[WD] Lost save-files



  • edited September 2012
    Tried all solutions nothing worked.
    So Telltale, where is the official fix or any kind of statement? My buddy that is affected and that I am trying to help also sent you a support inquiry by mail but you failed to answer so far.
  • edited September 2012

    Telltale fix this already.
  • edited September 2012
    Bump. Jeez, come on TT.
  • edited September 2012
    I've given up on getting a functioning product. I strongly suggest everyone who paid with a credit card do a chargeback. It's obvious at this point that Telltale has no intentions of fixing this debilitating issue and, quite frankly, the game is being sold fraudulently as for a good number of people it is flat unplayable due to saves not registering.
  • edited September 2012

    Still no attempt at even replying regarding this issue?
    Well done TT, well done.
  • edited September 2012
    The official support forums here are called "Home of Tears". Do you really expect anything?
  • edited September 2012
    Yeah it's been weeks now. Telltale, we love your game but it's just not the same without our choices saved - can you please address this, or at least let us know you are working on a fix?
  • edited September 2012
    Got an unsatisfying answer from Telltale:

    I apologize for the problem you are experiencing. We are aware of this issue, and currently investigating a potential solution. Unfortunately, once the saves are dissociated from your prefs file, they will no longer appear on the in-game save screen. This can occur when saves are corrupted or when they are manually reset by holding the spacebar while launching the game. The only recourse is to replay episodes 1 and 2 or play episode 3 with randomly generated choices.

    I guess it's not a big deal to replay them, but I'm going to wait until all five episodes are out. I don't want to risk this same bug every single time a new episode comes out. Grrr...
  • edited September 2012
    wreckratz wrote: »
    Got an unsatisfying answer from Telltale:

    I apologize for the problem you are experiencing. We are aware of this issue, and currently investigating a potential solution. Unfortunately, once the saves are dissociated from your prefs file, they will no longer appear on the in-game save screen. This can occur when saves are corrupted or when they are manually reset by holding the spacebar while launching the game. The only recourse is to replay episodes 1 and 2 or play episode 3 with randomly generated choices.

    I guess it's not a big deal to replay them, but I'm going to wait until all five episodes are out. I don't want to risk this same bug every single time a new episode comes out. Grrr...

    Surely they jsut have to create a small compiler program that you plop in your saves file and it recreats the prefs file WITH the saves present in the folder. Sounds like they just can't be bothered, because it IS a big deal to replay them. Nothing is skippable, and if you're replaying just to get your old choices back you're just sitting throught he same scenes again, about 4-5 hours of your life gone replaying that and that;s JUST for episodes 1 and 2. Then of course you gotta go through ep 3 again.
  • edited September 2012
    No, I agree. But what else can we do? I'm not going to boycott the company because I like their games and specifically this one.

    I'm just frustrated that they haven't acknowledged the problem before, and that they don't seem to take ownership of the problem - their e-mail reads like I did something wrong, when really all I did was install episode three after beating one and two.

    I'm hoping someone finds a hack to fix this on the message boards if Telltale can't. One of the previous hacks almost worked, which saved the choices from episode two, but didn't save the choices from episode one. So it must be possible.
  • edited September 2012
    wreckratz wrote: »
    No, I agree. But what else can we do? I'm not going to boycott the company because I like their games and specifically this one.

    I'm just frustrated that they haven't acknowledged the problem before, and that they don't seem to take ownership of the problem - their e-mail reads like I did something wrong, when really all I did was install episode three after beating one and two.

    I'm hoping someone finds a hack to fix this on the message boards if Telltale can't. One of the previous hacks almost worked, which saved the choices from episode two, but didn't save the choices from episode one. So it must be possible.

    Hell, if they just enabled skippable cut scenes and dialog except for when you need tom ake a decision it'd make it more bearable. A two hour episode suddenly becomes 20 minutes long.
  • edited September 2012
    I'm going for a refund.

    I don't want to support developers that don't support their customers.
  • edited September 2012
    mykk wrote: »
    I'm going for a refund.

    I don't want to support developers that don't support their customers.

