What movie would like Telltale Games to Create Next?
I would like Telltale Games to make a game version of the movie --- Spirited Away.
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I would like Telltale Games to make a game version of the movie --- Spirited Away.
The Riddick movies, incl. Pitch Black have all necessary action, story, extraordinary visual environments, excellent Sci-Fi background, plus I want to feel like Vin Diesel
Doctor Who!!!! And why not post in Telltale Should Make thread?
Star Wars
Halloween or Friday the 13th movie. (No clue how they would do it lol)
I want a Harry Potter game from telltalegames.
I still say 24 (the show).
Xena: Warrior Princess. (yes, I'm serious)
Have you played the games?
Planet of the apes
Why not an anime? Comics!
Yugioh game from telltalegames :P
Nice one.
Same answer as the Telltale should make thread.
The Thing.
Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks that could work.
I'd like them to make a game version of: The Fugitive.
That movie is my favorite one that Harrison Ford ever did.
It's a classic!
Thanks for the heads up, This is interesting, I was not aware some Riddick games existed. Unfortunately they are not my kind of games, I'm really TTG style / Monkey Island style player ! I'm not fond of all this fighting.
Well, try to attempt to at least play through and beat Escape from Butcher Bay, I have a feeling you won't regret it. Plus, that's the most classic Riddick game out of the two.
You know there was a "The Thing" game? I don't know if it was any good, but... it's a bit old though.
The Future Diary!!! It would be awesome.
Planet of the Apes seems like it could be a cool game by Telltale
I have no mouth and I must scream could be an awesome Telltale game(But it's never gonna happen). A portal game by Telltale would also be awesome!
I always thought an Adventure Time game where you play as Simon (ice king) and looked after Marciline (a la TWD) directly after the mushroom war would be cool
Telltale should make a game of the movie In Time.
TellTales games 007
I love Telltale, but even they aren't capable of doing a game based on Spirited Away.
I also say a game that would take place in the movie version of Harry Potter would be amazing.
Twin Peaks adventure style game, now that would knock my pants right-off!