himself. In the end he realized how far he had fallen and, instead of taking the chance of dragging more people down with him, he goes his own way or lets himself be killed for the sake of everyone else instead of his own.

  • I really can't understand you Kenny-Fans...

    Yes, what Jane did was stupid and wrong (as she admitted), BUT: Image if she really lost the baby, not because she killed it, but because she was surrounded by Walkers, or any other situation she might have lost the baby without her fault. Kenny would STILL have tried to kill her, regardless of how much Jane would have tried. He didn't even let her explain what happened, he immediately tried to freaking murder her. And what if Clem would have lost the Baby? I am nut sure even Clem would be safe from him. Or another way, image you'd be at Jane's place, you'd had the Baby and for whatever reason, you lost it, and suddenly Kenny came and tried to murder you without letting you speak and defend yourself. That's exactly what he did to Jane, regardless of weather or not the Baby was OK. Kenny didn't know that.Jane tried to explain to him it was an accident, and he still wanted to murder her. In my book, there is no excuse for murder, especially if you don't know if the other one really did something bad or tried their best.

    So while what Jane did was definitively (or not?) the wrong way, she was absolutely right. Kenny was mentally unstable and about to explode one way or another, and if Jane or any other Innocent wouldn't be their, who's to say he wouldn't target Clem?

  • Yeah, and Kenny wasn't crazy by (trying) to murder Jane even when he didn't know weather she killed him or tried to save it but couldn't. What if Jane really had lost the Baby, tried her best to save it, but it still died. Kenny, and that was made absolutely clear, would still have tried to murder Jane. That isn't crazy?

  • Nevertheless, saying "You're gonna see what he really is" before the exchange was really stupid. Especially that she expected me to not figure out that she was playing both Clem and Kenny.

    "If's" don't matter, what happened was that she manipulated a emotinally broken man to fight her just to win a few trust points with Clem. That's ugly.

    I really can't understand you Kenny-Fans... Yes, what Jane did was stupid and wrong (as she admitted), BUT: Image if she really lost the

  • But her points were true. And the point wasn't that she's better or something, but that Kenny is dangerous. To Clem, her and everyone else. Again, what if Clem would have lost the Baby? Do you really think Clem would be safe? Surely not, seeing it wasn't the first time Kenny hurt her, physically and mentally.

    He was a dangerous and broken man. Don't believe me? If you shoot him, he HIMSELF admits it. If you don't believe me, believe Kenny himself.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Nevertheless, saying "You're gonna see what he really is" before the exchange was really stupid. Especially that she expected me to not figu

  • I'm with Kenny always. No matter WHAT! I left with Kenny, no way I was going to go into Wellington without him :') I am satisfied with that ending

  • I am a fan of Kenny, but in the end I choose to stick with Jane because I feel it would lead to the best future for AJ and MyClementine

  • edited August 2014

    Yes I think Clem would be safe. She hadn't been driving Kenny into a rage for a whole ride and openly voicing her opposition to keeping the baby. I'm pretty sure Kenny would not have been violent to Clementine.

    Besides, he admits being dangerous when you get to Wellington too, But in twd everyone's dangerous.
    You also have the option to leave him entirely, no need to play Jane's tune, if you distrust him you can just walk away, same with Jane.

    But her points were true. And the point wasn't that she's better or something, but that Kenny is dangerous. To Clem, her and everyone else.

  • The key to me is that Kenny isn't rational. He didn't let Jane talked and just assumed she killed him even when she said she didn't. Like Jane said it was a dumb idea but she put her life on the line to show Clem how dangerous he was. Jane didn't think that Kenny would try to kill her though.

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