  • edited October 2012
    I am really disappointed by all this
  • edited October 2012
    i have a question, once we delete our original walking dead folder, all the episodes are deleted as well. does that mean ihave to re-download all the episodes to play from where i left off? sorry im not computer smart so this doesnt make much sense
  • edited October 2012
    My saved games were already erased when I try to fix it with the method.

    Am I the only one in this case ? If so, I will start a campaign for refunds or Season 2 voucher. You can't develop story-telling games and then erase your buyers save games.

    Suggestion : http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37114
  • edited October 2012
    Change everything to normal and check this one:

    Let me know if it worked.
  • edited November 2012
    Siezemore wrote: »
    So I was able to recover my save-files after I had a similar problem like the threadposter. The fix takes about 5 minutes.

    What happened: Game crashed while it was starting up and when I restarted the game after the crash the game had no savefiles of my last gamesession. However, the savefiles were still present in users/my documents/telltale/The Walking dead. The game just did not recognise these files.

    What to do:

    1. Check if your 'lost' saves are still in your savesfolder (users/my documents/telltale/The Walking dead).
    2. Take a backup of this folder.
    3. Locate the savefile you want to 'unf**k'. Do this by checking the time of creation. The order the names of the savefiles suggest are not always correct. Take care to at least backup this save. Then delete the whole The walking Dead folder. The game will create a new, empty one if you start it.
    4. Start the game and play long enough to have at least one savefile created. Playing until you wake up after the car crash should do.
    5. Close the game and download SKTimeStamp (http://code.google.com/p/stexbar/downloads/list). Install the program.
    6. Now locate your NEW savefile. Again, check the creation time. DO NOT think the higher the number in the name, the newer the file is. Right click it and select properties. Select the tab Timestamps. Now do the same with the old savefile that you wish to reinstate. Now change the three timestamps of your old savefile to the exact same values as your new savefile. Click 'apply'
    7. Now name your old savefile exactly as the new one. (i.e. Save_2, if your new savefile was named Save_2). Delete your new savefile and replace it with your old, now named exactly the same, savefile.
    8. start the game and get Lee killed.

    Edit: It seems the situation is slightly different when this happens across different episodes. Some fine sleuthing from McHitman47 later in this thread delivered the solution:

    First off: THANK YOU SO MUCH to you and McHitman47. Your recommendations worked for me. Now I have my save file from the end of episode 4 with all the choices saved, ready to import into episode 5.

    However, when I try to see my 'stats' from episodes 1-3, they aren't there. Can you tell me if this will matter when episode 5 looks at my choices from all the previous episodes? I'm worried episode 5 might randomly generate those.

    EDIT: I used the in-game option to copy my save to another slot (so I could test it out without wiping my progress) I saw that in the intro movies for the previous episodes, my choices (Doug/Carley, salt lick etc) were correct. Of course it doesn't show you all of them, but I figured if it knows I saved Carley, it knows how I treated Kenny, Clementine etc. So I can only assume that all choices are saved in just the one save file - you don't need all of them. So Siezemore's solution really does work! Really looking forward to episode 5 now.
  • edited November 2012
    Hi, sorry I know I may sound really stupid but I'm definitely new to all this. And I am facing the same problem as you and it is so infuriating because I want to start playing the last episode of season 1!!!

    Can I ask if I want to get back all 4 episodes? Do I just copy the LAST save from Episode 4 over the NEW save file you were talking about? How about the rest of the save files I made while playing this game? :confused:
  • edited November 2012
    Hi, sorry I know I may sound really stupid but I'm definitely new to all this. And I am facing the same problem as you and it is so infuriating because I want to start playing the last episode of season 1!!!

    Can I ask if I want to get back all 4 episodes? Do I just copy the LAST save from Episode 4 over the NEW save file you were talking about? How about the rest of the save files I made while playing this game? :confused:
    I had the same problem when Episode 3 was released and I had to copy the last save from Episode 1, and then the last save from Episode 2, and it worked. However, the same shit just happened to me again now. And I really am not looking forward to repeating this procedure with 4 Episodes.
  • edited November 2012
    It seems like you only need to restore your last savefile from the last episode you played. I'm not sure however. Try it out and share the results here.
  • edited November 2012
    Thank you so much. You've saved my Let's Play series!
  • edited November 2012
    My game has now completely messed up. I think it is related to the save file bug.

