Season 2 ?!

How could season 2 begin, and will there be a second season !?


  • Hopfully, yes, ther will be but we can STILL not be be sure.

  • uhhh, blueneon means that we dont know anything yet.


  • yes

    Free_Dead posted: »

    uhhh, blueneon means that we dont know anything yet. xd

  • We don't know if there will be one but hopefully there will be or at the very least a DLC. It will probably start 1-2 years after the events of "Cry Wolf" (depending on how much impact season one has)

  • I really hope so , I'm a big fan of TWD (comics,TV,Game) but I think TWAU was even better !, I hope it will be soon because right now they are making Game of thrones and Tales from Borderlands and I don't watn to wait a year :'( ... but is it the same company (vertigo Dc comics) I don't think so

    We don't know if there will be one but hopefully there will be or at the very least a DLC. It will probably start 1-2 years after the events of "Cry Wolf" (depending on how much impact season one has)

  • Hopefully so. I've been more invested in this series than any of the other games Telltale has put out

  • I hope they announce a second season soon. It's too good a game to just make it one season.

  • If there isn't a season 2.....

    Alt text

  • You will star renting extra mirrors...

    If there isn't a season 2.....

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