    Basically I finished episode 5 (which seemed to think I had let Clem eat human meat - WRONG!) and decided to replay the entire series. To be safe I did a clean install and wiped everything inside The Walking Dead folder in My Documents/Telltale Games. Completed episode 1 and 2 fine, got a few scenes into episode 3 and then I quit. Now when I start the game, my save file seems to think I only completed episode 1. I have to play episode 2 again. Also, now in the intro to episode 2 it thinks I saved Doug... when I didn't.

    I'm completely abandoning this game now until I hear that Telltale has fixed it. From the look of these forums, and the ones on Steam, many people are having these problems. There is no fix that works. The workaround mentioned in this thread still results in some choices being read wrong, and it doesn't stop the game from corrupting your saves again in the future. The only people who can fix this is Telltale.... will they bother?
  • edited November 2012
    I had the same kind of problems than Matt.

    First I thought i actually managed to save my game after the save bug following the method in this thread but I realized pretty soon that something was off.

    In the previously sequence, already i had a doubt since Doug was showed alive instead of Carly but then near the end it got worse since ALL my choices were fucked up. The game was saying not only that I saved doug but also that I let Clem eat human meat, that we looted the car and that I didn't tell her the truth. I don't know if it would have changed anything to the ending but still I won't find out.

    Really sad because I enjoyed the serie a lot, I hope it'll get fixed soon so at least I'll find out what really happened in the end of my story (I don't mind replaying the whole thing but I wanna be sure it won't get screwed again)
  • edited December 2012
    dant_ee wrote: »
    I think I have the old save, but there is nothing I can do to read them. I tried to get only the old files, but the date displayed on the slot game save is still the last one, and if I try to load it, I have a black screen :)
    Anyway, I'm restarting (again) the game. I hope it's the last time.

    And why do not you use the Steam cloud save system? I can't load my game from another computer...

    Dude Im having the same problem. Did your saved game ever return or did you just start from scratch?
  • edited December 2012

    Fix your shit TT.
  • edited December 2012
    I think I fixed a save game loss during episode two and I wanted to share it here for anyone who's trying to fix their game in the general forum.

  • PilPil
    edited December 2012
    Siezemore wrote: »
    So I was able to recover my save-files after I had a similar problem like the threadposter. The fix takes about 5 minutes.

    What happened: Game crashed while it was starting up and when I restarted the game after the crash the game had no savefiles of my last gamesession. However, the savefiles were still present in users/my documents/telltale/The Walking dead. The game just did not recognise these files.

    What to do:

    1. Check if your 'lost' saves are still in your savesfolder (users/my documents/telltale/The Walking dead).
    2. Take a backup of this folder.
    3. Locate the savefile you want to 'unf**k'. Do this by checking the time of creation. The order the names of the savefiles suggest are not always correct. Take care to at least backup this save. Then delete the whole The walking Dead folder. The game will create a new, empty one if you start it.
    4. Start the game and play long enough to have at least one savefile created. Playing until you wake up after the car crash should do.
    5. Close the game and download SKTimeStamp (http://code.google.com/p/stexbar/downloads/list). Install the program.
    6. Now locate your NEW savefile. Again, check the creation time. DO NOT think the higher the number in the name, the newer the file is. Right click it and select properties. Select the tab Timestamps. Now do the same with the old savefile that you wish to reinstate. Now change the three timestamps of your old savefile to the exact same values as your new savefile. Click 'apply'
    7. Now name your old savefile exactly as the new one. (i.e. Save_2, if your new savefile was named Save_2). Delete your new savefile and replace it with your old, now named exactly the same, savefile.
    8. start the game and get Lee killed.

    Edit: It seems the situation is slightly different when this happens across different episodes. Some fine sleuthing from McHitman47 later in this thread delivered the solution:

    SiezeMore and HitMan47 are gods. I love them. :)

    This is so far the only post I found about how to fix the damn thing that was caused for me by a crash, and to get back my saves if prefs.prop gets corrupted and you don't have any previous version of it...

    BUT : :mad:
    I usually find myself as a grown adult not prone to yell for anything annoying on forums, but you guys from TellTale should definitely question your view of customer service :

    1 - Come on...! No way to change keyboard mapping on a PC in 2012??? Seriously? I've now played for 15 hours and still find myself striking "q" instead of "a" because you guys couldn't figure out a proper way to include a "ChangeKeyboardLayout" routine in your framework for stupid europeans like me... But hey, your story is greatly written (if your code is not...) so I felt like I won't complain...

    2 - But yesterday, a Crash happened, after 15h of game done, "prefs.prop" file was corrupted, and what can I find on your Forums from you guys from TellTale? A copy/paste answer explaining that there is nothing to do? Come on...

    3 - Worse : I eventully finds out that a solution exists to get things done and you guys couldn't figure out a way to stick it on your forum first page or to spread this working solution, or to give people a substitute to get saves reintegrated?

    To me this looks like you are not really competent into software development. Nothing bad here, it happens, actually you made a funny game, people could excuse this.
    But having people complaining about loosing their progress, while you were selling thousand of copies of every episodes during 8 months and not doing anything or hiring anybody competent to get things done could be interpreted like some kind of a beginning of a slight sign of disrespect.
    Maybe you don't care about PC geeks that are always complaining about something, maybe you're right and should stick to selling billions of copy to IPad, Wii, PS3 users, but I'll keep a sour taste in my mouth after saying the word TellTale for the next few days...

    Thanks for nothing really...
  • edited December 2012
    So I'm replaying the game today. I finish episode 3 and exit the game. I decide to reload it so I can verify it saved. I guess the game suddenly is syncing to the steam cloud? It didnt finish and errored at me. When I launch the game all my progress from today is gone. I'm back to where I was yesterday. Is there a way to force STEAM to sync the local save game files to the server?
  • PilPil
    edited December 2012
    Hi, sorry I know I may sound really stupid but I'm definitely new to all this. And I am facing the same problem as you and it is so infuriating because I want to start playing the last episode of season 1!!!

    Can I ask if I want to get back all 4 episodes? Do I just copy the LAST save from Episode 4 over the NEW save file you were talking about? How about the rest of the save files I made while playing this game? :confused:

    You do not care : every save includes the previous ones incrementaly.
    So if you take only the last one in your corrupted saves directory (last meaning time of creation, NOT file number), you'll get all your decisions from previous episodes working.

    Just make sure to use the same episode as the one you were playing when your game did crash to create the new savegame, then replace it using Siezemore method.

    And it works perfectly.

    Ah: and I forgot :
    Thanks a lot to Siezemore and Hitman47 to ensure the devs job.
    Should their entire life and familiy other thousands of generations be blessed!

    Actually I wrote a long message to explain why this behavior of the dev team could be seen as not respectful to us, but it seems like a bot was set-up to filter any "un-positive" message.
    Which a great sign of respect too.

    So I "love" you guys from the devs and CS services.:rolleyes:
    Have a nice sleep on your mastress full of dollars.
  • edited December 2012
    When I delete the Documents\Walking Dead folder after backing up my saves on a flash drive, then I run the Walking Dead program, it automatic recreates all of my saves that I previously had and I still am stuck with the same issues I had before (no previous found saves when starting Ep3).

    I couldn't find the saves under the steamapps folder in the Walking Dead files. So I'm stuck on Sizemore's fix. Any one have any ideas.

    This is really annoying.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited December 2012
    tmaertzig wrote: »
    When I delete the Documents\Walking Dead folder after backing up my saves on a flash drive, then I run the Walking Dead program, it automatic recreates all of my saves that I previously had and I still am stuck with the same issues I had before (no previous found saves when starting Ep3).

    After you deleted your savegames, they are restored from the steam cloud the next time you start TWD.

    If you want to manipulate the savegames manually, you should disable steam cloud for TWD (In Steam, right click TWD and select "properties". Open the tab "updates" and remove the checkbox from "Enable Steam cloud synchronization for TWD").
    Now you can try restoring your prefs.prop to a previous version (right click, "properties", "restore previous version").
    If you don't have that feature, or don't get a good result, you can try Siezemores workaround.

    Once you have your latest savegame working, you should make a backup of your savegame folder, and try if everything still works after reenabling steam cloud.
  • edited December 2012
    Disable steam cloud (thanks!).

    Tried Sizemore's fix and it still didn't work. Deleted the TWD folder from Documents, started a new game from Ep2 since that was were my save was from. Played about 10 minutes to create some saves. Used the timestamp tool to change a save from near the end of Ep2 from the original playthrough to the timestamp of my latest save on the fix playthrough. Overwrote the fix playthrough save with the file from the original and restarted TWD. Game picked up with my save (near the end of Ep2) so I played the rest out. Ep2 finished, let the credits run. Went back to main menu. Click play and it went to Ep3 and once again asked me to randomly generate choices.

    Now what the hell do I do?
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited December 2012
    tmaertzig wrote: »
    Now what the hell do I do?

    It's possible that your issue is caused by having multiple prefs.prop files, which sometimes happens for unknown reasons.
    There should be only one prefs.prop, and that's in the savegame folder.

    Please check if there are additional prefs.prop files in the install folder (e.g. \Steam\SteamApps\common\the walking dead) or it's subfolders.
    If so, make a backup copy of the prefs.prop and delete it from the install folder.
    If that doesn't help, make a backup copy of the savegame folder's prefs.prop, and then try copying the install folder prefs.prop to the savegame folder.
  • edited December 2012
    DjNDB wrote: »
    It's possible that your issue is caused by having multiple prefs.prop files, which sometimes happens for unknown reasons.
    There should be only one prefs.prop, and that's in the savegame folder.

    Please check if there are additional prefs.prop files in the install folder (e.g. \Steam\SteamApps\common\the walking dead) or it's subfolders.
    If so, make a backup copy of the prefs.prop and delete it from the install folder.
    If that doesn't help, make a backup copy of the savegame folder's prefs.prop, and then try copying the install folder prefs.prop to the savegame folder.

    Not sure if you work for TT, or are just a good soul, but I appreciate you trying to help.

    Only have one prefs.prop file (in the savefile area), nothing in the steam folders. I had already checked this and just rechecked again. So that won't help.

    I also tried the restore previous version of the pref.prop previously, but it took me so far back to near the beginning of the game, that it didn't help.

    I tried to rewind the end of Ep2 and replay it, that didn't help either.

    Any other thoughts? Tell me I'm not screwed. I can't believe TT has not put something out to fix this game. The whole game is based around carrying over choices to each Ep. What the hell!
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited December 2012
    tmaertzig wrote: »
    Not sure if you work for TT, or are just a good soul, but I appreciate you trying to help.
    Any other thoughts? Tell me I'm not screwed. I can't believe TT has not put something out to fix this game. The whole game is based around carrying over choices to each Ep. What the hell!

    I am a voluntary community moderator, a forum member with additional privileges to keep this place running peacefully. I have a computer science background, and often use it to help others.

    I am not sure why you still can't carry over your decisions.

    At the moment i have one last idea.
    Can you please check if any of the folders below exist, by copying each line into the windows explorers address bar individually?
    If a folder exists, it will show it's contents. Otherwise you will see an error message.

    %PUBLIC%\Documents\Telltale Games\GameData

    %PUBLIC%\Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead

    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Telltale Games\GameData

    Please tell me the results for each folder.
  • tried it several times and nothing is working for me either.... :(

  • edited December 2013

    I am another person with issues getting my save file carrying over to the next episode, this time on Playstation Vita.

    After completing episode 2 and trying to start ep 3 I get the message "Generate story decisions for skipped episodes" which I obviously don't want to do after investing 5 or so hours making decisions in the first two episodes.

    I've noticed these issues go back to when the game was originally released in 2012 and to know it is nearly 2014 and Telltale are still selling the game with these bugs (and many others on Vita - it runs very badly - SEE ALSO https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/50581/vita-version-of-walking-dead-is-a-disgrace) is shocking. The Vita version was only released a few months ago and yet these issues still remain.

    I fell very annoyed about this and it looks like there are no patches or even any explanations from the developers.

  • edited August 2014


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience, please read this Sticky on how to run our Support Tool, and follow the steps to run the tool, and reply here with the download link copied and pasted into a reply. You can find the Sticky here:


    After receiving the information from your support tool, I will be able to assist you further.

    Louis98 posted: »

    I had to restart the game now the FIFTH TIME! When I completed it the first time there were no problems at all. When wanted to restart it t

This discussion has been closed.